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Players STILL selling NX/Gear for RL cash

Reactions: 1,625
Posts: 169
edited December 2016 in General Chat
Seriously Nexon needs to change this ASAP really coming unplayable again due to people selling gear/nx/items for RL cash and yet BREAKING TOS i would LOVE to see HUGE clean up at end of this gear banning those selling NX/Items for RL money even yet GM needs patrol market (ch1) and ban those wanting to use Paypal (PP) .... please clean this game up and also use the auction house more :(


  • CocoDriloCocoDrilo
    Reactions: 640
    Posts: 20
    edited December 2016
    Want to solve that easy? bring back MTS.
  • SuperboiSuperboi
    Reactions: 1,595
    Posts: 47
    edited December 2016
    CocoDrilo said:

    Want to solve that easy? bring back MTS.
    Or add an option to pay with NX on the Auction House
  • bumbertyrbumbertyr
    Reactions: 6,610
    Posts: 1,167
    edited March 2017
    Unfortunately this is a issue that really isn't that easy to fix, while technically yes they could go in and look at trades between characters, there's just no way they'll be able to track down every single fraudulent trade out there. Something like the mts would be nice, heavily fixed to avoid exploits of course.

    on a different note I'm curious, how is the game becoming unplayable because people are selling their equips for real money? While it most certainly is against the TOS, i'm unsure how this effects you directly. Is this hindering your ability to log in, to level up, and play the content? Do note i'm not defending these people it just sounds strange that they'd be making the game unplayable for you.
  • XionicomadXionicomad
    Reactions: 820
    Posts: 102
    edited December 2016
    bumbertyr said:

    Unfortunately this is a issue that really isn't that easy to fix, while technically yes they could go in and look at trades between characters, there's just no way they'll be able to track down every single fraudulent trade out there. Something like the mts would be nice, heavily fixed to avoid exploits of course.

    on a different note I'm curious, how is the game becoming unplayable because people are selling their equips for real money? While it most certainly is against the TOS, i don't see how this effects you directly. Is this hindering your ability to log in? to level up? play the content? Do note i'm not defending these people, i'm just finding it hard to believe they're making the game unplayable for you.
    With us humans its more along the lines of "that person has something good, I want/deserve it too!" Or "I paid so much real money for my gear! Why can that person pay in mesos instead of doing it my way!"
  • ChukkiChukki
    Reactions: 1,525
    Posts: 181
    edited December 2016
    bumbertyr said:

    on a different note I'm curious, how is the game becoming unplayable because people are selling their equips for real money? While it most certainly is against the TOS, i don't see how this effects you directly. Is this hindering your ability to log in? to level up? play the content? Do note i'm not defending these people, i'm just finding it hard to believe they're making the game unplayable for you.
    I'm not too sure but this is what I think.

    I think people like to compete with other people like guilds and something like that.

    They like to compare range and see who is better than the other person?

    I could be wrong! This is just what I think on why people care about other people when buying powerful gear.
  • genji123genji123
    Reactions: 1,120
    Posts: 140
    edited December 2016
    No one cares about TOS. If people were banned for breaking TOS like buying meso from websites or players selling/buying items directly with real money, 90%+ of end-game players would be banned.

  • MaryseMaryse
    Reactions: 6,640
    Posts: 531
    edited December 2016
    I'm at the point where I'm like "man, if these people want to spend hundreds of dollars on online gears, just let them"
    It's never gonna stop anyway and I feel like there are more important things Nexon need to worry about.
  • Drakeos99Drakeos99
    Reactions: 1,625
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    edited December 2016
    Prob will stop once Nexon steps up and restrict trading like on Reboot
  • bumbertyrbumbertyr
    Reactions: 6,610
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    edited December 2016
    Drakeos99 said:

    Prob will stop once Nexon steps up and restrict trading like on Reboot
    whoa there, if you like reboots restricted trading then stay on reboot, don't force it upon everybody else :x.
  • XionicomadXionicomad
    Reactions: 820
    Posts: 102
    edited December 2016
    Drakeos99 said:

    Prob will stop once Nexon steps up and restrict trading like on Reboot
    They won't do that. Trade restriction is for the ReBoot server only.
  • Drakeos99Drakeos99
    Reactions: 1,625
    Posts: 169
    edited December 2016
    Well they should implement it on other's as well and it will stop P2W service BIG time
  • DaxterbeerDaxterbeer
    Reactions: 7,560
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    edited December 2016
    they should have a single GM go by shops and take note of those selling items for PP or NX. They should have 1 per world except for reboot
  • The Blue CorsairThe Blue Corsair
    Reactions: 1,915
    Posts: 103
    edited December 2016
    While I see the negatives of buying/selling items for real life currency (or Paypal), I also see the reasons why players resort to it despite it being against the Terms of Service. In the game's economy, there are far too many items that surpass the maximum amount of mesos traded / held by a character in one transaction, and this doesn't always have to be the case for actual stat-increasing equipment.

    Historically and currently, there can be permanent NX items obtained through Style Boxes that due to rarity or supply/demand, will surpass the 10 billion meso range. Attempting to make a profit from these items (which Nexon had stated in the past was one of the focuses of Style Boxes being tradable initially to help players make legitimate profit from the purchasing of NX) requires either solely trusting in a player that they will trade them immediately after trading 10 billion mesos and give the remaining amount.. or resorting to selling the item via methods like Paypal, where it at least protects the individual somewhat in the cause of fraud.

    I've sadly never had the opportunity of having items that were worth 10bil+ (or at least ones that I would consider selling), but even for myself, unless I knew the individual very well, I'd feel uncomfortable selling the item through normal means when there is far too much risk for the player of being scammed or taken advantage of. This is one of the main reasons why I enjoy continuing to provide the /insert free market site name here/, as it helps protect all maplers, regardless of their economical status in-game from malicious attempts to take advantage of others, or purposeful mis-pricing. Knowledge is power.

    So to sum this up, I don't agree with the idea of players having to make item transactions through other means outside of the game, but I understand it and don't really hold it against them. Nor do I feel like it's that much of a problem that it's impacting the game negatively in any way. If the item is not exploited, legitimately created by a player, and the player has spent their own money cubing or otherwise improving the item, they deserve the right to make a profit from it without the risk of losing their investment due to a lack of functionality in the game itself.
  • MasumuneZMasumuneZ
    Reactions: 540
    Posts: 26
    edited December 2016
    To put it plain and simply, selling NX or Meso for RL currency creates an exchange rate, which it turn affects maple economy. Yes this game has elements of p2w at the later stages, but essentially all this RL currency trading is affecting player retention rates. As people see beyond their level and see the almost impossible task they have ahead. I don't see many of this new influx of players sticking around, simply because its far out of reach for most people to reach real end game content. Thats where everyone wants to get. It should be more accessible for new players to get low - mid range gear.

    Another thing that spawns from this is people with billions of meso setting prices for items high end players will use but low to mid end players will sell. Css 10%, epot 50%, innocence scroll. Those items from rare boxes allow players to make some meso but the way the price is manipulated by individuals for their own profit is also what affects player retention rates. Not necessarily saying this is wrong as people may have worked hard for meso, but then from that once you merchant enough meso you dont know what to do with it, unless your an altruistic type of individual and your willing to do say drop party's or something for lower levels, then your gonna just end up becoming a gold seller.

    Meh idk, economys same in most games. Individuals greed is what the real problem is. Why dont you help fellow guild members out with the fafnir wep they want epic buy them a scroll idk, thats what this games about right? 0.0
  • DalethDaleth
    Reactions: 1,855
    Posts: 106
    edited December 2016
    I personally think the auction house alleviated this issue a bit -- it did not stop people from selling the items, but it gave more people the ability to sell items for in game currency.

    I think the best nexon could do is just make a big clear update to the TOS -- something superficial but that brings the fact that real world trades are illegal -- it won't stop it but it may slow it down for literally no effort or code -- I see a lot of people doing it on the steam forums and I tell them it's against the TOS and they respond with "who cares", "everyone does it", or "I didn't know." -- making it clear that it is a ban worthy offence would clear up at least some of it. That's my thought, it may not be effective, but it would not hurt.

    I don't remember what MTS stands for, can someone refresh me?
  • SoreSore
    Reactions: 415
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    edited December 2016
    Daleth said:

    I personally think the auction house alleviated this issue a bit -- it did not stop people from selling the items, but it gave more people the ability to sell items for in game currency.

    I think the best nexon could do is just make a big clear update to the TOS -- something superficial but that brings the fact that real world trades are illegal -- it won't stop it but it may slow it down for literally no effort or code -- I see a lot of people doing it on the steam forums and I tell them it's against the TOS and they respond with "who cares", "everyone does it", or "I didn't know." -- making it clear that it is a ban worthy offence would clear up at least some of it. That's my thought, it may not be effective, but it would not hurt.

    I don't remember what MTS stands for, can someone refresh me?
    The problem is that Nexon itself does not truly care about it. We seen this by then giving second and third chances to big time hackers in the game. They basically stop caring for awhile now and putting any type of new rules in the TOS isn't going fix anything. Since the players of the game know that Nexon doesn't care that much then they don't care either. Nexon needs to be more firm about breaking the TOS and not giving out second chances to every hacker out there. There is no other gaming company that gives hackers or people who break the TOS another chance unless it was a false banning.

    I think it's a bit too late now though even if Nexon stepped up there game and did that. They already showed they don't care so having them step up now will take a very long time to fix any problems right now. Point is the players will need to do there own thing and do what they did before in pre-bb. Stop accepting people who break the TOS in there guilds and things of that sort. They also need to stop buying the gear and the mesos or NX from these players too. If you stop buying the stuff then eventually the people will selling there stuff for real money. However, that is never going to happen so in a sense we just need to learn to deal.

    Bringing back the MTS or putting NX allowed in the Auction house will not solve a thing but make things worse. They took the MTS out bc of exploits and people getting hacked from there. That's just going to happen again. Putting NX in the AH may help a bit but then it will be exploited like no other since it involves real money just like the MTS was. People need to take this game more seriously if they want a better game not just Nexon but the players as well.
  • The Blue CorsairThe Blue Corsair
    Reactions: 1,915
    Posts: 103
    edited December 2016
    MTS (as a principle) also allows players to keep NX already purchased to stay in the game and never really dissipate when it's used as a currency. NX already purchased and used in MTS is not profitable for Nexon as they've already made money from it being introduced to the game, they can't make any more from it as it transfers from one player to another.

    Whereas with the sale of in-game items for either NX or Paypal (let's use NX for this example), it forces the buyer to purchase additional NX cards, in this case directly supporting Nexon, to purchase the item. If the seller spent 30$ on cubes to get an item to Legendary, it's only reasonable for the sale of that item to generate Nexon 30-50$ of revenue by them purchasing NX to buy it from the seller.
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited December 2016
    The Blue Corsair

    MTS (as a principle) also allows players to keep NX already purchased to stay in the game and never really dissipate when it's used as a currency. NX already purchased and used in MTS is not profitable for Nexon as they've already made money from it being introduced to the game, they can't make any more from it as it transfers from one player to another.

    Whereas with the sale of in-game items for either NX or Paypal (let's use NX for this example), it forces the buyer to purchase additional NX cards, in this case directly supporting Nexon, to purchase the item. If the seller spent 30$ on cubes to get an item to Legendary, it's only reasonable for the sale of that item to generate Nexon 30-50$ of revenue by them purchasing NX to buy it from the seller.

    1. That's why MTS had a tax on it.

    2. If it's NX then yes, Nexon gets the money. But if it's Paypal, then Nexon gets nothing. The buyer is a person willing to drop a few hundred dollars on MapleStory equipment - but they give the money to some other player rather than to Nexon.
    Generally speaking, buying pre-scrolled pre-cubed items is much cheaper than making them yourself. That's because a lot of the items sold for paypal etc are duped. And the ones that aren't still need to compete with the duped items' prices. Same story as with in-game sales of CSS etc: the legits have to lower prices to compete with the botters.
    (And $30 to get an item to Legendary? What fairytale are you living in?)
  • The Blue CorsairThe Blue Corsair
    Reactions: 1,915
    Posts: 103
    edited December 2016
    ...Ugh, this quoting nonsense is starting to get annoying.

    @AKradian Very true, and the tax with MTS did help a bit.

    Even in the case of a player receiving money through Paypal instead of the money directly going to Nexon, in most cases that money still finds it's way back to Nexon in some way or another; whether it's the purchasing of more NX (for that seller's shops), cubing, or so forth to make more pre-cubed items to sell for profit. I ran a poll in my server a couple years back and about 80% of players who sold items outside of the game said that they'd usually end up spending 60-70% of the money they receive back on the game again. To make things more realistic (depending on your server of course), if a player spends $300-450 to get a Frenzy Totem from a player who got one from Marvel Machine, it's expected that the seller will likely spend a good $50-150 on more Marvel Machine spins to try to make even more profit. That's still profit for Nexon in a large degree, especially when you consider the amount of items that usually go beyond 10bil.

    [*] Scrolled/Enhanced Tyrant Equips
    [*] Battleroids
    [*] Lightning God Rings
    [*] Scrolled/Perfected Weapons
    [*] Certain NX Items
    [*] Frenzy Totems
    [*] Other rare items from Marvel Machine
    [*] And then bulk amounts of Prime scrolls.

    That's all generating some form of revenue for Nexon on top of the money spent to (usually) receive the item in the first place. :)