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Jr.Reaper perm pet price(250$ avg is too much) fix

Reactions: 1,105
Posts: 234
edited November 2023 in General Chat
thats like 1/4 of my monthly earning......are you out of your mind NX ???

not accounting the rng variable that could go bad(500-750$)..ofc with good luck its like 125$ but thats still way too insane

150$ Cad = 100 USD

talking about the Nov 25 black friday sale......thats not a sale its a mega rip off

i want the perm pet but not at such insane cost....40$ Cad would be expensive enough

and black friday is suppose to be great price reduction...so maybe make it like 25$ Cad cost(16.600$ USD)...at 5% rate the package would have to cost 3k NX to even have a reasonnable chance at Jr.Reaper

as much as i want the pet the price tag is much too high...maybe ask the single million $ man player to buy it(certainly gonna get you profit like that :S)

in otherword less than 1% of your player base gonna bother trying


  • AlbinorockAlbinorock
    Reactions: 2,205
    Posts: 221
    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2023
    It's gacha. You can get it cheap or not. Idk why you're complaining about gacha in a gacha game. Your "math" is off and like i said...its RNG. you can get the pet for 25 bucks or not. Your average is just sad.
    All your posts are just you being uneducated or just complaining..relax.
  • RedRavenRedRaven
    Reactions: 1,105
    Posts: 234
    edited December 2023
    how was my math off ? Jr.Reaper chance was 1/20

    3 attempts per package

    20/3 = 6.6 package average

    1 package cost 25$

    6.6 X 25$ = 165$ USD avg(convert to Cad X1.5 = 247.5$ avg

    bad rng exist so ofc that should be factor in as well..spending 165$ USD(247.5$ Cad) would not have guaranteed the pet(there no rng protection in those packages)

    i know full well about gacha game but this is too extreme....i dont lack education...thats just plain common sense that pricing should be made reasonnable even if gotta gamble a bit..a fair gambling game would not make it so unfavorable to the player

    even if the odds were 1/5 to get the pet ...that mean you'd have to spend 41.66$ avg(still a huge loosing favor for the gambler) but AT LEAST the player would not feel hard rip off that way unlike the current odds(1/20)

    but a rating of 1/20 mean you likely pay at least 3-4X more than the price it should be(AND thats if your lucky)

    btw not all my posts are complains ?..and if you wish to bring up the ied formula in the Kanna thread spare me...bad habit of mine to rush talk while missing an overlook detail

    anyway....that dont change the fact that the price tag was over the top.... if you like tossing your money away thats on you mr.whale... if you weren't rich you would actually care about where you invest your money and not feel indifferent about this... because honestly you dont seem like you care at all in regard to absurd pricing

    ya i know late reply, been off-forum for a while..had other things on my mind last 2 weeks and half
  • LadysioLadysio
    Reactions: 1,725
    Posts: 95
    edited December 2023
    I think that's the whole point...what's the value of a perma pet to you?

    Honestly i think you looking at it wrong, its a pet with no monthly fee tied to it and when you apply all the skills to it that's it done deal you now have no more reason to even glance at the cash shop unless you like the clothes or hyper teleport rock and MP tickets (but those costs mesos so...).

    So ill explain this in a business sense if all you want is the pet that literally stops you from buying the revives for a pet in a server where the only thing i make money from is daily vanishing journey skips and clothing from the cash shop and maybe the MNN replays you bet your sweet bippy im going to charge 25$ for 3 chances at 5%

    Considering that the only OTHER way to get perma pets is by wonderberry that costs 4$ a try at a outrageous chance of 0.50%!!! and 1.00%...i think they are in the right mind set as a business.

    But let it be known that just cause i see the reason behind the pricing don't mean i gotta like it xD
  • RedRavenRedRaven
    Reactions: 1,105
    Posts: 234
    edited December 2023
    business sense is very off then..............World of Warcraft cost 40$ for 2 months gameplay time per player to play....getting a single Perm Jr.Reaper would be the equivalent to like 1 year gameplay time on WoW

    ofc maple is free to play but its not by making things super expensive that its gonna hook ppl into buying...chance you earn more income is if ppl are happy with the pricing...so you loose out big time in term of business actually....so your best bet is reasonnable price

    also ppl will certainly want more than just a pet....camo are very enticing and if multi-camo are bought you get plenty to earn from multi-source of cash items
    ....a salary dont rely entirely on a single item sale you know ?

    between 50 players willing to spend 40$ for 1 item and 1 player willing to spend spending 250$ for 1 item which choice do you think is the best one ? common sense buddy

    also Nexon is loosing out so much income by making things limited time or not willing to sell certain cash items that were sold in the past(Fomo dont work to get more consistent sales)(well might work on a gambling addict and dummies but not the common mass players)

    i did play Maple years ago and pricing wasn't that extreme back then....perm items would cost between 8$ and 12$ .... not 250$ avg(which is not even guaranteed)

    here an idea though that Nexon COULD implement to force package purchase but the player get a fair price for those items and stuff they want

    75$ Package(players get to pick 5 items to add into that package, these 5 items have a permanent duration)

    this be my last reply in here..... if you guys are in favor of Nexon ways then there no point trying to make sense further....i just can't agree with their pricing and i refuse to spend an amount only whales can afford for a single item
  • KrimlockKrimlock
    Reactions: 1,840
    Posts: 130
    edited December 2023

    RedRaven wrote: »
    business sense is very off then..............World of Warcraft cost 40$ for 2 months gameplay time per player to play....getting a single Perm Jr.Reaper would be the equivalent to like 1 year gameplay time on WoW

    ofc maple is free to play but its not by making things super expensive that its gonna hook ppl into buying...chance you earn more income is if ppl are happy with the pricing...so you loose out big time in term of business actually....so your best bet is reasonnable price

    also ppl will certainly want more than just a pet....camo are very enticing and if multi-camo are bought you get plenty to earn from multi-source of cash items
    ....a salary dont rely entirely on a single item sale you know ?

    between 50 players willing to spend 40$ for 1 item and 1 player willing to spend spending 250$ for 1 item which choice do you think is the best one ? common sense buddy

    also Nexon is loosing out so much income by making things limited time or not willing to sell certain cash items that were sold in the past(Fomo dont work to get more consistent sales)(well might work on a gambling addict and dummies but not the common mass players)

    i did play Maple years ago and pricing wasn't that extreme back then....perm items would cost between 8$ and 12$ .... not 250$ avg(which is not even guaranteed)

    here an idea though that Nexon COULD implement to force package purchase but the player get a fair price for those items and stuff they want

    75$ Package(players get to pick 5 items to add into that package, these 5 items have a permanent duration)

    this be my last reply in here..... if you guys are in favor of Nexon ways then there no point trying to make sense further....i just can't agree with their pricing and i refuse to spend an amount only whales can afford for a single item

    Sir and or madam i do believe you are mathing wrong...horribly wrong!

    WoW for 2 months is 30$+tax (14.99) the WoW token is 20$ per token and can be bought with in game currency that is 40$ for 2 months where you fail in the math on that is a permanent pet is infinite INFINITE!!! there is no equivalent to ANYTHING price wise for that xD

    Yeah maplestory IS free to play yet on a daily you see MVP reds and diamonds in BOTH new and old reboot servers so people going to buy whatever whenever no matter the cost its just the way it is so as a business if i see people are willing to pay and the majority DO pay then yes i would 100% do it no question the simple fact that each and every one of those boxes sold out in the blink of an eye is a testament to that.

    And ill say this between 50 players willing to spend 40$ for one item and 1 person spending 250$ for 1 item you really need to fact check your common sense for THIS game cause let me tell you those MVP players are that for a reason...you might want to take a walk into some high lvl zones and check those pets cause most if not all will have a petite or vac pet or permanent pet of some type or a monthly hilla pet case and point spending money out the butt despite the cost.

    And nexons not loosing out on any cash flow by making things limited at all they been doing this hustle for over 2 decades and despite the constant screams of "dead game" and "this game is not worth playing" their revenue is a constant UP stream LOL

    Finally stop saying 250$ avg that is a hypothetical estimate on RNG PERIOD you could have gotten that pet on 1 purchase or not at all on ALL purchases of those boxes .but it being limited amount to purchase saying avg is null and void...

    But ill end with this you and i are a consumer, we have and will always look for the cheaper price you your self have stated that you played years ago and prices was not that high...welcome to 2023! what amount of cash you are willing to part with is not the mind set of everyone playing this game most people got that disposable income to just dump it here...but if you want further proof of this mind set i direct you over to twitch ill say nothing further on the subject.