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increase nodestone drop rate maybe?

Reactions: 2,210
Posts: 337
edited January 2017 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
idk I figured a small increase in the rate would help less funded players (stones are already dropping in price by the week)


  • AznboiEAznboiE
    Reactions: 3,445
    Posts: 519
    edited January 2017
    I agree but to be more specific on why, I'd like nodestone drop rates to increase base on monster level and progress while in Arcane River.

    Elite monsters should have like a 25% chance to drop a node.

    Drop rates should increase by like 5% of the drop rate of the previous map's drop rate, with Happy Erda Node Drop rates staying the same.
  • genji123genji123
    Reactions: 1,120
    Posts: 140
    edited January 2017
    No need. Node prices have plummeted already and they will continue to do so. Why? Because all those whales with 180%+ drop rate who get like hundreds per day have or will already maxed the skills they need. So they will try making a stable income through nodes. More supply will cheapen the price.

    Not to mention i've started to see more hackers and bots in Arcane River.
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited January 2017
    I just hope they don't nerf the drop rate.
    Every week after 2x we get people posting images of their hundreds of nodes farmed in 3 hours, on the subreddit. And I fear that Nexon will think this is typical of the average GMS player. (Meanwhile, I get 4 nodes per hour of 2x, on a good day...)
  • VolumezVolumez
    Reactions: 1,335
    Posts: 68
    edited January 2017
    Just farmed for about 45 mins with 115% drop gear + Spider. Only 1 nodestone and i got it after 35 mins of farming lol...
    (btw I'm on Reboot, we can't buy or sell nodes.. so.. yeah. hopefully they buff up the drop rate on these)
  • ArwenArwen
    Reactions: 2,030
    Posts: 201
    edited January 2017
    TheHoA said:

    idk I figured a small increase in the rate would help less funded players (stones are already dropping in price by the week)

    Nodestone is not the big problem. The symbol is. Specially Lachelein Symbol. OMG!!! They should add the drop rate for the Lachelein symbol since we have no daily quest for that as in VJ and Chu Chu.
  • bumbertyrbumbertyr
    Reactions: 6,610
    Posts: 1,167
    edited January 2017
    personally i think the drop rates perfectly fine. i comes across them fairly often with no drop rate increases.
  • buccaneerlolbuccaneerlol
    Reactions: 410
    Posts: 19
    edited January 2017
    Volumez said:

    Just farmed for about 45 mins with 115% drop gear + Spider. Only 1 nodestone and i got it after 35 mins of farming lol...
    (btw I'm on Reboot, we can't buy or sell nodes.. so.. yeah. hopefully they buff up the drop rate on these)
    They are actually increasing node stone drop rate for reboot specifically in a future patch.
  • HelteHelte
    Reactions: 610
    Posts: 13
    edited January 2017
    After doing dailies and the odd map farm when I see dark notices, after a week I've had... two nodes drop. Granted that's without any drop rate boost at all.
  • PetalmagicPetalmagic
    Reactions: 7,660
    Posts: 1,572
    edited January 2017
    node drop increase would be appreciated -Reboot players