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Epic potential scroll 50% double V pack - BUG

Reactions: 100
Posts: 2
edited January 2017 in Bug Reporting
I just bought Epic potential scroll 50% double V pack from the V coin shop. paid 900 coins for it. Sadly, there's a terrible bug causes the Epic potential scroll 50% double V pack to disappear right after the purchase. I bought the box, clicked on it, and had a weird message on the chat right after: "The item [Epic potential scroll 50% double V pack] has expired, and therefore, deleted from your inventory".

I do appreciate the content you guys make. But it is not acceptable that I play everyday, buy NX, helping your business to grow - taking place at the event, saving (900!!!) V coins, buying the Epic potential scroll 50% double V pack - and it expires RIGHT AFTER THE PURCHASE.

I mean. WOW. that is so so depressing.

first of all - I want my 900 V coins back into my account as soon as possible please. I didn't do anything wrong, I'm not a bad person, I just want my 900 V coins back and this issue to be solved. I want to buy a new Epic potential scroll 50% double V pack. I want that option to be able for me. Right now I cant buy a new Epic potential scroll 50% double V pack - because I already bought it- BUT DIDN'T GET IT.

so please. PLEASE. fix this. I beg you.
Give me back my 900 V coins, give me back my Epic potential scroll 50% double V pack please.

Hope to hear from you soon,
I want a response please!

Level 178, Xenon


  • PIggyBankPIggyBank
    Reactions: 220
    Posts: 25
    edited January 2017
    It happen to a lot of people you should have look at forum before you buy it
  • ZauberbeastZauberbeast
    Reactions: 100
    Posts: 2
    edited January 2017
    "You should have looked at forum before you buy it"?
    Are you joking?
    I should look at the forum when every event takes place? I just want to play without any problems! Is this too much to ask?
    We pay so much for this game (for NX) and the game team can't afford us a game free of depressing bugs?
  • crimson24crimson24
    Reactions: 815
    Posts: 102
    edited June 2017
    I am attempting this right now, I wish I would have found out about this earlier. It worked for me, thanks nexon.