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Maple legends outfits for those who missed them

Reactions: 610
Posts: 13
edited November 2016 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
So... yeah, sorry if this'd been asked before but my search turned up empty. Way back when I heard about the heroes of maple update I got excited, and was doubly so when I learned during the opening weeks of this update, you could buy permanent appearances for each heroes outfits. As I'm from the euro maple originally this migration has come when the global events are long over. Does this mean it's impossible for euro players to get them or would they potentially show up in the future?


  • AramyAramy
    Reactions: 1,190
    Posts: 144
    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2016
    saddly from a tiket i wrote to nexon askin at least the cupons of evan and aran revamped looks, sems that they no plan give the chance to europeans enjoy heroes of maple nx and events anytime soon
    for now sems all we can do is wait and hope that on future we get the chance to enjoy those events
  • genji123genji123
    Reactions: 1,120
    Posts: 140
    edited November 2016
    Don't fret about this. These come out like once every few months.
  • HelteHelte
    Reactions: 610
    Posts: 13
    edited November 2016
    I hope so.
  • KlaraKlara
    Reactions: 3,385
    Posts: 245
    edited November 2016
    I'm still waiting for the formal hero overalls. Can they please be put up for sale as well?
