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Update to S1 Punch King Ranks for Adele due to Ban
Recently, the player who was rank 1 during season 1 of the World's Best Punch King event for the Adele class was permanently banned for hacking/botting reasons.
With the recency of the competitive event of World's Best Punch King, would it be possible to get an update on the rankings and rewards due to this? One of the actions taken against permanently banned players is the removal of their character information on official player rankings, and it would seem consistent if similar action is taken on the official rankings page for the Punch King event as well
https://maplestory.nexon.net/rankings/punchking, and it would also mean a lot to the ranking adele players who have put in a lot of time and effort into their characters/event. Moreover, it would be very unfortunate if the rewards for the rank 1 Adele (chair and effect) are lost forever on a banned account.
Impersonating someone on the forums is against the code of conduct in case you haven't read it, and it seems like you have a lot of time to waste so maybe find something better to do?
Good luck.
He got unbanned and I would delete this post and rescind my request if the rank 1 adele was innocent and got unbanned as well
I'm not quite understanding what claim you are trying to make. So you consider a rank to be achieved if cheating was involved to get it? I wouldn't be requesting for this if a lot of time has passed since the event and the questionability of cheating being involved was hazy, but it was quite recent and it seems fair to ask for a retroactive reward distribution. It is also untrue that they don't have the tools to do it because they have already done it in both GMS and KMS with a handful of other characters involved in violations.
sorry that is my brown big brother felper. the only thing he's guilty of is impersonating the goat duky by getting sent to the bahamas for vacation. he mean no harm. just want to farm
Not at all. As you'd agree, none of us knows if foul play was involved to get their PK rank. There is no clear evidence to support either cause.
However, we do know that he was not removed from rankings (while others did) when rewards were initially distributed and was only punished after 6 months after for some action of theirs. 6 months is a long time for this game, but we can leave that as a difference of opinion.
Yes they have redistributed rewards before. However, I think this was a one-time manual effort in GMS, limited to only a small group of people (some people even got the incorrect rank chair in the redistribution). It sounds like I wrongly assumed that you were implying for fairer ask of a re-distribution system that's continuously supported for all classes. If you're only asking for a one-time redistribution only for Adele's because of recent events (not even for DBs, I/Ls, etc.), it just sounds petty and self-centered.
I'm not sure why you think I would agree with this. The permanent ban with the reasoning of botting/hacking alone is more than enough evidence to suspect foul play. In case you aren't aware, the main method of progression in this game is through countless many hours of hunting monsters in fields. Progressing to a point to be able to compete in an event like this would require an exceptional amount of time and effort. Nexon along with many other game companies put in a lot of time and consideration into decisions like permanent bans relating to violations like botting/hacking, meaning that the violations could have been happening well before the duration of the Punch King event. This is the only uncertainty in this case which is the only thing I can agree on that it is entirely up to Nexon to investigate and make a decision on.
The players that were removed from rankings that participated in the Punch King event were ones that were already off-rankings from prior violations that did not result in a permanent ban. Entirely different situation.
I don't see how the redistribution being a one-time manual effort is relevant at all. Why does it matter whether it is manual or automated? Also, like I mentioned, a major reason why I am asking for this is because of the recency of the event; obviously I wouldn't be speaking out about it if it happened after a very long time/several other seasons of the event.
And it's not that I'm not asking for a continuous re-distribution based on similar scenarios for other classes, but moreso focusing on adele because it is the one that myself and other adele players are involved in. I don't see what is so wrong about that? If other players of their respective classes feel the same way about their rankings and voice it out, I would fully support it because I believe in fairplay. You calling me petty and self-centered just seems like an unnecessary attack to me directly and if you have any issues with me, feel free to dm me on discord my handle is sangnope
These rankings are more than just "in-game." They are represented clearly and publicly on Nexon's website: https://maplestory.nexon.net/rankings/punchking
We can all agree that players who have been permabanned for botting/macroing should not represent Maplestory's legacy.