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SS Ring available from V Coin Shop?


  • MaryseMaryse
    Reactions: 6,640
    Posts: 531
    edited December 2016
    @PlasticHolly - So much for their vows to be better at transparency and communication.

    That's what happens when there's no community manager...
  • Its2Sharp4UIts2Sharp4U
    Reactions: 6,020
    Posts: 884
    edited December 2016
    @Biznitch Customer Support is just really inconsistent.

    @PlasticHolly Since we're lacking a CM right now the only people who are viewing these threads are mainly Volunteers who have little to no power. At best they can forward things to Nexon America, but even so they have very limited communication or influence.

    On the other hand, the remaining Nexon employees which I have major doubts that they're even lurking at this point in time given the evidence on a majority having limited knowledge.

    If we have to do so much for something about Empty Jewel Rings, latency issues, abnormally disgusting 2x Event lag, absolutely random disconnects or client crashes that cannot be easily reproduced, and Dragon Rider Party Quest what about the lesser known bugs?

    - Certain Kannas/Hatayos not being able to do quests that normally everyone receives
    - Dozens of issues with The Afterlands which I've already hit a literal dead end on because I was unable to retrieve the next quest
    - Certain characters not being able to receive certain buffs from Shining Santa Boxes
    - Various entry or spawn issues for certain bosses such as Horntail and Zakum
    - Certain areas being inaccessible such as Ninja Castle without the use of a Hyper Teleport Rock
    - DEX Nebulite issues when placing it onto an Equipment results into a much lower stat
    - EXP loss at Gollux if you're not inside the 1st instance

    I can bet that there is so much back-log of other bugs and issues that I may have forgotten or never even heard of.

    It's no surprise at this point that a disaster this massive would happen during the big V Update. It's just a major disappointment that all of us current, returning, or even new players have to deal with such nonsense to actively push threads to the point there's a proper and accurate level of communication and that being fixed.
  • BiznitchBiznitch
    Reactions: 415
    Posts: 15
    edited December 2016
    you can enter ninja castle with a teleport rock if that can help you on sometin, even tho its like notin compared to most of the bugs
  • XionicomadXionicomad
    Reactions: 820
    Posts: 102
    edited December 2016
    Paix said:

    Keeping the thread alive until the problem gets fixed.
    You guys should read this part of the forums description. It straight up says you won't get support here. More or less a pointless thread.
  • PlasticHollyPlasticHolly
    Reactions: 2,140
    Posts: 125
    edited December 2016

    Paix said:

    Keeping the thread alive until the problem gets fixed.
    You guys should read this part of the forums description. It straight up says you won't get support here. More or less a pointless thread.
    so which forum do we go to to even get a a response? oh that's right none of them here, the thread isn't pointless, the forums are.

  • XionicomadXionicomad
    Reactions: 820
    Posts: 102
    edited December 2016


    Paix said:

    Keeping the thread alive until the problem gets fixed.
    You guys should read this part of the forums description. It straight up says you won't get support here. More or less a pointless thread.
    so which forum do we go to to even get a a response? oh that's right none of them here, the thread isn't pointless, the forums are.

    Depends. I don't see them as pointless because it serves the purpose between players. As for the purpose between players and developers... well that thread can be weaved into many different things.
  • Its2Sharp4UIts2Sharp4U
    Reactions: 6,020
    Posts: 884
    edited December 2016
    @Xionicomad, let me copy-paste my reply here from a different thread.


    Have you been to the bug report forums before? Have you seen the suggestions and feedback on them?

    If communication is slim to none on the main portion of the forums, how would you expect any different on the bug reporting forums?

    And before you say we should post a Suggestion thread, it's pretty much the same story as Bug Reporting. Without a Community Manager, which one has been recently been dismissed the only people who are here are the Volunteers who have very limited communication and little to no influence to getting things done.

    The rules are there in place in order to stay tidy with things, it's meant to be more formal and organized. The fact that the Bug Reporting list has been abandoned more or less, Customer Support is still quite irony unreliable, and that list of Suggestions will now probably be shoved under the rug after our Community Manager was dismissed.

    The General Forums brings the most awareness because it'll be the first place to look for players unlike Suggestions or Bug Reporting considering it's effectiveness.

    It also doesn't invalidate any of the points made by people commenting. Your argument towards it not getting proper attention is flawed beyond from my experiences from posting in the past for several years.


    EDIT: This issue is currently under investigation.

  • VelkahnVelkahn
    Reactions: 500
    Posts: 12
    edited December 2016
    What's there to investigate regarding the shop not selling enough rings? It's only a few lines of code, no rocket science. Any half-fledged mediocre programmer should be able to fix it in a few minutes.
  • PlasticHollyPlasticHolly
    Reactions: 2,140
    Posts: 125
    edited December 2016
    Velkahn said:

    What's there to investigate regarding the shop not selling enough rings? It's only a few lines of code, no rocket science. Any half-fledged mediocre programmer should be able to fix it in a few minutes.
    and there's the problem, they dont have anyone that meets those qualifications apparently, unless they are in korea, which means they have to sit around and wait for them to send them the fix rather just just change the
    Velkahn said:

    What's there to investigate regarding the shop not selling enough rings? It's only a few lines of code, no rocket science. Any half-fledged mediocre programmer should be able to fix it in a few minutes.
  • The Blue CorsairThe Blue Corsair
    Reactions: 1,915
    Posts: 103
    edited December 2016
    Without a Community Manager focused solely on MapleStory, there is very little that can be done in regard to interfacing directly with the community and providing enough valuable feedback to be able to make differences in the game. @OneLetter does a fantastic job, but it still takes two to tango in this situation.

    Making reports via Customer Service does have an effect, but it doesn't yield the same results as collective data provided by a Community Manager. The same is said about Volunteers or other individuals who have a bit more direct communication like myself. This is one thing that Michael did well at (at least from a 70% external, 30% internal glimpse) and I'm saddened for the decision for his leave to take place right before the holidays, when there is already a lessened employee-base and the need for communication is even more important for issues such as this.

    When in doubt, I just look back to my response to the prior thread. http://i.crr.io/06-4c249.png
  • MomTeresaMomTeresa
    Reactions: 1,585
    Posts: 191
    edited December 2016
    good luck
  • VelkahnVelkahn
    Reactions: 500
    Posts: 12
    edited December 2016
    Sigh... Well, at least now we know Nexon's aware of it. Let's just wait and keep our hopes up that someone in the office will care and be competent enough to actually fix something.
  • IvangoldIvangold
    Reactions: 2,985
    Posts: 588
    edited December 2016
    I guess only after the new year we will have more bugs fixed.
  • VelkahnVelkahn
    Reactions: 500
    Posts: 12
    edited December 2016
    Apart from the shop only selling one ring, anyone been able to craft an S gem? I just spent about 30 A gems and couldn't get a single S, I wonder if that's bugged too.
  • ACMBlackCipherACMBlackCipher
    Reactions: 1,690
    Posts: 104
    edited December 2016
    Velkahn said:

    Apart from the shop only selling one ring, anyone been able to craft an S gem? I just spent about 30 A gems and couldn't get a single S, I wonder if that's bugged too.
    Nope, I have been able to craft my S rank jewels.

  • PaixPaix
    Reactions: 520
    Posts: 12
    edited December 2016
    Velkahn said:

    Apart from the shop only selling one ring, anyone been able to craft an S gem? I just spent about 30 A gems and couldn't get a single S, I wonder if that's bugged too.

    It's just the 30% from nexon, which means around 3%.

    @Thread: Problem not fixed yet, keeping it alive.

  • MrjovoniMrjovoni
    Reactions: 720
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    edited December 2016
    Paix said:

    Velkahn said:

    Apart from the shop only selling one ring, anyone been able to craft an S gem? I just spent about 30 A gems and couldn't get a single S, I wonder if that's bugged too.

    It's just the 30% from nexon, which means around 3%.

    @Thread: Problem not fixed yet, keeping it alive.

    I have made 2 S jewels so far.and1 S RING
  • NonxenNonxen
    Reactions: 710
    Posts: 17
    edited January 2017
    Velkahn said:

    Apart from the shop only selling one ring, anyone been able to craft an S gem? I just spent about 30 A gems and couldn't get a single S, I wonder if that's bugged too.
    Nope! I got 5 S jewel after 60boxes, and didn't craft any rings yet. But some people in my guild said if you still have rice cake coins then you can buy rings from bunny mama at Elderstein and craft master SS ring. I din't have enough coins so I didn't try it yet, but if I could, I still won't try it, cuz I don't know if that a bug or not and I don't want get banned. lol
  • VelkahnVelkahn
    Reactions: 500
    Posts: 12
    edited January 2017
    @Nonxen there's no way to get you banned by doing that, the fact that you can still buy rings with the old coins might be on purpose.
  • EffortlessEffortless
    Reactions: 1,580
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    edited January 2017
    Probably want you to play for 3 more events that contain SS ring stuff