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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
The rewards for the Black Friday Big Spender Event will be distributed. Please claim your rewards by clicking the gift box icon on the left side of the screen before midnight (12:00 AM Pacific) on January 1, 2017 About time.
Newly created ‘Burning’ Resistance characters can now make the job advancement to Blaster. Cool, now I can try out Blaster.
The V Coins obtained from Shining Santa Boxes now have a limit of 10 coins per day. Well .
To be honest with you, we would have only been kicking the stone down the road. It would still eventually happen. More over, it would make the community even more hypocritical. We put Nexon on blast soooo God damned much about transparency. If we don't report bugs, REGARDLESS of whether or not it's benign or malicious, we would be no better than they are.
There's zero logical reason for a daily coin limit AND purchase limits in the shop. Both prevent abuse. One limits our ability to get all the things we want and instead forces us to prioritize the one or two things we really need. That would be the daily coin limit. There's no need for a coin limit. At ALL. All it does is annoy the entire user base who can no longer get all the damage skins and chairs. Or complete a single Vengeful Ring.
If the customers are complaining excessively about the quality of game content, it's for a good reason. Firing back at the players with these sort of spiteful moves are very bad for public relations. No one likes this sort of ridiculous nerf. We are not getting the holiday event we deserve as loyal players and customers.
So much for playing f2p and funding without nx.
Thanks a lot Nexon and mostly the people who complained about there being no limit.
Time to take my hard earned money elsewhere.