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2024 MapleFest Feedback

Reactions: 2,045
Posts: 520
edited October 2024 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
If I would just say it was not good is pretty useless feedback and helps nothing and no one. Share your opinions on what you all think of this year's MapleFest 2024, what you like and dislike about the livestream and the such.

It is cool that Inkwell and Dr. Lim had fun with it and did the fake-out dance show, and that they actually appeared in person.

Ride or Die content would have been nice to see what the rewards were and what the content actually was. This is still a total mystery which makes getting excited for it also a mystery (also known as, there cannot be any excitement for an unknown factor).

Overall pacing was pretty good, ignoring the length of the show was a couple hours longer than it should be and focusing on stuff that didn't interest people at all.

Everything that was not directly MapleStory Main Game related was boring, dull, and uninteresting.

What be nice for the future for MapleFests going forward:

~ Focus on upcoming content, showcase it, talk about it, and showcase it while talking about it.

~ Fun new GMS exclusive content - especially permanent content - would be great.

~ Tone back and remove a lot of the (not the correct word, but best I got) "cringey" content and reduce the amount of fluff in order to have more time showcasing and talking about the content that players really want to see and hear about. This also condenses the show while having more time with the important stuff.

~ Inkwell / Dr. Lim talking about the content on stage is great! Inkwell is better as he is fluent in English, so does not need a translator which doubles the time required, but still want to hear from Dr. Lim directly too.

~ The animation was super cool to all watch together and more stuff like this in the future be nice to have, including a mix of pixel-art style like what we got in 2024 and more traditional "high-quality" hand drawn animation style - like what we would see with the story cutscenes similar to Lara's cutscenes. Getting animated stuff is always super nice to see and to have!

~ Make the livestream available on YouTube as well.

Disappointing hopes I would have liked to have seen announced this year, 2024 MapleFest:

~ Heroic Worlds' Final Damage Passive buffed up to be stronger and/or changed into something that is stronger than it is.

~ Familiar System Rework to be something that is not dumb to interactive with and not add in new Grandis area familiars until the system is better to deal with first.

- Things like we can buy cards with mesos (with no purchase limit / unlimited purchase as long as we have the mesos for it) to tier up and roll for lines in a similar fashion to how we do it with cubes. This will let us use the familiars we WANT to have summoned out. So if we want Red Snail and Orange Mushroom familiars, we can do that and still get the familiar potential lines that we want.

- Familiars to have infinite summon time. I want familiars to feel like I can have, up to, 3 additional pets that ideally are of my favourite monsters in the game following me around! Having infinite summon time allows for this to occur like they are a part of fashion story.

- I would like to see more options for potential lines too, for example, flat cooldown reduction, % cooldown reduction, and % chance to skip cooldowns would be cool options to roll for allowing for personal player expression with their character(s).

~ The initial tease for Ride or Die kind of looked like more GMS Masteria content, but now I just want to see more permanent GMS Masteria expansion content. This was also very ambitious on my part however and not so much a disappointment with it not being here.


  • RedRavenRedRaven
    Reactions: 1,280
    Posts: 287
    edited October 2024
    still nope for the FD buff....if all classes are able to do end-bosses then there is no need to touch that....leave it alone or highlight classes that have actual problem with high end boss(aka never cleared(not counting carries))

    Familiars: i'am fine with those 3 suggestion

    here something you miss btw
    1- Familiar preset..would be a lil quicker than browsing familiar list and having to swap DR fam with a boss dmg% one

    2- Much more points out of extraction..from 10 points per card to 100 points...thats still like 50 copies for a single trade at 100 points worth which is a huge amount
    even with 300-400% DR while farming
  • StaconaStacona
    Reactions: 2,045
    Posts: 520
    edited October 2024
    RedRaven wrote: »

    The Final Damage buff is for future content.

    Familiar Presets already exist.

    The point of a rework is to move away from tedious familiar grinding and allow players to progress familiars however they want, which includes letting players pick whatever familiar they want. Instead of only having the highest level familiars.

  • DaxterbeerDaxterbeer
    Reactions: 7,580
    Posts: 1,088
    edited October 2024
    Gripes about the venue.

    Get more chairs: About a third of us had to stand. Even if we got a seat, a pillar blocked the way.

    The lines were a mess: The merch line, claw machine line and character card line all interested and they were not lines. Each were a funnel so it was a sea of people. Half of the time I forgot why I was behind someone.

    More complains from other attendees that I didn't quite get. The biggest limiting factor was the venue not housing us safely and it impacted the viewing experience. The performances and guest of honor made up for it as well as the rewards and the path GMS is taking (Ride of Die doesn't have enough info but sounds interesting and the fams is something we wanted.)

  • FuhreakFuhreak
    Reactions: 7,730
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    edited October 2024
    RedRaven wrote: »
    still nope for the FD buff....if all classes are able to do end-bosses then there is no need to touch that....leave it alone or highlight classes that have actual problem with high end boss(aka never cleared(not counting carries))

    The amount of power needed to do things like Chaos Kalos or Hard Kaling is so high almost nobody on reboot can even attempt them, let alone XKalos/XKaling.
  • StaconaStacona
    Reactions: 2,045
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    edited October 2024
    Fuhreak wrote: »
    RedRaven wrote: »
    still nope for the FD buff....if all classes are able to do end-bosses then there is no need to touch that....leave it alone or highlight classes that have actual problem with high end boss(aka never cleared(not counting carries))

    The amount of power needed to do things like Chaos Kalos or Hard Kaling is so high almost nobody on reboot can even attempt them, let alone XKalos/XKaling.

    Hard Limbo, all Extreme bosses (except Lotus and barely Black Mage), will be able to clear bosses. Normal Limbo might be doable on a super sweaty try-hard trio party, but that should not be the metric to clear normal Limbo when hard Limbo will exist on the same day and that will be impossible to clear for Heroic Worlds with FD passive buffs.

    FD passive buffs also help new players get into the game easier with killing CRA on their own. Which at some point, CRA needs to be treated like an entry level starter boss since we are going to get more and more super end game bosses now - which moves up the ceiling and the floor should be decreased as well.

    Even with HP reduction to extreme bosses, Heroic still cannot clear extreme bosses at our current damage levels, and FD passive buff easiest way to fix that and control how much damage they give us (every class is treated perfectly equally).
  • DaxterbeerDaxterbeer
    Reactions: 7,580
    Posts: 1,088
    edited October 2024
    Other things Inkwell could had announced is the name and design of Frenzy Totem's replacement. I konw we the plan has been laid out and it isn't super new, but it would be a nice update to show to the crowd and the viewers at home. Showing off the badge effects of the new Grandis areas would be nice too. I understand fitting everything is hard but it would had given us something nice to have more info. Same with the scheduled KMS core content. We are getting Angler and Limbo, but QoL and balances is pretty vague even though Max told us the future already in his blog posts.

  • RedRavenRedRaven
    Reactions: 1,280
    Posts: 287
    edited October 2024
    alright...but dont buff FD....buff the skills themselve or give the new skill i listed bellow(which is less hassle than tweaking 49 classes)

    FD stacking to cheese is a problem and should not be a viable strat

    so if the dmg rly need an increase they can do so without touching FD itself

    so here what i would suggest so it dont break the game

    new basic classless Skill
    Skill Name: Ambitious Hunter(or wtv NX would like as a name)
    char lvl 1-150: +10% boss dmg
    char llvl 151-200: + 25% boss dmg
    char llvl 201-250: +40% boss dmg
    char llvl 251-300 +60-100% boss dmg(wtv amount should be sufficient to clear those bosses which are too tanky)

    unlike FD which is average a 70-130% multiplier
    boss dmg % is roughly around 350-420% multiplier

    its better that way cause the formula is uneven and will result in a much lesser increase than if FD was increase(assuming no cheesing is done)
    and also wont enable cheesing if boss dmg% is given instead of FD
  • StaconaStacona
    Reactions: 2,045
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    edited October 2024
    RedRaven wrote: »

    Damage% is unequal among classes, that is why it got changed to Final Damage.

    And Final Damage is a true value, they have total control over how much damage we get from it and know exactly how much of a multiplier it gives.

    If you have a number that says you get 150% Final Damage that means you take your damage and multiply it by 2.5x, this number will ALWAYS be 2.5x no matter what and no other factors can ever change that fact.

    Damage% on the other hand radically changes how much damage it gives because its value is dynamic and it is based on how much or how little damage% you already have. This means it can never accomplish the goal that we want a world passive to have which is an equal damage boost among all of the classes.

    Final Damage is not a greater stat than any other stat in the game, it is just a true value stat and a true value stat is the easiest for the developers to control the balance of the game with.

    Like if we need to double our current damage, and we sit at 45% FD passive, then we need to eventually be able to acquire +145% final damage on top of what we already have (this would read as 190% Final Damage, but because it is being additive to what we already have). This would be as the peak cap of what we can get, not what every character has.
  • DaxterbeerDaxterbeer
    Reactions: 7,580
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    edited October 2024
    RedRaven wrote: »
    alright...but dont buff FD....buff the skills themselve or give the new skill i listed bellow(which is less hassle than tweaking 49 classes)

    FD stacking to cheese is a problem and should not be a viable strat

    so if the dmg rly need an increase they can do so without touching FD itself

    so here what i would suggest so it dont break the game

    new basic classless Skill
    Skill Name: Ambitious Hunter(or wtv NX would like as a name)
    char lvl 1-150: +10% boss dmg
    char llvl 151-200: + 25% boss dmg
    char llvl 201-250: +40% boss dmg
    char llvl 251-300 +60-100% boss dmg(wtv amount should be sufficient to clear those bosses which are too tanky)

    unlike FD which is average a 70-130% multiplier
    boss dmg % is roughly around 350-420% multiplier

    its better that way cause the formula is uneven and will result in a much lesser increase than if FD was increase(assuming no cheesing is done)
    and also wont enable cheesing if boss dmg% is given instead of FD

    Due to how the damage formula is created, final damage/ATT% is a lot more potent which is most high end players opt to go ATT% when possible instead of trying to get their boss% as high as possible. Giving players 60% boss for being above 251 isn't a sufficient boost compared to actual final damage. This is actually a downgrade to what current Reboot has.
  • StaconaStacona
    Reactions: 2,045
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    edited October 2024
    Daxterbeer wrote: »

    Attack % and Final Damage are completely different stats.

    Attack % multiplies your flat attack that you have, the more you have, the stronger it becomes. The more Attack % you have, the stronger flat attack becomes, and vice-versa. You get flat attack just for star forcing past 15 stars, so the more end game you become, the stronger and stronger attack % becomes.

    Final Damage is just a true stat value, it is also not a stat you can acquire (outside of TMS familiars). The only time you can get more final damage is from party buffs from another player, otherwise it completely controlled by the developers of how much final damage each class and world has.

    Why Final Damage instead of just adjusting skill base damage?
    The reason for certain passive skills that are along the lines of "50% Final Damage" is for potential future game balancing where if they want or need to ever decrease or increase THAT class' overall damage output then they can just simply adjust that Final Damage passive up or down and it would be a lot quicker and easier to do than trying to manually adjust each skill's base damage value.

    For Heroic Worlds, it is the easiest way to make up the damage difference that interactive worlds have over heroic on an equal playing field since interactive worlds have significantly more systems that give them more damage.

  • FuhreakFuhreak
    Reactions: 7,730
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    edited October 2024
    Stacona wrote: »
    Fuhreak wrote: »
    RedRaven wrote: »
    still nope for the FD buff....if all classes are able to do end-bosses then there is no need to touch that....leave it alone or highlight classes that have actual problem with high end boss(aka never cleared(not counting carries))
    Even with HP reduction to extreme bosses, Heroic still cannot clear extreme bosses at our current damage levels, and FD passive buff easiest way to fix that and control how much damage they give us (every class is treated perfectly equally).

    We actually can, Extreme Kalos has already been cleared, my point is that the bar required is just set way too high and more importantly, depends on your item RNG to be good.
    If we got changes to FD it would open up bosses to a lot of players who are just waiting around for better pitched item luck.
    Assuming we get the bishop nerf I don't know if these bosses will even be possible anymore.
  • RedRavenRedRaven
    Reactions: 1,280
    Posts: 287
    edited October 2024
    Daxteer i wasn't talking about replacing our FD skill...but adding an entirely new one which grant boss dmg %

    from my understanding the formula work this way ATT X ATT% X Total Stats X Crit Dmg X (Boss dmg% + dmg%) X Final dmg
    which praticly look like this 1000 X 80% X 60000 X 80-120% X 550% X 80-130%

    adding more FD would increase the damage drasticly
    while adding another 60-100% on top of 550% for say would not give a drastic increase..but a whopping 100% FD on top of 80-130% is praticly doubling up the dps

    lets say we split the number 15 among different multiplier
    1 X 15 = 15
    7 X 8 = 56
    5 X 5 X 5 = 125
    3 X 3 X 3 X 3 X 3 = 243
    2 X 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 X 3 = 192....uhh...not too sure why this one is lower than the 3 X 3 X 3 X 3 X 3.......guess there a middle ground after all XD

    if the formula is not working as i think though.....then maybe i'am wrong but i'am sure powering up FD would be a huge mistake
    already seen the result of FD stacking where Seren die in matter of a few seconds...i dont rly want to see bosses die in less than 1 min
    because they upped FD%

    there a video on youtube showcasing what happen with FD stacking

    EDIT: oh and btw Daxter....i wrote 60-100% boss dmg + wrote between ( ) that they can adjust the % to wtv would be necessary to make those bosses possible

    not just 60%.....so basicly they can modify it untill they find the correct ratio to enable all bosses to be beatable
  • StaconaStacona
    Reactions: 2,045
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    edited October 2024
    RedRaven wrote: »

    Whatever THAT single number says you are getting for a damage increase that is how much damage of an increase you are getting with Final Damage. It is literally that simple and there is nothing more to it than that. Don't look at the stat window, that will throw you off and means nothing, you just look at each buff at an individual basis.

    Stat %
    Attack %
    Damage / Boss
    Critical Damage
    Chance to Critical Strike
    Chance to Skip Cooldown
    Cooldown Reduction
    Ignore Enemy Defense
    Elemental Ignore

    All of these values are separate to each other and feed off each other, which means the most optimal way to get damage is to spread out the love and not to all stack into one stat.

    This is just how math functions, it is not unique to MapleStory or any other game, this is just math.

    The fastest way to get 10 gallons of water is not to fill up a single 10 gallons of water bucket, but to fill up 10 buckets that can all hold 1 gallon of water at the same time. More sources that supply water will be faster than only have 1 source that can supply water since there is a limit to how fast the water can come out of the hose.
  • FuhreakFuhreak
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    edited October 2024
    RedRaven wrote: »
    ATT X ATT% X Total Stats X Crit Dmg X (Boss dmg% + dmg%) X Final dmg

    The better way to describe this is (Literally everything) x FD, it is not part of the equation with everything else, it is a final modifier applied after everything else.
    Adding 100% FD is not "practically doubling DPS" it is literally doubling DPS. All classes benefit the exact same amount from a FD increase, whatever the number is, that's how much your damage is increased by. This is why FD stacking is so good. Boss% creates the opposite problem where the more you stack it, the less valuable it becomes.
    No matter how many sources of FD you have, 10% FD is always a 10% gain.
    If you have 0% damage and 0% boss 10% boss is also a 10% gain, (ignoring other stats), but if you have 500% boss that 10% is suddenly less than a 2% increase.

    Spoilers below because of long post.

    FD vs BD
    Using your value of 100% at cap, I have a random player in drop gear in Arteria, they have 81% damage and 343% Boss damage for 424% damage (This isn't counting fams, buffs or burst skills)
    This player would only gain 19% from this (ignoring calculations from other stats), this number gets lower once you factor in that they will most likely be using boss fams, buffs that increase boss/damage% as well as burst skills which will also increase these numbers. A new boss% skill would barely move the needle for end game players, which are the group of people that are currently struggling and are in need of the FD boost.
    It is not abnormal for players to hit +1000% damage during their burst, with your suggestion this would be less than a 10% increase.
    That simply isn't enough damage to even consider doing extreme bosses and those would still be locked to almost everyone except the absolute tip of the iceberg of players.

    Boss clear rates
    If we look at clear % of bosses, we can roughly figure out how many people are clearing these bosses out of the population that does bossing.
    Around 23% of accounts have cleared Hard Hilla, we can use this as a bar for players who are interested in weekly bossing.
    Looking at some major milestones, CRA is around 20%-22% depending on if you're looking at Vellum or not, so around 95% of players interested in bossing are able to clear CRA.
    NLotus and NDamien: 15%, so around 65% of bossers are able to clear this.
    Lucid: around 9% for both Normal and Hard, we've dipped slightly below 40% here.
    Chaos Tenebris: around 5~6%, so around 25% of bossers.
    Next up is a big one, Black Mage, all players looking to lib will have to clear this at some point.
    This one is 3.89%, around 17%.
    2.03% complete the final step of liberation, Out of those 3.89%, slightly over 50% of those players have finished their liberation.

    Grandis and Extreme bosses
    At the second to last tier, we have the grandis bosses. The gap between these bosses is very large so we can breakdown all of them.
    Starting with HSeren: (NSeren does not drop anything valuable long term) it's 2.76%, around 11% of those interested in bossing have made it this far.
    EKalos: 2.06%, around 9%, NKalos:1.87%, around 8%
    EKaling:1.52%, around 6.6% NKaling: 0.71%, around 3%

    Now we reach the problem bosses.
    Starting with the least problematic, CKalos, 0.43%, around1.8%, this is probably the number you want to aim for with the latest boss. 2~5% of the bossing population able to clear the latest bosses is probably about where you want things honestly. These bosses are supposed to be hard and numbers should be in the single digit.
    Next up is HKaling: 0.04%,This is 0.17%, not 1.7%, ZERO POINT ONE%. This isn't even the hard one.
    Extreme Kalos, 0.02%, around 0.08% less than one tenth of a %. Extreme Kaling: less than 0.01%, this number is so small I can't even use it as a data point.
    Bare minimum that's 0.04%, these achievements are account wide. This means this is both Reg and Reboot.

    Even if we cut out a lot of players by looking at say, Lucid numbers (using the bar of clearing lucid instead of HHilla as those interested in bossing) these numbers are not much better. We'll skip straight to CKalos/HKaling since those are the issue here.
    CKalos: 0.43% is around 4.7%.
    HKaling: 0.04% is around 0.4%
    XKalos: 0.02% is around 0.22%
    XKaling cannot be calculated, but even if it's 0.01%, it's around 0.1%.

    I don't know about you, but I would expect the top 1% to be clearing the latest content in the game, not 0.1% (and that's being EXTREMELY generous.)
    These bosses are not only too hard for reboot, they're honestly too hard for even reg. We could have ten times the amount of clears and it would still barely be a drop in the bucket of people who boss or were interested in it.

    It would be interesting to see the number of active players and how many of those are clearing certain bosses each week so we could get more accurate numbers, but these numbers at least align with historic numbers. Black mage having such a low clear rate among bossers despite the fact that the content is over six years old is just silly to me, it is far too hard to progress in this game. If you consider the fact that people who are really dedicated to the game could be playing from over 40 characters, there is no reason it should be this hard to progress.
  • RedRavenRedRaven
    Reactions: 1,280
    Posts: 287
    edited October 2024
    ok so we're on the same page already for the dmg formula

    spreading it out will grant an heavier boost than focusing it all in a single stat....thats what i was trying to showcase with that "15" thing... if you noticed adding up the number on each line would equate to 15 if you swap the multiplier symbol(X) to a (+) symbol

    its also why i suggested it to be put in Boss dmg % for a more controlled increase....i dont think there a need for completle doubling of the dps
    but an increase by roughly 10-30% overall should in theory be sufficient(at least give a test run to see how well ppl do b4 going super drastic with buff)

    Fuhreak: ya i agree that 0.1% is a bit too little XD....0.5% to 1% would be a little more reasonnable
    difficult to pug that 0.1% XD

    well i guess i'am not explaining well if i'am misunderstood XD
  • FuhreakFuhreak
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    edited October 2024
    RedRaven wrote: »
    its also why i suggested it to be put in Boss dmg % for a more controlled increase....
    The problem with doing Boss % is that it's actually less controlled like that. Certain classes have a lot of bossing % passively, while others do not.
    The classes with high bossing% will not be affected as much as the classes with low bossing%, even if they also need the buff.
    With FD everyone is affected the exact same amount. FD is the more controlled increase.

    I think reverting the FD boost to what it was before would be fine. They can revert the mob HP/EXP back to what it was as well.
    We had a problem before where reboot was faster grind than reg due to totems/kish and increased base rates, but with reboot no longer having access to these tools we're a lot slower now. If Nexon wants to make totems accessible in reg more easily then reboot needs something as well.

  • StaconaStacona
    Reactions: 2,045
    Posts: 520
    edited November 2024
    Fuhreak wrote: »

    For Black Mage:
    1. It is also a monthly boss, so one-fourth of the clears by default compared to weekly bosses.

    2. The ENTIRE boss fight is so poorly designed and anti-fun that people don't want to do it and only do it because of Genesis Weapon. I would completely remake the entire fight from scratch, and the things that need to be removed the most is all of the bullet hell aspects, needing to know about a new mechanic for phase 4 (black/white shield), and the fact that you can lose lives without actually dying is dumb and losing two lives instead of only 1 is also dumb.

    To get more people to boss overall:
    You need to make supports both significantly stronger than where they currently are at - this includes Bishop and Lynn - and bring up and make way more supports.

    This will allow players to boss that are not good enough to boss, whether it acts as temporary training wheels or be treated as a permanent thing for those players, while keeping the bosses challenging for those seeking a challenge. Keep in mind you get more rewards for a boss if you solo it, cannot rely on a support during a solo for obvious reasons.

    The final damage buff for Heroic worlds is just for Hard Limbo and all future end game bosses are actually doable for Heroic - and to address the significant decrease in damage at ALL stages of the game that Heroic has vs Interactive (which does not include whatsoever the interactive end game whales and sweats). Normal Limbo should be doable as a level 290+ trio even if Lynn is mandatory to be able to clear in time (bosses should be doable for any party composition with any classes).

    But supports need to be significantly stronger to essentially allow bosses to be placed into "easy mode" to allow for more people the ability to boss and still allow bosses to remain difficult for those that seek a challenge.

    Way more supports just allows for a much deeper pool so that it is easier to find a support player with more diverse playstyles.
  • FuhreakFuhreak
    Reactions: 7,730
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    edited November 2024
    Stacona wrote: »
    Fuhreak wrote: »

    For Black Mage:
    1. It is also a monthly boss, so one-fourth of the clears by default compared to weekly bosses.
    The statistics cover a single clear. I only compared the clear data for a single kill, not the "Kill 10, Kill 100" achievements so the fact that BM is once per month doesn't factor into this at all.
    2. The ENTIRE boss fight is so poorly designed and anti-fun that people don't want to do it and only do it because of Genesis Weapon. I would completely remake the entire fight from scratch, and the things that need to be removed the most is all of the bullet hell aspects, needing to know about a new mechanic for phase 4 (black/white shield), and the fact that you can lose lives without actually dying is dumb and losing two lives instead of only 1 is also dumb.

    Completely disagree, the boss is actually well designed and one of the ones I look forward to. The boss is only unfun imo if you do not know how the curse system works because it is very poorly explained by the game itself. Once you know how the fight works, it's a fun fight. Bullet hell aspects is one of the more fun aspects and I wish Nexon would do this more often. Black Mage also does not require a player to clear a certain damage threshold in order to complete the genesis weapon and only requires the player to survive until the loot room. You don't even have to deal damage and can just focus on survive.
    To get more people to boss overall:
    You need to make supports both significantly stronger than where they currently are at - this includes Bishop and Lynn - and bring up and make way more supports.

    This will allow players to boss that are not good enough to boss, whether it acts as temporary training wheels or be treated as a permanent thing for those players, while keeping the bosses challenging for those seeking a challenge. Keep in mind you get more rewards for a boss if you solo it, cannot rely on a support during a solo for obvious reasons.

    I disagree with this as well. Bossing shouldn't be easier, it should have a lower gate of entry. Skill should be the major factor and luck should only play a tiny part in it.
    Right now unless you are lucky, your skill comes second to being lucky and getting good gear.
    It doesn't matter if you can survive 30 minutes against a boss if you don't have the damage numbers in order to clear it in the first place.
    One way to remedy this problem I think is to increase the timers for all bosses. If I want to struggle against a boss for an hour or longer, I should be allowed to.
    For early game bosses the blue dot system easily removes the challenge for players who simply want the clear and don't care about the challenge of the boss.

    Both Bishop and Lynn have amazing support abilities and at risk of sounding a bit elitist, if you cannot clear black mage while having to do nothing but dodge and get heals, you do not deserve to clear the boss. It is so ridiculously easy to survive the boss once you know how the curse system works and all you have to do is dodge said curses. (Assuming you are only going for the lib and getting carried) With how much damage 6th job offers black mage is basically a free boss for those who take the time to learn the fight.
    These aren't even the only two supports and a few other characters offer other niche types of support, such as Mihile with a very powerful shield.
    Players also have the option of playing an easier class such as WA which gets a 50% uptime shield.

    They make these bosses easier all the time and they already over correct. These bosses are not challenging for those seeking a challenge anymore.
    If you boost damage then you can shoot past requirements of bosses and clear them at a speed which minimizes challenge.
    If you alter the mechanics of the boss to be easier then it doesn't matter how long the boss is if there's no challenge in the first place.
    Boost damage to make bosses easier for people to simply burst them down, while keeping mechanics there for people who want to try min-clear solos.
    Increasing the damage also has the affect of allowing more people to attempt bosses in the first place since they are no longer held back by lack of luck.

    Since this is getting slightly off topic, I'd say that my desire for maplestory/maplefest in the future is that they stop nerfing bosses to make them boring and just increase damage of players overall. I used to look forward to min-clear runs of bosses like Gloom and Darknell but now they just feel empty and soulless.
    If it was easier to get new characters up and progression wasn't so painfully slow I could be running these bosses on newer characters much more frequently and the game would keep a feeling of being fresh a lot more frequently rather than wasting all of my meso on my main to not advance my damage at all then giving my mules far too little scraps to push them to the next boss.
    There is an audience of players who like challenge (skill based) in your game Nexon, stop making the game more annoying for these players by putting in time/RNG gates and just let us progress at whatever speed we want.
    This helps players who also just want to power grind and brute force stuff as well. There are over 40 different characters in the game, stop locking us down to only ever playing one or two.
  • StaconaStacona
    Reactions: 2,045
    Posts: 520
    edited November 2024
    Fuhreak wrote: »

    Saying you disagree when you follow up with fully agreeing is counter productive.

    What I said is that supports need to be significantly stronger than they are and a lot more supports as well so that players can have an "easy" way to boss, since this method allows for bosses to still be "hard" for players that are seeking out a challenge while opening up bosses to a lot more people.

    Not just sounding elitist, you are just being a full on gatekeeper which will only discourage game growth in the long term. And bullet hell really is not fun, there is a reason they removed meteors from Lotus and Darknell, and toned them back a lot for Magnus and Gloom - it is because people do not like these types of mechanics.

    The entire Black Mage fight is unintuitive, where as Gloom and Slime are designed amazingly. Gloom and Slime you can go into the bosses completely blind and figure out how to clear the boss with good positioning, mechanics, and natural observation skills - Slime you just need to know about Interact Key for the slime rocks and placing down crystals is the only weird thing the players need to know about. New Lotus is also significantly better than Old Lotus as well.

    Healing only does anything for phase 4 black mage.

    People like playing certain classes, being forced to play a class you don't want to play just to have an "easier" time bossing would kill the game. Supports allow players to still play the class they like and able to do bosses because they either never had hands to begin with or getting older and are less mechanically able than what they used to have.

    Getting all of the loot and more mesos from boss crystals is good enough of a reward for doing the solo challenge, which is something you cannot rely on supports to achieve. Developers just need to not have an ego for when brand new end game bosses come out and can only be cleared through bosses, new end game will not be forever end game and eventually that content can be fully solo-able, but until then just let players have fun with the game and have whatever party composition they like to clear current end game bosses.

    Literally just let players have the freedom to set the difficulty of the boss how they want, whether it is a support heavy party to make things "easier" to survive or only damage-dealers party.

    As long as bosses are at some point do-able with whatever party combination, that is all that needs to happen for end game bosses.

    And no to increasing the timer beyond 30 minutes. They set this timer for a reason because people don't want to be whaling on a boss for hours and this would also make supports mandatory if the timer is extended further as the downside of the supports is they deal less damage to off-set their utility and buffs, also Mihile and Paladin can solo every boss then as long as the player has the patience for it.
  • FuhreakFuhreak
    Reactions: 7,730
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    edited November 2024
    Stacona wrote: »
    Fuhreak wrote: »

    Saying you disagree when you follow up with fully agreeing is counter productive.
    I did not agree, that is why I said I disagree. You still seem to have a problem with accepting that not everyone thinks the way you do.
    Not just sounding elitist, you are just being a full on gatekeeper which will only discourage game growth in the long term. And bullet hell really is not fun, there is a reason they removed meteors from Lotus and Darknell, and toned them back a lot for Magnus and Gloom - it is because people do not like these types of mechanics.
    Meteors are not bullet hell. Bullet hell is a pattern, which is predictable, you can easily see where the bullets are going. You do not understand what a bullet hell is if you think meteors are bullet hell. People do not like meteors because there is no pattern involved in it.
    I am not gatekeeping. Gatekeeping would be forcing players to do things a certain way. I am simply saying that for something that is supposed to be an achievement to be sought after, a little bit of skill should be required.
    Healing only does anything for phase 4 black mage.
    This is not true. You are getting basic information wrong again. Please fact check yourself before you spread misinformation.
    Healing actually does nothing for Phase 4 because everyone is isolated into their own room in phase 4. Healing works in every other phase of the boss.
    just let players have fun with the game and have whatever party composition they like to clear current end game bosses.
    Do you not see why buffing supports further, something that people already considered required to clear bosses, is a bad idea?
    Literally just let players have the freedom to set the difficulty of the boss how they want, whether it is a support heavy party to make things "easier" to survive or only damage-dealers party.
    Buffing supports gives players less freedom as those will be seen as more required to clear bosses. Again, this is a bad idea.
    As long as bosses are at some point do-able with whatever party combination, that is all that needs to happen for end game bosses.
    Yes. You get this by making it so that supports are no longer mandatory. You get that by nerfing supports and adding the damage back to every single class in the game.
    You do not get this by buffing supports.
    And no to increasing the timer beyond 30 minutes. They set this timer for a reason because people don't want to be whaling on a boss for hours and this would also make supports mandatory if the timer is extended further as the downside of the supports is they deal less damage to off-set their utility and buffs, also Mihile and Paladin can solo every boss then as long as the player has the patience for it.

    Nobody is forcing you to fight a boss for hours on end. Just because a timer is longer than 30 minutes doesn't mean you are expected to fight it for more than 30 minutes.
    You are the one who is shooting down ideas for letting players play the way they want to play, you are trying to force players to play the way you think the game should be played.
    You are ironically, being far more elitist than I am.