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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Closed Why does nexon even have a live chat for appeals?
Nexon looks at everything before deciding to ban people. It is very rare that that they falsely ban. If you have proof that you didn't hack or bot or whatever then feel free to show it.
Otherwise you'll get no support from the forum community.
Yeah that sure is some BS, right?
Also, calling them sub-human is pretty racist, not to mention unnecessary. But I must say, I'm rather impressed that you're able to discern accents through text.
We complained about that, and the policy was changed, to where you can only get unbanned if you prove you didn't do whatever they accuse you of (as opposed to "yes, I did it, but I'm sorry, it was my first time, and I will never do it again, honest!")
However, the result of the change is that they basically tell everyone, "you did the crime now do the time." They just assume that the GM who banned you was justified in doing so. So the ban appeals chat (and tickets) are now kind of pointless.
The only way I know of to get unbanned from a false ban is to have the Community Manager ask Customer Support (the GM team) to "look into this again." This made them really check the game logs or whatever evidence, and I've heard of numerous people getting unbanned as a result. (And some that weren't, because they were trying to abuse the CM's help and really did hack or whatever).
Unfortunately, we don't currently have a CM (unless @OneLetter counts), so I don't know what you can do to make them really check your case again :-(
Unless you have proof you didn't hack; most people will assume you hacked.
Let's put it this way. In the real world[maple], you cannot sentence[ban] a man without explicit proof of the action; if needed, the person has the right to know the crime he is being convicted of[support chat: "let me pull up your account".]. If, at the time, they already have my account pulled up, why can't they give me proof of my action? Does nexon not trust it's own employees to give the actual information? Admin(s): I will tell you how they got banned, but I wont provide any information the players need, like screen shots[which should be via command when they ban to control moderators] or any sort of proof[packets;etc], so they can't prove themselves because we know they don't record 24/7.
If nexon ever goes in the paper, here's the headline. "A once great company seeks to bounce back but does not accommodate the players/customers with adequate service!"
I mean, I understand Nexon is busy and can make mistakes - thats completely fine - but when they falsely ban a player, regardless if they report hackers as much as me, but don't provide sufficient evidence aside from a reason, then it is kind of hard to not get mad at a company you have been behind and supported for quite a long time. Give me a screen shot, give me packets to analyze, give me something aside from just a wall of pre-typed text!
So you admit you know the packet structure? And you want to know which ones gave you away?
Nexon doesn't like to tell people why they got banned, because they're afraid it will help hackers avoid getting caught in the future.
Suspect: "How do you know it was me?"
Cop: "We found your fingerprints at the scene of the crime!"
Suspect: Note to self and criminal friends: use gloves next time.
In reality, the police have to present all the evidence they have, and you can be sure that criminals make use of the information thus revealed. But it can't be helped because our society goes by "innocent until proven guilty" and the judges (or jury) are separate from the police.
In the game world, the game company is free to make whatever rules they want, and the compnay is both cop and judge.
You're right that when they make mistakes and refuse to even check, they lose players. But that's just part of their all-around incompetence. Buggy content loses players. Laggy servers lose players. And yeah, lazy customer service loses players. That's Nexon.
Admit to what? I didn't do anything.. Just because I can analyze a packet structure, doesn't mean I am automatically a hacker?
A hacker, or hack developers, know what theyre doing.. You think they dont know what could possibly bite them back or cause them to lose customers / accounts? If a hacker truly was hacking, they would know how he got banned simply by when he got banned.. A player only gets banned if they are caught in the action of doing so; therefore they can narrow down the possibilities to a few in an instant. I know this and so does Nexon..
I was one of the few people we got falsely banned AND unbanned recently. Hell, these morons even blocked me from sending anymore appeal ticket after they denied my first appeal, wondering when their miserable day will end.
I was able to get the old community manager KTBN's attention on Reddit. He looked into my ticket and was able to figure out a "bug" on their end and unbanned me.
Nexon is very stubborn about getting rid of their players. Paying or not. What a joke. You wonder why Maple is losing player base and everyone sees Maplesotry as a meme? This is why. And let me tell you, these morons should all get fired, not the community manager who actually does work and enjoy what he was doing.
To all the Nexon staves looking at this post, please take your 8 smoke breaks everyday (looking at you mr. producer of nothing). I hope your company dies and you all lose your jobs. Enjoy lung cancer too. Kthanksbyenow