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[NOTICE] Compensation for Unscheduled Maintenance


  • Member serveyou123
    Reactions: 750
    Posts: 41
    edited December 2016
    @KThxBaiNao , please read what's happening with the Item Missing Potential still not fix everything here: http://forums.maplestory.nexon.net/discussion/5900/items-potential-lost-even-after-fix-unblock
  • Member Aarya
    Reactions: 690
    Posts: 23
    edited December 2016
    Well thank you I´m not banned anymore and can now play the game. But all my items that i had in my FM store is gone with the mesos. Did we get any information about this that I have missed?
  • Member Zeta
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 2
    edited December 2016
    Welp. I'm missing 150 compensation V coins + the box from doing the sharing event on facebook / twitter.

    (got hit with the 2 day ban)
  • Member AeonTouch0fAllJobs
    Reactions: 580
    Posts: 13
    edited December 2016
    I finally got into the game, only to find out 2 things...
    Firstly, the compensation is a bloody disgrace, I would be so ashamed if I, as a Nexon "employee", would have to break this news to my customers...
    Secondly, it is not fixed at all ! The items which lost their potential only got restored when you had them at Frederik again before you got "banned"!
    The items which lost their potential, while in your inventory were never restored... I still am missing my 24% matt Rod, which had an 12,5B offer on it and on which I spent literally hundreds of euros to make it that way....
    Now how are we going to fix this?
    Oh wait, I have an idea!! Why don't you ban us for 2 months so you can fix it at your own pace? not bad huh?
    And I did not even mention the fact that I am hellbanned, cant even trade goods where I had offers on.... another loss....

    Thanks for nothing!

    PS. Feel free to remove all compensation rewards from my inventory while at it, I refuse to use these !
  • Member Saifs
    Reactions: 1,015
    Posts: 30
    edited December 2016
    oops double posted that same thing.
  • Member Saifs
    Reactions: 1,015
    Posts: 30
    edited December 2016

    Hey everyone,

    On Wednesday, we blocked some players who had lost their item potential.

    Just now, we have released the block and awarded these players the item with the potential they lost, if any.

    · We previously announced this in the following link: http://forums.maplestory.nexon.net/discussion/5554/notice-compensation-for-unscheduled-maintenance
    · However, we have updated the compensation for these players to be:
    o Compensation: These affected Maplers will be given:
    - Six 1-hour 2x EXP Coupons (7 day)
    - Six 1-hour 2x Drop Coupons (7 day)
    - Two Red Cubes (7 day)
    - One 7-day Hired Merchant (Mushroom House Elf)
    - 3 Black Cubes
    - 5 Philosopher’s Book
    The Bolded text is not true for my case, please refer your moderators to my ticket Request #334590.

    @KThxBaiNao correct me if i'm wrong but you're trying to say that the items that lost their potentials/enhancement stars/nebulites are restored?
  • Member Skyfall1989
    Reactions: 1,255
    Posts: 60
    edited December 2016
    My situation is worse, why do l say that? Because my account was blocked due to temporary request for two days, and now two items are still missing potentials. These two items are sweetwater face and eye accessories, before the patch both were unique with some % stat, but now they are still blank. As we all know that these two items obtained from Commerci are naturally epic. So what is happening now? I wanna my items potential back and these compensation was just nothing. We missed two days of 2x exp and so on...
  • Member Smokez
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 9
    edited December 2016
    Guys just be thankful we have had our accounts unbanned even if some players are hellbanned now. We can consider the lost of potentials and missing compensation as nexons due for us being such good paying customers but no really I think that they are just gonna sweep this under the rug as usual for them
  • Member DarkMagician
    Reactions: 550
    Posts: 4
    edited December 2016
    @KThxBaiNao I can finally login to the game again WOOHOO!.

    1. I didnt get any 7 days merchant
    2. I didnt receive my items yet, all my items in my shop is now lost. I WANT THEM BACK!
  • Member Arwen
    Reactions: 2,030
    Posts: 201
    edited December 2016
    I didn't get that 6 hours 2x exp and I don't get any merchant. And i lost my reward sharing box event!!!! I don't see it on my UI! I want that box cos of the slots and V coins!
  • Member Marga95
    Reactions: 880
    Posts: 107
    edited December 2016
    I lost a flamed face accessory too...
  • Member GaIateea
    Reactions: 610
    Posts: 7
    edited December 2016
    Same here :( why can't we have the V event share package we were supposed to receive but could not claim because we were blocked for something we didn't cause? It's kind that you gave people compensation , but I think it'd be really great if you gave us our V gift boxes also, like during the next scheduled maintenance ...ty guys :) be fair about this .
  • Member Arwen
    Reactions: 2,030
    Posts: 201
    edited December 2016
    And i juts realize, I don't get my HOT DAY box today. I got the merchant just now after relog

  • Member Arwen
    Reactions: 2,030
    Posts: 201
    edited December 2016
    Nvm, I just got it after relog with another char...TY Nexon <3
  • Member Arwen
    Reactions: 2,030
    Posts: 201
    edited December 2016
    Btw, try to do this: accept one or 2 gift and relog, it will appear afterward . I think they have limitation in UI gift icon to be shown.
  • Member GaIateea
    Reactions: 610
    Posts: 7
    edited December 2016
    oh wow ty, tyvm it worked, ty also nexon I apologize for taking your time :)
  • Member nothingspecial
    Reactions: 610
    Posts: 12
    edited December 2016
    When are you planning to fix dragon rider pq dc bug?
  • Member XCaedisX
    Reactions: 755
    Posts: 16
    edited December 2016
    *Sigh* Like, four days now I've been unable to play. At least most of you guys can log in--I still can't get past the region selection screen. At this point, I'm just about ready to call it quits. I'm missing out on all this stuff because Nexon, somehow, broke my account and doesn't seem to be trying to fix it. Since my issue doesn't seem to be one they're even attempting to resolve or offer a user-fix for, I suppose I'll have to find a different game to play.
  • Member, Private Tester cicia
    Reactions: 500
    Post: 1
    Member, Private Tester
    edited December 2016
    Was on for about 3 hour. Was log out and for an hour I've tried to long back in and still not able to long in./ Help
  • Member Mytyl
    Reactions: 320
    Posts: 3
    edited December 2016
    *Sigh* So... When we'll have a new maintence to fix this insane lag? I mean, seriously, I literally can't even walk with this lag....

    I need to wait the 2x ends so I can play more or less, because still lagging a lot...