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Treat the community with some respect

Reactions: 6,020
Posts: 884
edited December 2016 in Rants and Raves
I feel like the rest of the Nexon Staff don't even bother to read or understand what the forum members post, let alone play the game. That recent livestream felt either incredibly laughable or totally disrespectful.


The new restriction how the Community Manager(s) can no longer help with game issues is quite pathetic too considering the lack of transparency. If Nexon is that incompetent, that hype through Social Media would be for nothing if players are treated like garbage such as compensation of lost items thorugh Feddrick to be in the form of Maple Points instead of the actual item. How about the lag that lasted the whole week? Europe Migration issues?

Now this coin cap from Shining Santa Boxes, has Nexon even considered the consequences of implementing this limitation? Nope probably not. Do the math and then look at the prices of items in the shop. Don't force people to scrap every last bits of events like Rice Cake Coins. Oh wait, Nexon just did.

Probably just want to lock Gollux off for horrible RNG Marvel Machine just to make money. Or will be the excuse, "just a coincidence"?

It doesn't feel like Nexon even properly care for players regardless if they buy NX or not. If you want to have a better reputation, treat us like actual people instead of some money making machine of children. And maybe we'll treat you properly too.
PetalmagicAramyふかせJettLuvsUNairassoyUzumeMallow256LilyflowerToymakerLagTooMuchand 5 others.


  • gamechangergamechanger
    Reactions: 3,460
    Posts: 506
    edited December 2016
    Honestly you should've known the nerf to the santa boxes was coming, I don't understand why it wasn't capped at 30 coins though.

    What I'm more upset about is that this happens with literally almost every coin shop we get. There is always a source of coins that Nexon didn't even pause to think about, so its uncapped. Allowing a few people with no life to gather enough coins to buy out the shop on what is actually an exploit (considering it is always, always patched), while then turning around and saying "Nope, f**k the rest of you, you have to grind your life out to get as many coins over the next few weeks that these guys got in a few hours."

    No rollbacks ever come anymore to stop like this. No measures are ever taken beforehand to ensure it doesn't happen again and again and again. Never. Nexon doesn't seem to actually care. If they did we wouldn't face this problem with every single coin shop. If they did we would be getting rollbacks when it did happen so that no one would get an unfair advantage in this game due to having been able to devote dozens of hours to farming coins before whatever limit was forgotten about is implemented in a hotfix.
  • Mallow256Mallow256
    Reactions: 1,060
    Posts: 69
    edited December 2016
    Nicely put, take my first - and probably only - like.
  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited December 2016

    Honestly you should've known the nerf to the santa boxes was coming, I don't understand why it wasn't capped at 30 coins though.

    What I'm more upset about is that this happens with literally almost every coin shop we get. There is always a source of coins that Nexon didn't even pause to think about, so its uncapped. Allowing a few people with no life to gather enough coins to buy out the shop on what is actually an exploit (considering it is always, always patched), while then turning around and saying "Nope, f**k the rest of you, you have to grind your life out to get as many coins over the next few weeks that these guys got in a few hours."

    No rollbacks ever come anymore to stop like this. No measures are ever taken beforehand to ensure it doesn't happen again and again and again. Never. Nexon doesn't seem to actually care. If they did we wouldn't face this problem with every single coin shop. If they did we would be getting rollbacks when it did happen so that no one would get an unfair advantage in this game due to having been able to devote dozens of hours to farming coins before whatever limit was forgotten about is implemented in a hotfix.
    This is the big problem. The big, flashing-red-lights problem is that they "forget" about one source of coins, as you said, and then they slap a limit on there after people have been able to buy out the entire shop. But the bigger problem THIS time around, is the fact that not only do we suffer through a week of unplayable levels of server lag, but we then lose our CM for no rightly-explained reason and we get what I can only call a knee-jerk reaction cap placed on the coins we can gain.

    Seriously, guys? Ten coins? TEN coins?! What, are you expecting us to enjoy 40 coins per day(until the 15th at least, when that drops to 10 coins per day) and say "please sir, may I have another" at the same time? I get wanting to make us decide between the utilitarian coin shop items, a couple chairs(or one chair) and/or damage skins or the Vengeful ring, but this is simply bordering on absurd levels of "we didn't actually think this through in any meaningful extent of the phrase".

    I know I tend to be one who sides with Nexon on most things, or at the very least I try to maintain an opinion of "hey, sometimes things happen", and I oftentimes try to redirect people's anger away from people who have nothing to do with the issue or can't do anything about it, but this is something I cannot and will not try to rationalize or defend. Hell, if I did I'd probably be the first to attempt to rationalize it at any point in the chain. But no, no part of this looks like anything other than a last second "oh crap we should do something about that" decision that, as gamechanger above me has said, does nothing but harm and hamper those who do not have the time or means to farm thousands of boxes in a matter of a few hours. And, once again it seems, no effort will be made on the part of Nexon to atone for their mistake that, effectively, punishes those who did not farm thousands upon thousands of boxes ever since the server clock ticked over to the 7th, triggering boxes to start dropping. Just like the Hunter's Club event.

    Just for yucks, here is a screenshot I took of the full patch notes from last night, timestamped to 12:21:37 AM, Eastern Standard Time. As evidenced by the highlighting, it was taken for wholly different reasons, but you'll be able to note the lack of any mention of a coin limit being imposed upon the Shining Santa Boxes. Which leads me to believe that the line(which originally stated "The V Coins obtained from Shining Santa Boxes now have a limit of 10 coins per day.", and now states this) was added last-minute in the hopes of not being called out on yet another ninja nerf.

    I'm not mad or angry, Nexon. I'm just disappointed. I understand that the boxes should have had a limit on them in the first place, but that is not the fault of the players that no one thought to double check to make certain there was a limit in place. And, as I said before, you are once again taking measures that only punish and inhibit those who could not, or are not able to, farm and open literally thousands of boxes in the day and night leading up to today's maintenance.
  • Its2Sharp4UIts2Sharp4U
    Reactions: 6,020
    Posts: 884
    edited December 2016

    Honestly you should've known the nerf to the santa boxes was coming, I don't understand why it wasn't capped at 30 coins though.

    What I'm more upset about is that this happens with literally almost every coin shop we get. There is always a source of coins that Nexon didn't even pause to think about, so its uncapped. Allowing a few people with no life to gather enough coins to buy out the shop on what is actually an exploit (considering it is always, always patched), while then turning around and saying "Nope, f**k the rest of you, you have to grind your life out to get as many coins over the next few weeks that these guys got in a few hours."

    No rollbacks ever come anymore to stop like this. No measures are ever taken beforehand to ensure it doesn't happen again and again and again. Never. Nexon doesn't seem to actually care. If they did we wouldn't face this problem with every single coin shop. If they did we would be getting rollbacks when it did happen so that no one would get an unfair advantage in this game due to having been able to devote dozens of hours to farming coins before whatever limit was forgotten about is implemented in a hotfix.

    I'm not mad or angry, Nexon. I'm just disappointed. I understand that the boxes should have had a limit on them in the first place, but that is not the fault of the players that no one thought to double check to make certain there was a limit in place. And, as I said before, you are once again taking measures that only punish and inhibit those who could not, or are not able to, farm and open literally thousands of boxes in the day and night leading up to today's maintenance.
    Mutual feelings, it's to be expected.

    I'm not surprised, just disappointed.
  • LilyflowerLilyflower
    Reactions: 4,030
    Posts: 760
    edited December 2016
    Nexon doesn't even know how to do math seriously nexon -.-" 10 Coins?! Who would even buy with 10 coins while the v coin shop price is ridiculously high.
  • ToymakerToymaker
    Reactions: 1,535
    Posts: 48
    edited December 2016
    I definitely feel very disappointed in Nexon's recent actions in firing our community manager who actually loves and legitimately plays Maplestory.
    To add onto this AND the 10 coin limit per day on Santa Boxes, they also nerfed the Santa Box drop rate. I used a big spider before in DIPQ and gained at least 70+ santa boxes per dipq, sometimes 100. Now? I barely scrap by with 30-45 boxes. Your results may vary.

    @GameChanger I disagree with the 30 coin cap. Given the amount of things in the shop and the cost, it's very unfair to have 30 coins from v chests + 30 coins from santa box. The santa box should be capped at 120-150 coins as a lot of people want to grab the Vengeful Ring PLUS other goodies too. Then there's the second season of the shop with the Sylph Rings and the Master SS Ring. Imagine the prices on those and whether we can get them.

    I believe that obtaining coins should fairly distribute towards 50% gearing up and 50% cosmetics/fun.
    Not like "There are 100 items! But you can pick only 5" philosophy that Nexon has been doing.
    Besides that, they've been forcing us to bust our booty trying to get the coins.
    People play on more than one character or cannot dedicate half a day.
    I feel like Nexon is trying to sabotage themselves for some reason.

    These recent events are -10/10 Nexon. -10/10.
  • Raira94Raira94
    Reactions: 940
    Posts: 42
    edited December 2016
    1 question did any of you guys tried it out if there is actully a 10 coins limit ?
  • ToymakerToymaker
    Reactions: 1,535
    Posts: 48
    edited December 2016
    Raira94 said:

    1 question did any of you guys tried it out if there is actully a 10 coins limit ?
    Yes. All of us did.
    Unless you're implying about the clear bug where "if you earn more than 10 coins..", you bypass the 10 coin limit. Then a lot of people here know about that.

    Source: http://forums.maplestory.nexon.net/discussion/comment/25059/#Comment_25059

    Edited to add in source.
  • Raira94Raira94
    Reactions: 940
    Posts: 42
    edited December 2016
    Toymaker said:

    Raira94 said:

    1 question did any of you guys tried it out if there is actully a 10 coins limit ?
    Yes. All of us did.
    Unless you're implying about the clear bug where "if you earn more than 10 coins..", you bypass the 10 coin limit. Then a lot of people here know about that.

    Source: http://forums.maplestory.nexon.net/discussion/comment/25059/#Comment_25059

    Edited to add in source.
    ye that was what i tried to say :D
  • LagTooMuchLagTooMuch
    Reactions: 1,985
    Posts: 122
    edited December 2016
    Yes, I just got warned for saying nono word. I didn't even say the complete s word. just the 3 letters. this is not cool
    NExon shold bring kthxbainao back. Sucks
  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited December 2016
    Oh, and on top of the absurd coin limit, they also drastically decreased the droprate of the boxes themselves. The first DIPQ run I did when the boxes started dropping got me 117 boxes with nothing more than a Big Spider familiar. Post-nerf, I got maybe 50.

    Thanks Nexon. Insult to injury I guess.
  • gamechangergamechanger
    Reactions: 3,460
    Posts: 506
    edited December 2016
    @Toymaker - I said it should be capped at 30 coins so it would match the V boxes, not because it would necessarily allow you to buy anything more from teh store. The outrageous prices for items in this store (and for that matter pretty muh every coin shop we get) is an entirely different matter. For the record though, I do agree with you
  • gamechangergamechanger
    Reactions: 3,460
    Posts: 506
    edited December 2016
    To add to this. I'm just f***ing tired of Maplestory events that are huge grindfests, and this one is by far the worst. Even disregarding the v coins, if you are only focused on the diary (which, I might add, is a single event), just take a look at it.

    We have to abandon our mains to work towards completion.

    We have to kill a cRA boss (which takes at least 10 days to even be able to fight them).

    333 Elite mobs need to be killed. When training specifically to kill elites (ie just grinding in a map), I find one every 15-20 min at best. I know there are better ways to "elite hunt", but that isn't typical gameplay. At my rate, it would take 111 hours of just pure grinding to just complete this one task for the V journal. 111 hours, of pure grinding, over a ~30 day event. That is almost 4 hours of grinding each day of the event, to complete a single goddamend task in this journal.

    Then, if you even manage to finish that, you are required to go through the 4 theme dungeons, yet again. A lot of players have been through some of these a dozen times or more at this point Nexon, stop forcing us to do them for trackers. They are no longer fun to do! They just aren't.

    On top of that, you also have to do all of the blockbusters, including FriendStory. When I can even stay logged in, it takes me an hour to do each chapter in FriendStory. That's 6 hours to finish this one task in the V journal (of which there are what, like 40 tasks to do?). Though I guess I should be thankful that it only takes 6 hours as opposed to the absolutely ludicrous amount of time required to kill 333 elite mobs. Now after all this is done, I will have sunk hundreds of hours into a new character that I don't even want to main, simply because I wasn't allowed to do this event on my main character. This is asinine levels of require grind Nexon. Asinine. And the reward isn't even that great.

    Why do you continuously add events like this to the game? The amount of grind required makes them no fun. The only solution is to simply not participate in them. Why do you continuously bring in new events that are so grindheavy and have such a small window of time to complete relative to the work required that people are starting to feel as if they are better off not participating at all? That is horrible event design.
  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited December 2016

    To add to this. I'm just f***ing tired of Maplestory events that are huge grindfests, and this one is by far the worst. Even disregarding the v coins, if you are only focused on the diary (which, I might add, is a single event), just take a look at it.

    We have to abandon our mains to work towards completion.

    We have to kill a cRA boss (which takes at least 10 days to even be able to fight them).

    333 Elite mobs need to be killed. When training specifically to kill elites (ie just grinding in a map), I find one every 15-20 min at best. I know there are better ways to "elite hunt", but that isn't typical gameplay. At my rate, it would take 111 hours of just pure grinding to just complete this one task for the V journal. 111 hours, of pure grinding, over a ~30 day event. That is almost 4 hours of grinding each day of the event, to complete a single goddamend task in this journal.

    Then, if you even manage to finish that, you are required to go through the 4 theme dungeons, yet again. A lot of players have been through some of these a dozen times or more at this point Nexon, stop forcing us to do them for trackers. They are no longer fun to do! They just aren't.

    On top of that, you also have to do all of the blockbusters, including FriendStory. When I can even stay logged in, it takes me an hour to do each chapter in FriendStory. That's 6 hours to finish this one task in the V journal (of which there are what, like 40 tasks to do?). Though I guess I should be thankful that it only takes 6 hours as opposed to the absolutely ludicrous amount of time required to kill 333 elite mobs. Now after all this is done, I will have sunk hundreds of hours into a new character that I don't even want to main, simply because I wasn't allowed to do this event on my main character. This is asinine levels of require grind Nexon. Asinine. And the reward isn't even that great.

    Why do you continuously add events like this to the game? The amount of grind required makes them no fun. The only solution is to simply not participate in them. Why do you continuously bring in new events that are so grindheavy and have such a small window of time to complete relative to the work required that people are starting to feel as if they are better off not participating at all? That is horrible event design.
    Honestly, I have little to no intention to complete the V Tracker(the asinine grind event you're referencing; and don't misunderstand, I fully agree with you), I'm only grinding to 200 for the maple and reward points we're given along the way.

    Also, don't forget the absolute tedium that is Black Heaven being a requirement. That mess took me, first time through on my Shade or Wild Hunter or whatever the hell I used, about six hours over the course of two or three days. Simply for quitting at various points when I got frustrated.

    Also! You neglected to mention, in regards to the Chaos Root Abyss boss requirement, how utterly impossible these bosses are for the average player who doesn't have funded friends.
  • Mallow256Mallow256
    Reactions: 1,060
    Posts: 69
    edited December 2016
    I didnt know these events are as grindy as stated above. Wow, what ridiculousness. I paricipated in that damned haste event and somehow cleared it all for a title with obviously OP stats and a duration on those stats... wth, I wasted so many hours mindlessly grinding on black heaven deck when I could have been playing much better games with my friends. Why the grind! WHY THE GRIND?!?! It's not like it's even worthwhile in many cases... you just get rewards like css 10%, which I have not even recorded a success with in many months, what a reward, shattered hopes.

    Oh well, time to cut the losses, there is nothing to gain except some maybe kinda eh fun times in the 5th job content - maybe. I mean hell, I just soloed hard magnus for the first time 'bout a week ago (you do indeed get the drops btw), so I think I might just consider that my final achievement and walk off. I had wanted to beat normal lotus the stop, but that seems like an unrealistic goal for someone who isn't going to devote their life to mapling.
  • OkhuraOkhura
    Reactions: 4,185
    Posts: 594
    edited December 2016
    If anyone on Luna needs some help with killing the boss, as long as you have your 10 RA, I will be happy to carry you :)
  • gamechangergamechanger
    Reactions: 3,460
    Posts: 506
    edited December 2016


    To add to this. I'm just f***ing tired of Maplestory events that are huge grindfests, and this one is by far the worst. Even disregarding the v coins, if you are only focused on the diary (which, I might add, is a single event), just take a look at it.

    We have to abandon our mains to work towards completion.

    We have to kill a cRA boss (which takes at least 10 days to even be able to fight them).

    333 Elite mobs need to be killed. When training specifically to kill elites (ie just grinding in a map), I find one every 15-20 min at best. I know there are better ways to "elite hunt", but that isn't typical gameplay. At my rate, it would take 111 hours of just pure grinding to just complete this one task for the V journal. 111 hours, of pure grinding, over a ~30 day event. That is almost 4 hours of grinding each day of the event, to complete a single goddamend task in this journal.

    Then, if you even manage to finish that, you are required to go through the 4 theme dungeons, yet again. A lot of players have been through some of these a dozen times or more at this point Nexon, stop forcing us to do them for trackers. They are no longer fun to do! They just aren't.

    On top of that, you also have to do all of the blockbusters, including FriendStory. When I can even stay logged in, it takes me an hour to do each chapter in FriendStory. That's 6 hours to finish this one task in the V journal (of which there are what, like 40 tasks to do?). Though I guess I should be thankful that it only takes 6 hours as opposed to the absolutely ludicrous amount of time required to kill 333 elite mobs. Now after all this is done, I will have sunk hundreds of hours into a new character that I don't even want to main, simply because I wasn't allowed to do this event on my main character. This is asinine levels of require grind Nexon. Asinine. And the reward isn't even that great.

    Why do you continuously add events like this to the game? The amount of grind required makes them no fun. The only solution is to simply not participate in them. Why do you continuously bring in new events that are so grindheavy and have such a small window of time to complete relative to the work required that people are starting to feel as if they are better off not participating at all? That is horrible event design.
    Honestly, I have little to no intention to complete the V Tracker(the asinine grind event you're referencing; and don't misunderstand, I fully agree with you), I'm only grinding to 200 for the maple and reward points we're given along the way.

    Also, don't forget the absolute tedium that is Black Heaven being a requirement. That mess took me, first time through on my Shade or Wild Hunter or whatever the hell I used, about six hours over the course of two or three days. Simply for quitting at various points when I got frustrated.

    Also! You neglected to mention, in regards to the Chaos Root Abyss boss requirement, how utterly impossible these bosses are for the average player who doesn't have funded friends.
    Honestly I started the event because I like collecting titles, and the reward is a title. But after realizing what was involved I'm pretty much through. I'm almost to the point of just flat out quitting. I've been playing GW2 for over a year now. They treat their players with respect. There is regular (@OneLetter - Read daily) communication between the company and the players, and its not just 1 or 2 people, the devs routines come out to comment in threads on their forums and on Reddit. They take player feedback and adjust future updates based on what the players have said they do and don't like. But, most importantly, their events are not huge grindfests. You don't have to spend hundreds of hours to obtain the holiday event rewards. You can spend < 5 hours in the game and get 90%+ of the holiday rewards if you work for them. That is just not possible in Maplestory due to how your events are designed.

    I realize that no one will care if I do end up quitting. But I've been a devoted player for over 10 years, accused oftentimes of being a whiteknight for Nexon and even once accused of being a secret Nexon employee on the old forums due to how much I defended you guys. I'm just sad that it was all a waste of time on my part.
  • MaraBellaMaraBella
    Reactions: 845
    Posts: 14
    edited December 2016
    Here's a like sir.