I'm also running into the same problem but only on my main world El Nido, i tried to make one on Windia just to see if it would work and I was able to burn a character there. Regardless i really want to make a burning character on El Nido and not Windia. Please help us Nexon!
What i want to know is what they could possibly do to "fix" this, the burning character events are huge, and since it lasts for 2 weeks what are they going to fix it by the end of the week and then just be like sorry u guys didnt get to burn characters, heres some 2x coupons...thats not going to make up for a character i can take from lvl 10 to 150 by only having to level a third of that
Well..... We are missing this Burning Event - and V Events , almost 28hrs in maintenaince pòst the update and we have this bug when everyone were waiting the burn character event... Nice.! Nexon should give us some answer !! or something to be patient...
i made an Aran and made it my burning character but then afterwards i changed my mind and decided to delete it and make a Demon Avenger and make it the burning character but then every time i make the demon avenger it gives me the "do you want to make it your burning character" sign and then i choose yes but then it says "request failed" so can you please help me to fix this
As the title says I made a burning character and things happened so I deleted it. The message says a can make another one after the first is deleted but when I click yes to make it, it says request failed. Did I do something wrong or am I missing something?