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Botters are ridiculous.

Member IDontKnowWhatMyNameIs
Reactions: 520
Posts: 25
edited January 2017 in Rants and Raves
Found a botter, took screenshots AND a video, sent to Nexon.

Nexon basically told me to go screw myself.

Lol wonderful customer support there guys. Why do I even play this game? =_=


  • Member Peep
    Reactions: 3,950
    Posts: 355
    edited January 2017
    That's how it's been for a long time now. In Q3 2015 they did so much. It wouldn't take more than 2 weeks to get someone banned. After that it's slowly gotten worse and it is so bad currently. You cannot get anyone banned even with so much evidence. There is a player who is about to hit 250 who has macro botted all the way there. Was caught 3 months ago and reported and despite 3 months going past and countless video evidence nothing has been done. He has already had anouther character banned before that got removed off ranks which failed to reach 250 before they caught him and now he's doing it again and he is going to make it.

    It's pathetic. This is why there are so many suggestions going out asking to give players a bit more power to combat this because as rude as it may seem (since we don't know their situation at Nexon) players believe they can do a better job at the moment.
  • Member ExtrasenseBera
    Reactions: 430
    Posts: 17
    edited January 2017
    They forgive "players" (cough haxors) too much. That makes people do whatever they want in the game, since GMs won't do things the proper punishment before the damage is done. Which is why some people quit this game or else start "experimenting" (cough with haxes) in this game.

    and I swear, a major part of the players has used macros to level to 250 since I always try talk asking for a party or to just make sure there is an actual user playing the character and I even ks them on purpose if they don't respond and they keep on doing the exact same skill pattern and movements.

    Yet, report isn't the best thing to deal with these kind of people, at least not now a days, I'm sure report worked before and there was more GM activity through maple.
  • Member genji123
    Reactions: 1,120
    Posts: 140
    edited January 2017
    Stop caring about the people who hack or macro to 250. The leaderboards lost its meaning many years ago, and most of the 230+ use hacks or macro. Which is nothing new.

    The only thing that annoys me is when hackers dominate the Dojo boards so i can't get my dojo gloves.
  • Member mon0
    Reactions: 780
    Posts: 83
    edited January 2017
    genji123 said:

    Stop caring about the people who hack or macro to 250. The leaderboards lost its meaning many years ago, and most of the 230+ use hacks or macro. Which is nothing new.

    The only thing that annoys me is when hackers dominate the Dojo boards so i can't get my dojo gloves.
    >Doesn't care about botters or macro users.
    >Only cares about getting dojo gloves.

    >Not knowing that the people who are cheating to level 250 are hogging our dojo spots lmao...

    I catch a lot of GRAZED players botting often the hard part is most of these botters put game in window mode and then put the game on a different screen and either watch videos and check their screen every so often and that is how they get away with never getting banned.

    I mean technically you can "bot" as long as you're not AFK when the GM comes to message you, I still record players botting anyways for my own archive to look back on when these players are bragging about how cool they're because they got to level 250.

    I spend at least 4-8 hours a day grinding on 2x EXP / DROP coupons from cash shop and my Enjoyable Winters or other EXP potions and honestly have to work hard for my levels and these botters can cheat their way up the ranks and then brag about how cool they're later.

    And people say only fat people are lazy are you kidding me? I mean be fat but at least I'm not lazy and earn my way into the ranks I don't need a program to help me I mean my K70 keyboard I could easily program it to macro for me but I choice not to.

    I mean I've botted and cheated on my old Character but at least I deleted it unlike some of the level 250's in GRAZED.

  • Member IDontKnowWhatMyNameIs
    Reactions: 520
    Posts: 25
    edited January 2017
    genji123 said:

    Stop caring about the people who hack or macro to 250. The leaderboards lost its meaning many years ago, and most of the 230+ use hacks or macro. Which is nothing new.

    The only thing that annoys me is when hackers dominate the Dojo boards so i can't get my dojo gloves.

    Dojo is literally the only reason I give any sh*ts about the botters. I don't care about the leaderboards, haha.

  • Member TerrorStreak
    Reactions: 2,320
    Posts: 500
    edited January 2017

    Found a botter, took screenshots AND a video, sent to Nexon.

    Nexon basically told me to go screw myself.

    Lol wonderful customer support there guys. Why do I even play this game? =_=
    uhh well I guess you never heard this but uhh

    "Mama Don't Like TattleTales!" didn't you know?

  • Member genji123
    Reactions: 1,120
    Posts: 140
    edited January 2017
    @mon0 Not knowing that the people who are cheating to level 250 are hogging our dojo spots lmao..."

    Level has no correlation with range. Maybe look at your world's Dojo boards and you will see top 50 who clear 41 or 40 are usually level 210-230. The Dojo whales who hack to level 250 are already ultra funded because they are whales. There's a difference between a low range hacker who uses No Delay Skill to get sub 4 min Dojo times.

  • Member mon0
    Reactions: 780
    Posts: 83
    edited January 2017
    genji123 maybe for your server but in GAZED 2 of the level 250's are botters I won't name names but I know first hand they're because people who know them were told by them they macro botted, back when SDH was a small map you could easily macro bot in there.

    This level 250 in GRAZED is always hogging the rank 1 dojo spot he's just a greedy jerk trying to show off there is no need to get rank 1 dojo every single week not that someone who is level 250 would need dojo gloves I mean he only does it because he thinks hes the best.
    Explains why he dresses up like a emo spends all his time on MapleStory because he has nothing else in life I mean people know I'm a loser but at least I don't try to act cool and kick lower levels off the dojo ranks.
    By the way them so called "Whales" are possibly botters who bot and make mesos and then sell the mesos for real money or they buy NX with the mesos they make.
    not everyone these days has to spend real money only a select few.
  • Member Peep
    Reactions: 3,950
    Posts: 355
    edited January 2017
    genji123 said:

    @mon0 Not knowing that the people who are cheating to level 250 are hogging our dojo spots lmao..."

    Level has no correlation with range. Maybe look at your world's Dojo boards and you will see top 50 who clear 41 or 40 are usually level 210-230. The Dojo whales who hack to level 250 are already ultra funded because they are whales. There's a difference between a low range hacker who uses No Delay Skill to get sub 4 min Dojo times.

    Level does. More stats means you gain a lot more from % stat. Your hyper stats are a lot higher too. I haven't seen hackers in dojo on my server for a very long time although there are some players that do cheat but make it look less obvious. We did have a couple in the past and they got banned. I know reboot is pretty bad with this but honestly if you know someone is hacking in dojo (and it will be obvious) then just report it. They'll get banned pretty fast.

    @Mon0. You can still get the players banned even if they're at their pc watching their macro. It's just a matter of indentifying and outlining how they are macroing to a GM. It's incredibly tedious and generally takes an incredibly long time to get them banned. Their current banning process is way too slow.
  • Member mon0
    Reactions: 780
    Posts: 83
    edited January 2017
    @Peep I know that why do you think I record players for botting I've botted, I've cheated, It takes a criminal to catch a criminal plus it's pretty obvious when someone is macro botting when they have an elite boss in their map and they're jumping around the map attacking nothing ... I mean who honestly jumps around a map attacking the air when an elite boss is in the map and then when the elite boss dies, they're still jumping around attacking.

    And you report them to live chat and the GM says I've forward it to patrolling GM's but the player is really there at his pc watching me the whole time im in the map with his elite boss and hes jumping around the map randomly attacking nothing and claims he wasn't macro botting lmao.

    The problem is some of the macro botters I run into in-game see normally players in-game but most of them figure they don't have to reply to a normal player so they don't and they figure their is no proof they're botting.

    Which it's true you don't have to reply to anyone but when your jumping around the map attacking the wall and attacking no monsters it sure does look pretty obvious your botting.

    Also if you wanna catch botters get a hyper rock and teleport to the map where the elite boss is that's how I find a lot of botters pretty easy.
  • Member Peep
    Reactions: 3,950
    Posts: 355
    edited January 2017
    Pretty much but i don't agree with "It takes a criminal to catch a criminal". Most keyboards these days including mice come with macro functions. You only need to understand how they work to be able to catch people easily. Most people just don't get this so they don't get how people can tell. No matter how hard someone tries they will never be able to look like a normal player when using a macro.

    GMs shouldn't be going off whether or not someone replies or not. That's just bad. I think they do now which is why so many get away with it. They can enter maps invisible so they can easily wait a bit to see if someone is macroing or not.
  • Member screenpeeker
    Reactions: 400
    Post: 1
    edited January 2017
    I absolutely agree with Peep on this subject matter. Botters and macroers are getting away with it all and that's a slap to the face to players who train legit. Nexon is also doing a garbage job on catching these abusers. I cannot believe they're letting these players get away with it. If I was a GM and saw a player in a map with very similar attacking patterns I would ban them no questions asked.
  • Member Its2Sharp4U
    Reactions: 6,020
    Posts: 884
    edited January 2017
    What fascinates me is a lack of a working auto-ban or permanently patching up the methods to hacking.

    Putting that initiative would not only decrease the amount of hackers, but it would give GMs even less excuse to ban botters/macros since that'll cut off a few numbers.

    I understand that fixing stuff needs time. It's been over a decade. We need an end to the massive bot market and those automated players from benefiting. They should be punished by either their tools no longer working or banned for using them.

    This is why we can't have nice things. It's time to put it at the end of the line, it's gone too long with a majority of cheaters prospering to the point that the servers are probably lagging because of this abuse.
  • Member MaverickRed
    Reactions: 800
    Posts: 15
    edited January 2017
    Since my return to MS I've ran into these botters in Windia, mainly they've been Blaze Wizards wearing the Pensalir Mage gear set in all the good maps (mostly in Twilight Perion and Scrapyard Hill) stainding in one place spamming their Orbital Flame. In most cases they've spawned Elite Bosses and it drives me crazy because I'm trying to get my Battle Mage to Lv 200 (4 LVs away and at 82% from Lv 197). Ths pass 2x Exp I grinded but then the Bots, Map Crashers, and GMMaple Police set me reeling away in frustration to the point where I don't think I'll try to get my BaM to 200 now thanks to these rotten cheaters. Nexon hasn't changed from what I've seen and I've been around since a little before the Big Bang Update, I know how bad it was back then and it's no different now. Definitely something needs to change and those changes are needed now if they want to keep people around not to mention own up to those awards they got not too long ago (I feel they don't deserves those awards with how the game is currently but that's my opinion).