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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
The idea here is that Super Cubes would be more expensive cubes that allows the player to opt out of ever seeing possible lines to show up out of the total list of lines that the equipment could roll, up to a hard cap of the amount of lines you can opt out of.
This would make hitting certain line combinations significantly easier to hit at a greater cost (more mesos cost for Heroic Worlds). This would be for Interactive and Heroic Worlds, Interactive Worlds would also have a Bonus Cube equivalent as well.
The cubes would only be Super Glowing Cube, Super Bright Cube, Bonus Super Glowing Cube, and Bonus Super Bright Cube.
It would involve an unique user interface by opening up a Super Glowing Cube, for example, to open the window then placing the equipment you want to cube in the interface, then you can check off which stats you want to exclude from ever rolling (with a max limit to how many you can exclude). Then you can hit "One More Try" to start rolling when you are all ready!
Super Cubes should be made to work only if the equipment is already at Legendary rank, for various reasons.
These cubes would be significantly more expensive. It would be a way for end game players to min-max on their potentials, but the least ideal and cost effective way to obtain a standard set of 2-3 lines that you are happy with.
It would be a way to make it easier to get -4 or better cooldown reduction hat, 24% critical damage gloves, multiple legendary lines on other equipment, etc. that you actually want at the cost of a massive mesos dump. Hence to why it would be an end game player type of cube to spend their mesos on, because you need that level of mesos making to realistically afford these cubes.
Wonders what happens to the eliminated choices. Is it suppose to be thinning the pool or would they be "empty." How many can you eliminate using the UI?
I am a monster collector and i got 1000+ of the 1300ish collectable monster. When I use a monsterblom, i have a high chance of scoring a Substantial Box due to having many monsters already registered versus my other accounts which pretty much register monsters since they pretty much have nothing collecting. The odds of you registering something decreases as you have more registered as the registered monsters aren't removed so you aren't drawing from a 300 monster pool. I wonder if SUPER cubes will run into the issue where the potential results remain the same or would the pool actually shrink. Even if the SUPER cubes allowed the pool shrink, players would blacklist the heaviest bulk of junk lines rather than a stat since stats usually only have 2 numbers (12 and 9 for CRA and 13 and 10 for things above) while junk lines have a huge number of possible values, so it would just lead to universal shrunken pool of results for players regardless of class.
Here is a story now how endgame lines are created efficiently in reg server.
The current situation for pots is fine in reg for certain items, but it is BPOT that is harder. Since it is a trade server, players tend to roll high for anything and sell/trade it off instead of being hyper focused looking for their stat. So there is not really a thing as a "wrong stat" since its an accessory and its usually universal. Most of these random high accessories are made using just Glowing Cubes because we are willing to settle for 3 lines of a single stat as it is pretty easy already. It has gotten easy that we swapped the priority and flip 3L bpots items instead due to how easy it is get 3L BPOT for a class that isn't yours versus getting it for yourself. Part of the reason we go BPOT first because it is so hard to perfect for yourself but easier when you 3L anything due to Bonus Glowing Cubes always being available. So most whales buy perfected BPOT items due to how random it is and finish off the reg pot.
Armor/Weapons still remains to be harder as they are job based. LUK% Warrior, STR% Mage, don't exist and is hopeless even in a server with a market. A 3L LUK% BPOT/MPOT Eternal Warrior Pants will not find a customer, but if it were on a Pitched, it would get a lot of offers even if the main pot is utter trash due to it not being for a specific class. Armor doesn't get traded around because only thing accepted is high stat for that job and most jobs don't use other stat. The only job groups that really do trades is Pirates who do DEX <-> STR with occasionally ALL STAT for Xenon (Xenon trades for LUK<-> ALL% also exist), DAs with other Warriors who would do HP<->STR. A common job locked armor that gets traded are Hats because some classes benefit more from -4 seconds than 30% stat. o its possible for a DB to trade off their LUK% hat to a NL who rolled CDR (the DB will pay the difference.)
I was thinking the hard cap is up to half of the options, but the cubes are 4x the price kind of thing.
Example of total options on that equipment:
1. Attack %
2. Magic Attack %
3. Attack
4. Magic Attack
5. All Stat %
6. STR %
7. INT %
8. LUK %
9. DEX %
10. Critical Damage %
And you are a warrior, so you eliminate INT, LUK, Magic ATT, Magic ATT%.
Now whenever you cube line outcomes of Legendary and Unique value will only roll any combination of ATT%, ATT, Crit Damage, All Stat%, STR%, and DEX%.
This type of equipment does not exist, but the only possible stat values to roll would be what is not eliminated as an option to roll. The system just needs to be set up where you can open the special window first so you can check off the stat lines to eliminate. The hard cap of eliminations is needed otherwise you would get exactly what you want with one cube and that be way too overpowered.