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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Nexon monetization of Sol Erda
In a recent video (and surely more to come) it was discovered that Nexon are planning to monetize Sol Erda by adding a "Sol Erda booster" to the cash shop that allows you to get 200 extra Sol Erda ENERGY and 20 sol erda fragments per day. Now it all makes sense why they're capping Sol Erda energy in NA. This is absolutely disheartening and depressing. If it wasn't obvious before Nexon view us not as players, but cash cows to be milked.
This booster you speak of is being added to Maple Sea There is no confirmation or even hint that it is gonna be added to GMS.
Just cause Maple Sea is getting this booster does not mean that it will automatically comes to GMS and it was not something that was just "wow this just now was announced for maple sea" It was announced together with their New Age website. It was mentioned but no price or content was written but it was put on the website that maple sea would have something called a "booster".
So you think the cap and the booster are a good move on Nexon's part? KMS doesn't have a cap. If we didn't have a cap and had the booster no one would be complaining.
No i never said it was a good idea, i stated it was not something they hid as they released their 6th job new age webpage. Thats all i stated. I think the item itself is a really bad idea and game design flaw that should not be implemented cause it is just a cash grab.
Reguarding the cap i personally dont think its a good thing to put a cap on an item we need tons of and it would be like regulating nodestones for 5th job in a sence. When 5th job came out there was some restrictions sure but not something that would cost real money.
I stand by the "remove the cap" sentiment cause i personally would rather be able to choose a day where i can go more hardcore at grinding then being stuck to more daily story wich i already am stuck on.
And that is different from the previous updates because....?