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Let's Make A New Classes

Reactions: 300
Posts: 3
edited November 2016 in Fan Creations
Well Honestly Im Not a part of the developer of MapleStory!
But I would like you guyz Reading this!
If you would like to help me make a new class or new ideas,
and then I will apply that item or ideal class to the MapleStory Company Game!

Anyone can post in this thread!
No bullying!
Create your own Idea no copyrights
Be sure to ask me if u have problems

If u want to create an ideal class u need to post the pic and put the stats as follow below:
Class Name:
Class Type:
Weapon Type:
Secondary Weapon Type:U can add this if u want or not!
Some Of Skills:
What stats are there reliable at:Like for example:INT,DEX,STR or ETC.

That's All I hope we could help MapleStory Add more classes to make it more fun!!!!
  1. Can U help Me Make a New Item or New Ideal Classes for MapleStory?5 votes
    1. Yes
       80% (4 votes)
    2. No
       20% (1 vote)
    3. Maybe
       0% (0 votes)


  • BornSolidBornSolid
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 3
    edited November 2016
    Here's what I've been doing lately but it's not finish yet:

    Suggest the Class Name For It:
    Class Type:Mage
    Weapon Type:Umbrella
    Seconday Weapon Type:StopWatch
    Suggest Some Skills:

  • BornSolidBornSolid
    Reactions: 300
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    edited November 2016
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited November 2016
    The last thing this game needs is more classes.
  • ClawStaffClawStaff
    Reactions: 2,950
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    edited November 2016
    I don't see why some people have such a problem with new classes, it's not like whenever they release new classes they don't usually also add other new content.
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited November 2016
    ClawStaff said:

    I don't see why some people have such a problem with new classes, it's not like whenever they release new classes they don't usually also add other new content.
    We don't need more new content.
    We need the existing content fixed.
  • ejwalkerejwalker
    Reactions: 640
    Posts: 9
    edited November 2016
    I agree that we need things fixed, not more stuff to gum up the works. New classes aren't fun if the game doesn't work properly.
    However, this part of the forums is for fan creations, stuff that people have fun making and then share with others. Even things posted in the suggestions forum rarely end up implemented. So let's have some fun being creative if we want to, and argue over what the game needs in a different forum.
    I don't put a lot of effort into designing classes - I'm not actually interested in putting them in game, after all - but I've had a few ideas.

    Class Name: Bard
    Class Type: Magician
    Weapon Type: Musical instrument of some kind.

    Class Name: Jester
    Class Type: Thief
    Weapon Type: Yo-yos

    Class Name: Thrasher
    Class Type: Pirate
    Weapon Type: Whip
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited November 2016
    ejwalker said:

    However, this part of the forums is for fan creations
    You're right.
    My mistake.
    Didn't notice what section this was in.

  • thrakkesthrakkes
    Reactions: 2,135
    Posts: 364
    edited November 2016
    I must agree on this, this game needs to be fixed first. If we even add a new class, it better be Ayame. Personnally we can only play her in Princess No content, for quests and mini dungeon to get Hiezan Temple Key.
  • ClawStaffClawStaff
    Reactions: 2,950
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    edited November 2016
    While yes, that is true that fixing stuff is important Nexon does whatever they want anyway. Even if every single post on the forums was about fixing stuff, it wouldn't necessarily affect anything.
  • JosrevJosrev
    Reactions: 1,425
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    edited November 2016
    It would be awesome if nexon filled the missing jobs for the Sengoku and Nova races
  • MakazeKibaMakazeKiba
    Reactions: 1,800
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    edited November 2016
    ejwalker said:

    Class Name: Bard
    Class Type: Magician
    Weapon Type: Musical instrument of some kind.
    Like a lute, as in Dungeons and Dragons?

    Assuming the DnD archetype, it would be hard to make a sufficient Bard-character, making it suffer like the Cleric has over the years. Short of making the Bard have map-wide party-buffs, which Beast Tamer has already, you could make Bard a heavy debuff utility. For example, you could have auras (sorry Battle Mage) of music that applied slow, darkness, DoTs, or attack power reduction. Stronger, high-CD utilities would include binds, seals, and outright damage vulnerability. However, such abilities would make bosses an absolute joke, causing additional balancing problems in-game.
  • UzumeUzume
    Reactions: 2,525
    Posts: 173
    edited November 2016
    I have a thread a few pages down about my class idea I had but never finished.
    Her stats and skills are pretty much explained there, so yeah.
    But, just to add to this thread:
    Class Name: Rapu (Nova)
    Class Type: Magician.
    Weapon: Hair.
    Secondary Weapon: Ribbon.
    Skills: No idea here. Though, I'd like them to be entangling and such, since ya know, hair.
    Primary Stat: INT
  • TaoSinTaoSin
    Reactions: 730
    Posts: 26
    edited November 2016

    Class Type: Demon/Bowmaster
    Weapon Type: Serpent Bow
    Seconday Weapon Type: Poisoned arrow
    Suggest Some Skills: Venom/Poison as pasive . Demonic skills just like Demon slayers. Serpent bite for HP draining
  • ejwalkerejwalker
    Reactions: 640
    Posts: 9
    edited November 2016

    ejwalker said:

    Class Name: Bard
    Class Type: Magician
    Weapon Type: Musical instrument of some kind.
    Like a lute, as in Dungeons and Dragons?
    I think most Bard classes in other games have stringed instruments, lutes and even guitars, so I'm slightly reluctant to take that route. I should probably call the class Musician instead. I have no idea how it would work in game, but I can imagine one running around singing, "All I do is damage, DAMAAAAGE!" at the top of their lungs. (-'Damage' by Red)
    X) Maybe the class would be better with a whole range of instruments as different skills. Magically requip different instruments! Aaaah! I'm getting into creative mode!

    Drum Roll: Roll drums at the enemy.
    Serenade Shot: Shoot a violin bow at the enemy.
    Cymbalic Clash: Use cymbals to break the enemy's ear drums. Might cause stun.
    Serpentine Flute: Snake charm the enemy into obeying you. (Basically Seduce. I always wanted to get the enemies back for using that on me...)
    Vocal Vengeance: Hitting the wrong notes is easy, whether you can sing properly otherwise or not. Put some magic into it and really torture the enemy!

    Hehehehehhe... this is fun!
  • scholar624scholar624
    Reactions: 3,315
    Posts: 314
    edited November 2016
    Like a lute, as in Dungeons and Dragons?

    I think most Bard classes in other games have stringed instruments, lutes and even guitars, so I'm slightly reluctant to take that route. I should probably call the class Musician instead. I have no idea how it would work in game, but I can imagine one running around singing, "All I do is damage, DAMAAAAGE!" at the top of their lungs. (-'Damage' by Red)
    X) Maybe the class would be better with a whole range of instruments as different skills. Magically requip different instruments! Aaaah! I'm getting into creative mode!

    Drum Roll: Roll drums at the enemy.
    Serenade Shot: Shoot a violin bow at the enemy.
    Cymbalic Clash: Use cymbals to break the enemy's ear drums. Might cause stun.
    Serpentine Flute: Snake charm the enemy into obeying you. (Basically Seduce. I always wanted to get the enemies back for using that on me...)
    Vocal Vengeance: Hitting the wrong notes is easy, whether you can sing properly otherwise or not. Put some magic into it and really torture the enemy!

    Hehehehehhe... this is fun!
    Happy to see other music lovers out here in the forums!

    Class Name: Orpheus
    Class Type: Nova race Magician
    Weapon Type: 2-Handed Lyre
    Secondary Weapon Type: Dragon Libretto

    Some Skills: Mystic Score (Musical note collecting mechanic for fueling abilities)
    Falsetto Sharps (Send a chilling salvo of "# " symbols at enemies, slowing them down)
    Grand Valtz (Squash enemies with "b " symbols, decreasing their stats)
    Appassionato (Protects your comrades from harm with a romantic melody, proving -%dmg among other party buffs)
    Hades' Ballad (Life Leeching screen attack)

    Main Stats: INT primarily, LUK secondary.

    These are pulled straight from a theoretical class design I composed earlier in the year. Here's a link to the Reddit thread
    The post also includes character backstory, philosophy, and a fuller repertoire of abilities for those interested.
  • marcienmarcien
    Reactions: 1,080
    Posts: 29
    edited November 2016
    so we had blaster (warrior), battle mage (magician), wild hunter (archer) and mechanic (pirate) in the resistance. we are lacking the thief class here!

    Strike Medic
    Instructor: Claudine
    Main Weapon: Whip (same as Xenon)
    Sub-weapon: Syringe
    Primary Stat: LUK (Secondary Stat: INT)

    Notable Skills
    Immunisation: [Party buff] Protects allies from all adverse status effects for 40secs. Cooldown 200secs.
    Injection: [Party buff] Raises status resistance, attack and accuracy for 180secs.
    Supplements: [Self buff] Raises critical rate and defense for 180secs.
    Healing Slash: [Skill] Recovers HP of all allies within whip attack range. Cooldown 5secs.
    Virus Outbreak: [Skill] Deals 440 damage to surrounding enemies and inflicts random statuses on them.
    Resuscitation: [Skill] Revives one ally with low HP. Cooldown 180secs.

    basically a class based off claudine and healthcare staff. Also because THIEF THAT HEALS is too awesome. (well if warriors can heal no reason for thieves not to. phantom excluded.)
  • JerenSoonJerenSoon
    Reactions: 820
    Posts: 41
    edited November 2016
    Flipping out some of old papers; and I guess it should be useful(Cygnus' Knights still lacking of Water and Earth, thou...)

    * Skill Overview: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1e0Xb2KkzZGbqaW9D8IANtVXSoS_q70anaegLnwYTbRw/edit
    * Quest List: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sX7AZnbcXh94ChLQwOE3zs_WQHuNSL__tSt9dYUTSn8/edit

    Aqua Sorceress
    * Skill Overview(Until 4th Job): https://docs.google.com/document/d/18Nse4k5kVrRE4l0S_SyDHVquaMIyK_4mDMFeBS8vI0w/edit
  • XenomataXenomata
    Reactions: 2,595
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    edited November 2016
    I've got like nothing but concept for what I have in mind.

    But a class that uses an army of Dynamic Orbitars, or just "Dynamos", for skills, which that bunker is their MP system. When a skill is being used, a portion of the Dynamos are in use, and when the skill ends they return to standby.

    Say a skill requires 20 Dynamos to use. You have 100 Dynamos on standby. Trigger the skill, and 20 Dynamos will be removed. The skill is used and ends, at which point the Dynamos "return" to inactive use, giving back those 20 Dynamos that you used in the skill.

    The entire playstyle of the class would be managing the Dynamo Army to get the highest output, one way or another, whether it be setting up turrets, creating an area of effect, protecting yourself from harm, launching an array of attacks, supporting party members via following them and attacking alongside them, or even doing what I'm calling the Full Blitz, where every Dynamo Unit centers it's attention onto a target and assaults without mercy.
  • AkihikoT_AkihikoT_
    Reactions: 1,315
    Posts: 165
    edited November 2016
    Class Name: Wanderer/Rurouni
    Class Type: Warrior(adventurer type)
    Weapon Type: 2-handed sword or 1 handed
    Secondary Weapon Type: If one handed sword dagger/short sword as secondary weapon
    Some Of Skills:
    2-handed: able to put away the secondary weapon to deal an additional attack and +.10 damage on your skills (on/off skill)
    Fluid movements: when you successfully dodge or block and attack you have a small window to use basic attack to counter and move forward to the next monster.(passive)
    Mark Target: you throw your 2ndary weapon at a monster while marked you are automatically put into 2-handed mode and do an additional 50% damage to that monster, but 25% less damage to other monsters until the marked target is defeated.

    Class Name: Monk
    Class Type: Warrior(special adventurer or Nova)
    Weapon Type: Fists(or hand-wraps)
    Secondary weapon: Hand-wraps(if primary is hand-wraps then ankle wraps)
    Stat: Str and Dex
    Some of Skills:
    Lethal body: (beginner level skill gotten at level 1)automatic damage reflect that grows with level +2% per level of character (automatically maxed at creation)
    1st job:
    Dodge: you get +.01% chance to dodge an attack per point of Dex (starting at .001 with 10 level max)
    Distraction: causes monsters to focus on you for 20 seconds cooldown of 40 seconds at max level
    2nd job:
    Potion warrior(a play on drunken master): after drinking a potion you have increased evasion and increased attack, but take 50% more damage and can't climb ladders for 4 seconds 10 second cooldown.
    Grappling: you have a chance to immobalize your foe at the cost of being taking damage every second and unable to move(you can still attack, you're just not able to move left/right/up/down or use teleport skills) lasts 45 seconds cooldown is 120 seconds, halved if unsuccessful.
    3rd job lets you choose between two paths, Master and Apprentice. Master is focused on Damaging opponents while Apprentice is more a party buffer.
    Master skills:
    Master Distraction: When using distraction gain +50% final damage and +2 attacks.
    Deadly palms: unable to use with distraction, attacks up to 15 monsters 5 times each, but uses 10% of max HP in addition to mana. Cooldown of 180 seconds.
    Apprentice skills:
    Apprentice's Distraction: When using distraction, party members gain +25% final damage and +2 attacks(can not stack with Master's distraction) and lifedrain to gain a portion of the damage done as health and mana.
    Accidental Slip: when damaged, or on a successful dodge, has a chance to slip spilling a potion onto the surrounding monsters dealing damage and making them give more exp and increased drop rate(no potion is consumed)

    Class Name: Grand Stander
    Class Type: Thief (resistance)
    Weapon Type: Baton
    Secondary Weapon Type: whip
    Some Of Skills:
    Call of Attention: causes up to 15 monsters to focus on you (not as though you attacked them, so they aren't going to attack unless they normally would just trying to get to you)
    Lions Tigers and Bears: releases either lions tigers or bears at a random chance for each to attack for you.
    Oh My: up graded version of previous with a chance to release all 3
    Tightrope: when you drop below 5% health causes you to become invulnerable for 3 seconds and summons a double dealing damage to surrounding enemies for the 3 seconds you're invulnerable then explodes.
    Safety net: use this skill somewhere safe because when you die you're revived at this location. Cooldown of 1200 seconds at max level.
    Canon ball: Shoots yourself across the map dealing damage to monsters between where used and landed and extra damage where you land. (used as a movement skill, but uses HP instead of MP)