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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
i keep dcing when using attacking skills
World: Luna
Class : Kanna
Moderator Note:
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Brief bug summary:
More details:
(anything not included in the other sections of your report)
Steps to reproduce:
(if not covered in the summary)
Character name:
Character level:
Character job:
World name:
Date and time of the incident:
(mention your time zone if you aren't posting Pacific time)
A ticket later the reply I got was that for higher levels Kanna depends on the Vanquisher's charm to kill, and it's a constant spamming skill that can be misread as hacking, gets worse if you happen to live overseas and have some latency issues as well (Australian here). So supposedly I am to kill mobs that I can 1-2 hit KO without buffs and then after a while I can use buffs and hunt normally...
Except it didn't work out so well as casting buff is almost second nature, so it would only prolong my connection for another 20 minutes before it happens again.
I am about to lodge another ticket right after this...
OdysseyTwo's is correct.
Check for "% chance to ignore % damage" potential lines, and either remove or recube any gear that has them.
(Or don't use Haku, since it's his Foxfire in conjunction with that potential that causes the false hack detection. But not summoning Haku isn't a practical solution)
If I remember correctly, I have been disconnected even though I haven't used any buffs as well, so that might not be the issue after all.
But come to think of it, I haven't had any problems like this before the Halloween update, it only started after that said update.
It is so annoying because I am forced to play other characters and lower level fields are often infested by hackers on all channels, yet legit players suffer because some people aren't willing to play the game properly (Castes Table Flip!)
World: Reboot
constant dc whenever i kill monsters
pls hotfix since i would love to join in the events, or do all kanna get a huge compensation instead?
the maintenance may take another 24h as far as i am concerned as long as they gat this one sorted out
220 kanna in Luna [now called elysium for some reason]
I don't have internet issue, my PC is good enough, and i don't lag at the time when attacking..
World: Windia
Job: Kanna
Name: PuppyMango Lvl231
TIme: 4:20-4:51am AEDT 2nd December
World: Reboot
once I attack a mob, I get dc.
NEXON plz fix this.
I did not disconnect when I had no points in the skill.
Brief bug summary: When you have put skillpoints in Soul Bomb, you will disconnect after killing only a few mobs.
More details: Soul bomb is a passive 2nd job skill, which when it activates will disconnect you.
I didn't disconnect after resetting my skills and leaving 0 sp in soul bomb, while maxing out every other skill.
(anything not included in the other sections of your report)
Steps to reproduce: 1. Login Kanna, 2. Put points in 2nd job skill Soul Bomb 3. kill some mobs. 4. Disconnect
(if not covered in the summary)
Character name: Yonaku
Character level: 220
Character job: Kanna
World name: Luna
Date and time of the incident: 1 december 2016, 20.53 (CET)