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[Unscheduled Maintenance] Nov. 30, 2016


  • AkihikoT_AkihikoT_
    Reactions: 1,315
    Posts: 165
    edited December 2016
    Kisj said:

    AkihikoT_ said:

    I think reboot is a good server for returning players, especially since it isn't Pay-to-Win like the others have become.
    they've always been like that
    When maple was starting out it wasn't really pay to win, up until they got potentials it still wasn't really pay to win since you could still get lucky with drops for weapons.
    DrayvenX said:

    I don't need the best of the best gear anyway I just want something that is the closest to max I can without having to pour a bookoo of cash into the cash shop. I think most people can understand that, I am a WoW veteran so I have no problem with the grind.
    Unless you're REALLY lucky you won't really get close to max on most characters because potentials are random and cost NX to replace, unless you get uber lucky on drops. Even still they're randomly replaced with new potentials. There are a lot of people who have put more than $1-200 into a single character just to get the potentials.

    You can still play without paying, but it's a LOT harder and you have to be lucky to get good potentials. That said you also can't trade at all on Reboot, so you can't get nice people giving you potions/mesos to help you start out.
  • AkihikoT_AkihikoT_
    Reactions: 1,315
    Posts: 165
    edited December 2016

    You still gotta buy a pet. I have 2 perma pets on bellocan even has all the perma equips including hp/mp, skill, feeding itself and boots for range that I got from beefy's kitchen event. The day I get a perma pet is the day i pick reboot back up when will they be giving perma pets in reboot?

    That's where you're wrong kiddo, you can easily get Hilla's pet, after which it's about 4 dollars every 3 months for water of life if you must have a pet.
  • DrayvenXDrayvenX
    Reactions: 460
    Posts: 23
    edited December 2016
    Points at my previous post about how RNGesus is my friend.
  • HerbazyliuszHerbazyliusz
    Reactions: 550
    Posts: 6
    edited December 2016

    You still gotta buy a pet. I have 2 perma pets on bellocan even has all the perma equips including hp/mp, skill, feeding itself and boots for range that I got from beefy's kitchen event. The day I get a perma pet is the day i pick reboot back up when will they be giving perma pets in reboot?
    But come on, pet is like 5$ for first 3 months, and then 5$ for a year... I mean, who can't afford that? And with V update you'll be able to share pet with more classes than before. Until V update, only basic Explorers were able to share cash shop inventory, now Cygnus can share with themselves, Heroes with themselves, etc... And that means if you want a pet on every single character now, you'll have to pay MUCH less.
  • AkenoChanAkenoChan
    Reactions: 610
    Posts: 15
    edited December 2016

    What about the European immigration nexon??? We need answers Jesus terrible
    yea , nothing about migration -.-
    so frustrating....

  • VolumezVolumez
    Reactions: 1,335
    Posts: 68
    edited December 2016
    DrayvenX said:

    Points at my previous post about how RNGesus is my friend.
    Like grinding? no pay-to-win? Come Reboot. It's the most populated world.
    tons of nice guilds to join, they can help you A LOT with carries when you start.
    you work for your own mesos and items, you can buy cubes, tp rocks, pot stamps, 2nd pend slot etc' for mesos.
    pets, clothes and other cosmetics are still NX.
  • DrayvenXDrayvenX
    Reactions: 460
    Posts: 23
    edited December 2016
    Why does everyone want me on Reboot, I had like 4 people pulling to Broa now I have like 3 people wanting me to go Reboot.
  • QuarentineQuarentine
    Reactions: 220
    Posts: 4
    edited December 2016
    As many have said Reboot is a great server. The cubes and crazy scrolling and other things people could do to equipment really ruined the game for me early on after the release of big bang. Though, I've always loved the ways maplestory plays and the experience long before and after this. Reboot sort of brings back that nostalgic feel while remaining current by completely destroying that pay to win aspect MS has had for far too long.

    Edit: The only thing that could improve the experience now is if the event rewards or items that can't be used on reboot cause of the disabled trading and the removal of slots on items it would be great.
  • CoralineCoraline
    Reactions: 715
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    edited December 2016
    You can
    DrayvenX said:

    Why does everyone want me on Reboot, I had like 4 people pulling to Broa now I have like 3 people wanting me to go Reboot.
    You can come to Luna too :P

  • DrayvenXDrayvenX
    Reactions: 460
    Posts: 23
    edited December 2016
    Its tempting I might just pop one on each server and figure out which appeals to me more.
  • ringayeenringayeen
    Reactions: 1,580
    Posts: 55
    edited December 2016
    ShadyNero said:


    I find it utterly adorable how there's so many people complaining and whining. As well as calling the Nexon staff incompetent and unable to do their jobs correctly.

    I'm just gonna call it out as it is. For all those ragers and QQ'ers.... just shut the heck up. Honestly. Y'all are speaking as if 95% of you are the next upcoming programming gods. Well here's the reality for you guys: Unless you guys can do their jobs 100x better than they can with the spoonful of knowledge you THINK you have, it'd be best to withhold your rude and demeaning comments. If you think you're all that and can do it, by all means, send your resume and list of valid backgrounds over to Nexon's office and the decent and respectful players will be waiting patiently for your grandiose acceptance email.

    Nexon said from they beginning that this maint can be subject to varying times and duration's due to the size of the patch and all the contents. It's not like this is the first expansion we've had to wait a plethora of time for. Any maple veteran here will be the first to take a step back and just let Nexon do it's thing.
    You're absolutely right. I may not be able to run laps around Nexon's coding staff. On the other hand, I also don't receive a paycheck from them every two weeks. Nexon's staff has an expectation of being able to do their job competently. I do not. If I did, I would work for Nexon. If you go to a fancy restaurant and the chef undercooks your duck l'orange, you're going to complain, right? Even though you may not personally be able to masterfully cook the dish yourself, you're not cooking it yourself; you're paying someone else to do it, and as such, you expect them to get it right. After all, they do this for a living and are getting paid for it, so they have the expectation of competency. Someone, somewhere, hired them to do the job based on an assumption of a certain level of skill. So yes, customers have every right to complain when any company (Nexon included) displays a consistent lack of competence, whether said customers could personally do better or not. I'm sure it's a difficult job. The easy solution would be to hire programmers who are skilled enough to do it properly and pay more to accomplish this goal if necessary. (It's not like Nexon isn't making enough money.) Their staff has chosen this career path, if they're not up to the task, perhaps they should choose another one. It's one thing to have a few occasional glitches with updates, it's another to have a bug-riddled game that introduces new errors with nearly every patch. The latter should not simply be brushed off as acceptable and is an issue that any customer-focused company would address.

    With that said, that doesn't mean that players can't cut the company a bit of slack. This is a big update with a lot of significant changes, and Nexon has not only addressed, but also adequately compensated players for the inconvenience while they do their best to resolve the issues and get the game back online. I believe that the frustration most players are expressing is based on a long track record of flawed updates followed by unscheduled maintenance periods, rather than this single incident in itself. No company is perfect, but it's okay to hold them to a higher standard when they make as many blunders as Nexon does.
    to keep going with this off the wall metaphor, yeah sure. a chef undercooks your food, you're rightfully pissed. but if a fire starts in the building that's unrelated to the cooking, are you automatically allowed to be pissed at the cooks? nah. because even if the fire started in the kitchen, and someone might have caused it by not being careful, they're not firefighters! they do what they can, and when something happens, all they can do is contain the problem and fix it. this is a HIGHER UP problem, not a bottom-level staff issue.
    chill, my dude
  • NovasiriNovasiri
    Reactions: 1,045
    Posts: 31
    edited December 2016
    DrayvenX said:

    Its tempting I might just pop one on each server and figure out which appeals to me more.
    Honestly the best thing to do!

  • ringayeenringayeen
    Reactions: 1,580
    Posts: 55
    edited December 2016
    AkihikoT_ said:

    I think reboot is a good server for returning players, especially since it isn't Pay-to-Win like the others have become.
  • DrayvenXDrayvenX
    Reactions: 460
    Posts: 23
    edited December 2016
    Cause I honestly like a grind but if money gives too much of an edge it usually ends up putting me of the game, cause I am not going to funnel some ridiculous amount of money to just get all the best in slot gear for a class.
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited December 2016
    ringayeen said:

    to keep going with this off the wall metaphor, yeah sure. a chef undercooks your food, you're rightfully pissed. but if a fire starts in the building that's unrelated to the cooking, are you automatically allowed to be pissed at the cooks? nah. because even if the fire started in the kitchen, and someone might have caused it by not being careful, they're not firefighters! they do what they can, and when something happens, all they can do is contain the problem and fix it. this is a HIGHER UP problem, not a bottom-level staff issue.
    chill, my dude
    Yes, but if they have a fire in the kitchen - caused by carelessness - every time they try to cook a meal, and furthermore, many of the dishes come out of the kitchen with random embers stuck in them (a.k.a bugs that never get fixed), then you might not blame the cooks but you'll certainly blame the management. Because that is no way to run a restaurant.
  • KimiBoshiKimiBoshi
    Reactions: 400
    Posts: 10
    edited December 2016
    Would like to know whether Issue #1 would include players that would be affected by the ongoing unscheduled server maintenance whose items were in their shops at the time the server went down.
  • ringayeenringayeen
    Reactions: 1,580
    Posts: 55
    edited December 2016
    AKradian said:

    ringayeen said:

    to keep going with this off the wall metaphor, yeah sure. a chef undercooks your food, you're rightfully pissed. but if a fire starts in the building that's unrelated to the cooking, are you automatically allowed to be pissed at the cooks? nah. because even if the fire started in the kitchen, and someone might have caused it by not being careful, they're not firefighters! they do what they can, and when something happens, all they can do is contain the problem and fix it. this is a HIGHER UP problem, not a bottom-level staff issue.
    chill, my dude
    Yes, but if they have a fire in the kitchen - caused by carelessness - every time they try to cook a meal, and furthermore, many of the dishes come out of the kitchen with random embers stuck in them (a.k.a bugs that never get fixed), then you might not blame the cooks but you'll certainly blame the management. Because that is no way to run a restaurant.
    well yeah! all in all, it comes down to how management runs a restaurant, and TRAINS their staff. it's not always just going to be the cooks fault; if management doesn't tell the cooks how to deal with the aftermath of the fire, all they can really do is try their best
  • ringayeenringayeen
    Reactions: 1,580
    Posts: 55
    edited December 2016
    KimiBoshi said:

    Would like to know whether Issue #1 would include players that would be affected by the ongoing unscheduled server maintenance whose items were in their shops at the time the server went down.
    probably not bc it's not like you were directly affected by the specific problem they described
  • KisjKisj
    Reactions: 1,100
    Posts: 64
    edited December 2016
    well that's it i can't take it anymore, youtube is boring, nothing good on tv, all the TV series i have are boring, no movies to bother with either... think i'll just go back to sleep until friday comes around
  • MDenhamMDenham
    Reactions: 640
    Posts: 12
    edited December 2016
    DrayvenX said:

    Cause I honestly like a grind but if money gives too much of an edge it usually ends up putting me of the game, cause I am not going to funnel some ridiculous amount of money to just get all the best in slot gear for a class.
    I will say that MS is the grindiest MMO out there.

    Well, at least, of the ones I've heard of. There's something to be said about needing 20 billion EXP (give or take) to hit the level cap, about having bosses with over a billion HP, and so on.

    I'll still always have a place in my heart for FFXI (my first MMO), but when money is tight for whatever reason MS definitely scratches that "let's get on and start grinding" itch. :-)