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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Would it be possible for the crusader codex to get an upgrade?
with the release of collecting monsters it sort of makes the crusader codex feel useless (although in the end i think the codex is more useful considering it provides you with HP, MP, and drops)
Maybe incorporate them together in some way?
If not at least for the codex can we have proper updated drop lists and for the monster cards themselves to have a bit better of a drop rate on some mobs as its sometimes impossible to get them.
Fellow Mapler's let me know what you think!
Monster collection is updated constantly by KMS and the Crusader Codex system is from JMS. It's because of this that they should not be merged,as it would just cause problems in the future.
JMS has a vastly more up to date version of the Crusader codex, GMS has just been too lazy or whatever to update it, so it's now the pile of bugged content it is now.
also due to JMS having very special Professions such as the Hunter and Tamer professions that are related to the Crusader codex, it makes it even easier for them to collect cards and familiars, the Tamer profession in particular allows them to summon 3 familiars at once.
I made a suggestion for it to be updated and it made it on the list of reviewed suggestions and feedback but we wont know what will come of it unless @KThxBaiNao is allowed to give follow up information or has any followup info to give.
* Fix the problem where it displays each card twice
* Introduce ways to obtain all Codex cards from mobs in the codex that are no longer in the game. It could be as simple as talking to the Maple Admin and she unlocks all of them in the codex automatically (this would be ideal), or it could be more difficult as long as they are made available.
* Buff the bonus stats from the Codex. Seriously, as you level it up you get a grand total of +8 All stats (and I think newer players can't even hit level 8 codex anymore, not sure). It should be +1% stat per codex level at the very least
* Ideally bring over JMS's version of the codex
* Regardless of bringing over the JMS version or not, update the code behind the Codex such that it is dynamically updated as you update mob data (eg health, experience, location, drops etc....). This will make it so much easier on you guys to keep up with it because you wouldn't have to do anything anymore.
I think the codex should receive 1all stat every like 1k points, so you can get over 30all stat with all the sets, specially with a revamp, you could get over 60all stat, pretty neat. I think %all stat per set is too OP, should be beased on points so it's fair.
And it's bad that you can't get certain cards now, so they could give you or remove them(not good in my opinion) so it's more fair.
@Ryuhiko - Supposedly Nexon actually looks at these forums, but I doubt it. Either way, very few of our suggestions that did get forwarded were ever implemented, so its not like we actually lost the ability to get stuff implemented. Hard to lose what you never had
I honestly wish they would update it a lot to include more of the enemies throughout the game.
Or at very least, they could make it so that one of the flavor text NPCs somewhere in the game can sell you cards of the now-missng monsters in the Codex.
What if (because we all know most quests in maple right now are completely garbage) some NPC's handed out information about monsters (I.E Cards) for some of the un-obtainables that way there would at least be some resemblance of fun when trying to complete the codex
It would make way for new quests, NPC's, even areas!
The codex has SUCH POTENTIAL! i just hope nexon can see that!