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[ Reboot ] Way Too hard to get Meister

Reactions: 975
Posts: 179
edited September 2023 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
It is way too time consuming to get Meister rank not only do the items that are worth making for experience have a long cooldown but , we lose experience past level 10 . It is unrealistic to expect people to collect the right amount of seeds for each recipe they are so expensive and it doesn't seem like these items are realistically obtainable . Especially for a Reboot player who doesn't have access to the market.


  • FuhreakFuhreak
    Reactions: 7,740
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    edited September 2023
    They're changing this to not lose EXP over time in the future.
  • RedRavenRedRaven
    Reactions: 1,280
    Posts: 294
    edited September 2023
    professions are sort of useless anyway

    Monsters Park sell 30 ATT/MATT potions
    gear ain't even worth it(except Dominator Pendant if Arkarium haven't drop you a few already)
    and the Meister set(not including weapon)(if you dont got Arcane Umbra set//AbsoLab gear)

    and what freak said...recent announcement on KMS(Orange Mushroom website report)

    also we be able to dye our camo gear soon too if your interest....not a perfect system if it apply to an item that also has like emblems on them(like Stars, Dragon logo, other things like that).....unless the dyeing work for both part of the items which would rly surprise me coming from NX
  • FuhreakFuhreak
    Reactions: 7,740
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    edited September 2023
    Professions are worth a little bit more than just that, but uses are still niche, yes.

    Craftsman/Meister Smithing gives a critical damage buff and is also useful for deimos shields. (BIS for many classes)
    Alchemy Craftsman/Meister is useful for recipe extraction, which helps you get enough grandmaster spell essences to fund the eternal need for whetstones for the smithing buff, as well as Meister Rings.
    Accessory crafting is useful for Meister Rings and also 130 Pendant/Face Accessories which are useful for transfering into a potential 1 tap for 20* item.

    They're all useful, but not nearly enough to justify the high bar that Nexon sets. Removing EXP decay will honestly fix all of this since it will only have to be done once per account.
    This is all just on reboot too, I believe professions are worth a lot more on reg servers due to added services.
  • iBundanceiBundance
    Reactions: 975
    Posts: 179
    edited October 2023
    Reboot still requires us to level professions on all characters it's not account wide.
  • iBundanceiBundance
    Reactions: 975
    Posts: 179
    edited October 2023
    the item requirements seems a bit high too considering i havent made any meister items yet and i have multiple characters which have been farming which still isnt enough to make a single meister equip. yet alone reach master craftsman
  • FuhreakFuhreak
    Reactions: 7,740
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    edited October 2023
    Sadly these items only drop or have higher drop rates in lower level areas from when those areas were the end game.
    If Nexon wanted crafting to be easier they could include these items in the higher level areas.
    They reason they probably don't do this is because on reg server where these items are tradable, it gives newer players something of value to sell to the higher level players.
    In reboot however, this isn't the case so you could argue that leaving it like this makes the server "harder" (more time intensive) than reg server.
    Which is probably why Nexon hasn't/won't touch it for us.
  • iBundanceiBundance
    Reactions: 975
    Posts: 179
    edited October 2023
    well yeah not knowing where they drop is a huge problem , id expect them to drop from high level mobs considering high level mobs have very little useful drops. They consistently drop pensalir sets which most of us do not need. or maybe im using my pensalir sets wrong.
  • FuhreakFuhreak
    Reactions: 7,740
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    edited October 2023
    Pensalir is the last set before you move to boss sets, so no you're not using them wrong Nexon just strangely includes them all the way up until the 6th job areas.
    If you're looking to farm the Crafting mats, they have higher drop rates mostly in 100~180 areas. The Future and Temple of Time maps are especially useful if you're looking for piece of time or twisted time.

    Here are a few locations for some useful recipes. There are more than this but these are the ones I personally confirmed by either seeing them drop myself or in a video.
    Fire throwing stars: Mantis

    Purple Bear Pendant: Harp | Ore Muncher
    Purple Owl Pendant: Mutant Tiguru | Plateon
    Purple Peacock Pendant: Memory Guardian
    Purple Wolf Pendant: Chief Qualm Guardian

    Angelic Blessing: Patrol Bot

    Shiny Red Warrior Symbol: Red Goblin | Specter Battle Hound | Mutant Tiru
    Shiny Red Bowman Symbol: Yeti | Soul Teddy
    Shiny Red Mage Symbol: White Robosaucer | MT-09 | Grey Vulture
    Shiny Red Thief Symbol: Strong Stone Goblin | Chief Oblivion Guardian | Dark Klock | Qualm Monk
    Shiny Red Pirate Symbol: Night (Future Maps) | Grey Commuter Saucer | Bellflower Root | Gray Luxury Saucer
  • StaconaStacona
    Reactions: 2,045
    Posts: 524
    edited October 2023
    Craftsman and Meister ranks will not decay anymore AFTER New Age is completed entirely.