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[Unscheduled Maintenance] Nov. 30, 2016

Reactions: 6,380
Posts: 129
edited November 2016 in Vault
We wanted to provide you all with a general update regarding the current unscheduled maintenance [LINK].

We’re working on a few major issues related to crit damage for some classes being much higher than normal, some players having issues with new character creation, and the “Play V” event timer not working properly, along with some other issues as well.

Please note that at this time, we do not have an ETA for completion of this unscheduled maintenance, but our team is working diligently to complete all testing and get each of you back on the servers. We appreciate your patience, and understand how much all of you are looking forward to this update.
LeadsamichJuckingHownNesaWillEatUNovasiriPetalmagicHeroDjinnJettLuvsUAggraphineRubyXanaand 41 others.


  • SilentoSilento
    Reactions: 630
    Posts: 3
    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2016
    Do your best! I want to play! :c
  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited November 2016
    Well hey, best of luck to you guys in getting this fixed before "oh god kill me now"-o-clock.
  • HesbellaHesbella
    Reactions: 400
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    edited November 2016
    Aw, I really want to play :'( Guess we have to wait qq
  • BuckYouBuckYou
    Reactions: 1,490
    Posts: 53
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    edited November 2016
    Thank you!! We miss our characters!!! #MISUSINGRAID
  • PlasmaBeanPlasmaBean
    Reactions: 1,280
    Posts: 45
    edited November 2016
    I'll make a F/P mage when the game's up :D
    Thank you for your hard work!
  • FoolsPlayFoolsPlay
    Reactions: 670
    Posts: 17
    edited November 2016
    without giving an exact time, can you give us an estimate how long it will be minimum?
  • WzerWzer
    Reactions: 905
    Posts: 54
    edited November 2016
    FoolsPlay said:

    without giving an exact time, can you give us an estimate how long it will be minimum?
    He literally said there is no ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) meaning they do not know.
  • xEvilSoulxxEvilSoulx
    Reactions: 865
    Posts: 33
    edited November 2016
    not even BDO with their massive updates that made their world 30% bigger each time and all those stuff had this kind of bugs, and they are new, can't believe after 10 YEARS you still do the same, it hurts to see how you guys keep just throwing new content without testing and keep killing this game.
  • NesaWillEatUNesaWillEatU
    Reactions: 950
    Posts: 8
    edited November 2016
    I don't mind the wait. If they work hard on it now then we can play more later without further maintenance's
  • WzerWzer
    Reactions: 905
    Posts: 54
    edited November 2016

    I don't mind the wait. If they work hard on it now then we can play more later without further maintenance's
    Get ready for this kind of situation again at Dec 15th. Hope you enjoy.
  • RrikooRrikoo
    Reactions: 710
    Post: 1
    edited November 2016
    probably its going to be fixed tomorrow night
  • NovasiriNovasiri
    Reactions: 1,045
    Posts: 31
    edited November 2016
    Good to know there's a status update on the situation, though we'll be missing nearly a whole day of event time.. :c Ah well.
  • PetalmagicPetalmagic
    Reactions: 7,660
    Posts: 1,572
    edited November 2016
    Hey, Good Work Nexon...you can has a non p2w cookie, courtesy of me and my Reboot friends who understand. P.S. Plz hire me, k thx bai nao.
  • FoolsPlayFoolsPlay
    Reactions: 670
    Posts: 17
    edited November 2016
    Wzer said:

    FoolsPlay said:

    without giving an exact time, can you give us an estimate how long it will be minimum?
    He literally said there is no ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) meaning they do not know.
    Thank you for sharing your literally knowledge, the question was directed at Oneletter though.
  • dragonflyRHdragonflyRH
    Reactions: 100
    Posts: 2
    edited November 2016
    what time it will be fixed?
  • EternalElfEternalElf
    Reactions: 620
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    edited November 2016
    Okay so 24 hour maintenance okay time to watch some walking dead
  • MidgardsormrMidgardsormr
    Reactions: 680
    Posts: 25
    edited November 2016
    Calm down guys, a day of maintenance is better than a month's wait...
  • ArchereonArchereon
    Reactions: 701
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    edited November 2016
    OneLetter said:

    We’re working on a few major issues related to crit damage for some classes being much higher than normal, some players having issues with new character creation, and the “Play V” event timer not working properly, along with some other issues as well.
    Are you going to address the few people whose potentials got rerolled entirely (rather than having just the line that no longer exists rerolled)? Or is that not known?

  • DragventurerDragventurer
    Reactions: 1,701
    Posts: 42
    edited November 2016
    It's fine, take your time :D Rushing leads to more errors and more errors is more maintenance on the game :p Thanks for the hard work though :D Having a big patch like this will also cause some issues so I get the reason for the maintenance.
  • JosrevJosrev
    Reactions: 1,425
    Posts: 25
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    edited November 2016
    Please we need you to fix the Flames Missing on Luna world lots of players were missing the All stat flame on gears