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[NOTICE] Compensation for Unscheduled Maintenance


  • Volunteer Forum Moderator Neospector
    Reactions: 9,860
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    Volunteer Forum Moderator
    edited December 2016
    OwIie said:


    gorateron said:

    Issue 1: Item Stats, compensation
    Nope, I still don't have 5% all stat on my pink holy cup back nor do I have any of the compensation items ...
    Pink Bean Holy Cups are pocket items. They do not have potential, nor scroll slots, nor stars.
    He must have had a flame stat on it then.
    This is a different issue entirely from Fredericks, which was not addressed in this particular patch. It has been forwarded, though.
  • Member xSoko
    Reactions: 1,350
    Posts: 29
    edited December 2016
    I had 5% too on my Holy Cup but after log in all my flames disappeared and I think it's normal bc GMS don't have flames...
    But I saw this when maple up for 7 minutes after big patch, now I still can't log in bc of Frederick and I don't see new information. This is sad...
  • Member Jackets
    Reactions: 440
    Posts: 10
    edited December 2016
    xSoko said:

    I had 5% too on my Holy Cup but after log in all my flames disappeared and I think it's normal bc GMS don't have flames...
    But I saw this when maple up for 7 minutes after big patch, now I still can't log in bc of Frederick and I don't see new information. This is sad...
    % All stats flames are just invisible but still there from what I have seen. I compared the +/- range a previously flamed eye acc. and a clean one gave and I clearly saw that the flame was still there.

    Can someone from Nexon please reply about the Frederick bug? This is getting ridiculous. I would gladly give up my affected items if I could play instead
  • Member mileswhitts
    Reactions: 255
    Posts: 21
    edited December 2016
    How about the fact that a vast number of us cannot even PLAY the game due to the client crashing after selecting a region? I'm missing the FIRST HALF of this stupid burning event that was literally the only reason I redownloaded this game, AND I CANNOT PLAY.
  • Member xSoko
    Reactions: 1,350
    Posts: 29
    edited December 2016
    Ok, I used a game luncher, now question is, this is PST, EST, CET, AEDT?
  • Member Enchiridion
    Reactions: 450
    Posts: 11
    edited December 2016
    Will there be compensation for not being able to use any of the previous compensation due more server maintenance and terrible lag?
  • Member Jackets
    Reactions: 440
    Posts: 10
    edited December 2016
    xSoko said:

    Ok, I used a game luncher, now question is, this is PST, EST, CET, AEDT?
    Probably UTC because that is server time currently. Although I am guessing that this time frame won't matter as they will either lift earlier if resolved or extend if not.
  • Member ruth02
    Reactions: 1,190
    Posts: 83
    edited December 2016
    the game is very lag, i cant play , it constant freeze and crashed , pls fix it, yesterday the game is fine
  • Member OwIie
    Reactions: 1,031
    Posts: 28
    edited December 2016
    xSoko said:

    Ok, I used a game luncher, now question is, this is PST, EST, CET, AEDT?
    I'd go with CET, at least from my experience so far and I live in europe.

    What I suppose happened there is, since they had to extend the block, they did so by another day.
    The notice however saying it's a slight extension, I assume they were restricted by the way the system works.
    They're obviously PST so they just extended the block and went to sleep and we've been on here the entire day while they were inactive during night time.

    It makes it really awkward for Europeans, cause it makes it seem as if they are doing nothing in the ways of fixing things since we don't get status updates.

    Just a guess

    Edit: Just for reference, it's the 2nd of Dec, morning in the PST zone atm, and in the CET zone it's evening nearing the 3rd of Dec.

  • Member mileswhitts
    Reactions: 255
    Posts: 21
    edited December 2016

    Will there be compensation for not being able to use any of the previous compensation due more server maintenance and terrible lag?
    Yeah, seriously. This is completely RIDICULOUS.
  • Member chasemyoung
    Reactions: 100
    Posts: 2
    edited December 2016
    The delay lag is ridiculous. Constant 5-10 sec lag and d/c is so painful to play with. I thought they "beefed up" the servers but I guess not. It's literally the same as yesterday. Can't even kill mobs or anything. Nexon please fix this lag issue. I am currently playing in Reboot. I got a GM notice too for hacking but I wasn't hacking
  • Member Marga95
    Reactions: 880
    Posts: 107
    edited December 2016
    xSoko said:

    Ok, I used a game luncher, now question is, this is PST, EST, CET, AEDT?
    idk if they don't extend it again... in the website there is write " need to be extended slightly " and not the time like game luncher.... i hope it's not and tomorrow we can finally play this game. and for time idk.. maybe is UTC like cash shops equips but im not sure
  • Member Marga95
    Reactions: 880
    Posts: 107
    edited December 2016
    Finally a GM answer at my ticket , said me they will unlock the accounts only when the bug can be fixed so I think tomorrow they will extend it again...
  • Member Caravela
    Reactions: 510
    Posts: 14
    edited December 2016
    Hopefully the fix doesnt require a client patch and can be all fixed with the server side. If it needs a client patch, we probably wont be able to log in until next Thursdays maintenance or until another unscheduled maintenance comes up.
  • Member Xycho
    Reactions: 520
    Posts: 8
    edited December 2016
    ONELETTER, or any MapleStory employee/volunteer, can you give a simple update to all these players that have been waiting for days just to play the game? This is incredibly disappointing and has only further shown Nexon's ineptitude and negligence.
  • Member SnowyComet
    Reactions: 400
    Post: 1
    edited December 2016
    Marga95 said:

    Finally a GM answer at my ticket , said me they will unlock the accounts only when the bug can be fixed so I think tomorrow they will extend it again...
    Let's just hope they will fix it by the end of the day today and if not, hope they are gonna work to fix it tomorrow. Sucks so much for us since we are missing out on our dailys.
  • Member Xycho
    Reactions: 520
    Posts: 8
    edited December 2016


    Nexon, remember this? Quality standards and all that? Where is your quality control at? And now that the patch is up, yet the game is still unplayable to many, where is your damage control at? A simple update is all most of your CUSTOMERS want and will help alleviate some of the outrages currently taking place in this community.
  • Member OwIie
    Reactions: 1,031
    Posts: 28
    edited December 2016
    Xycho said:


    Nexon, remember this? Quality standards and all that? Where is your quality control at? And now that the patch is up, yet the game is still unplayable to many, where is your damage control at? A simple update is all most of your CUSTOMERS want and will help alleviate some of the outrages currently taking place in this community.
    Exactly. However, it's not even about alleviating the outrages. They need to update us more frequently so we can plan our activities.
    Who wants to be waiting for 3 days only to find out things are sorted on the fourth and they have no time in the next 4 days to play?

    They merged GMS and EMS and now they are not even thinking about how the time difference is affecting people in the sense of their activity.

    This is all really poor management. Even for Nexon.

    I'm expecting an answer similar to what @Marga95 got. If and when I do, I'll be officially signing out for the last time.
  • Member Arwen
    Reactions: 2,030
    Posts: 201
    edited December 2016
    This sucks. It's their bug but we are the one who got suffered. It's not only about the compensation is..we lost few days already. l lost my times to hunt some boxes and rewards...although you give us some coupon, i wonder when I can stay 6 hours hunting and we lost the 2x event that we can get like 4x event instead ( cos we can't use the coupon from CS ). And my professional will go down and I have to start again..(stupid system). And DO they know how difficult to raise to Meister Alchemy and now it's difficult to farm Juniper berry seed. I am so mad..I never hack, never dupe, never did any illegal stuff and i got this... Just because the bug that Nexon did. So unfair!
  • Member Marga95
    Reactions: 880
    Posts: 107
    edited December 2016
    Ok I get the answer I never want to receive..

    The block may be extended if we cannot fix the issue. Therefore, we do not know when you can play the game at this time.
