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Last Active
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One letter is all you need!
About Me
Da boss ;)


  • ClolrsSpace
    I can't get out of here because of a mission mistake.Can you help me get out of here?
    Nirth America:Scania
    Site: Alien Base:The Cell of General Holding
    September 2018
    • ClolrsSpace
      Sorry, the nickname is ColorSpace, wrong number
  • OdysseyTwo
    From [url="http://forums.maplestory.nexon.net/discussion/comment/10627/#Comment_10627"]Maple Memo: Global Migration Update[/url]
    Q: How would EMS's Rebirth Flames and Additional Options be affected by the Migration?
    A: Rebirth Flames were removed temporarily. Additional Options will be kept on items that already have it. However the Additional Options system will not be implemented in GMS until June 20th, 2018.
    June 2018
  • crimson24
    finishing blow and dark impale should be added to hyper skill upgrades. Nearly every class has their main training skill as an upgrade option except these 2.
    July 2017
  • Pangus
    Hi, can you check your PM please? Thank you.
    March 2017
  • adgn
    Hi, could you check your PM? I posted here last time but it disappeared. The forum seems to be very glitchy for me.
    Thank you
    January 2017
  • ScarlettLove

    I've been wondering when will you guys post the results for the MapleStory V: Food ExtraVaganza contest. I thought the announcement for the winners would be posted shortly after the competition is over. Is there a set date for when you guys will post the results? Please reply when you can. Thank you.
    January 2017
  • OneLetter earned the Called them out badge.
    You've tagged another forum member by putting "@" in front of their name.
    December 2016
  • OneLetter earned the Pollster badge.
    You've created a poll! Let's see what the results will be
    December 2016
  • LagTooMuch

    I just noticed that I got warned for using bad word? I am aware of the forum rules.
    ,and I assumed I got warned becuase of the last discussion I posted a few weeks ago? I didn't even say s word compelty just three letters, so technically I didn't violate the rules. and I see a lot of people using foul languages but they still havent gotten warned? Can you please explain why im the only one getting wanred?
    December 2016
    • LagTooMuch
      oh its still consired a bad word even if you didn't say the complete word. I acknowledge that.
      still, can you please explain why im the only one getting wanred? and why you guys so picky about everything we say ever since the KTBN got fired? you guys used to be so cool but now, I dont know man.
  • NEINheart
  • Skyfall1989
    My account has the issue 1 problem, and l have been waiting for one day already, and now it seems l have to wait for another day?
    December 2016
  • Cris
    Hello i would like to inform you about something currently wrong with Root of Abyss after you die inside Root of abyss when pressing Respawn you are teleported to a different map called spinel's forest hope this helps :D
    December 2016
  • OneLetter earned the Post Count Level 2 badge.
    You have shared your opinion 25 times. Let's hope they weren't just cat memes.
    December 2016
  • OneLetter earned the Like Level 2 badge.
    You've earned 25 likes on your comments. This is just the beginning.
    November 2016
  • OneLetter earned the I Voted! badge.
    You had a hard decision to make, but you did it. Well done.
    November 2016
  • OneLetter earned the Insightful Level 1 badge.
    You received 5 Insightful votes. You have interesting facts to share.
    November 2016
  • chaoscauser
    Please forward the issue with runes and event hall lag.....
    October 2016
  • OneLetter earned the Shhhhh badge.
    You've sent a private message. Make sure to check your inbox for new messages!
    September 2016
  • OneLetter earned the Streaming Superstar badge.
    You are social media! Whether it is podcasting or streaming you create some great content.
    September 2016
  • OneLetter earned the Something to Show badge.
    You've added an image or video to a forum post. We hope it was a funny GIF.
    September 2016
  • OneLetter earned the Profiler badge.
    You've filled out every section on your profile. Let's see what we can learn
    September 2016
  • OneLetter earned the Liked Elsewhere badge.
    You've linked your Facebook account to your forum account.
    September 2016
  • OneLetter earned the #HASHTAG badge.
    You've linked your Twitter account to your forum account.
    September 2016
  • OneLetter earned the Personality badge.
    You've selected an avatar. Now show it off by posting in the forums!
    September 2016
  • OneLetter earned the First Like! badge.
    You earned your first like! Keep it up!
    September 2016
  • OneLetter earned the First! (Level 1) badge.
    You made your first post in the forum!
    September 2016