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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
[Unscheduled Maintenance] Nov. 30, 2016
"Thank you Maplers once again for your continued patience and understanding throughout this Unscheduled Maintenance." is this what you keep telling yourself as the hours pass?
...check the nebulite list if you don't believe me http://www.basilmarket.com/Items-Nebulite-Wiki-306 only S rank nebs have min/max crit nebs. Unless avoid or acc nebs were changed to 1% crit damage.
am just saying big part of the fail its community that puts pressure on them to open the game quick
we sud respect them and let them know in nice way what parts are missing what can be done what rly works better
instead we just rage on them makes sily jokes abuse the system in evry possible way and act its not fair and it dosnt work? its kinda stupid if you ask me
am not saying they dont make mistakes but if we tell them how it can be done better or how is done better is more nice
I'm thinking about making a character there, if I will create I'll be glad to join :P
We can be burning buddies.
btw im playing bf1 to pass the time by hope they will finish this maintanance before i go to sleep
But at the same time people have item generated Frenzy Totems and Beater Medals in Reboot... so there's that too.