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Mercedes Buffs

Reactions: 1,210
Posts: 5
edited January 2017 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
Mercedes seems like the only out of date archer class that requires more skill than all the other ones with not even close to the rewards. It's suppose to be high risk high reward not no skill=power, Wind archer can hit 350% on their hurricane skill while we hit 200% which is our hurricane ability which is completely unfair not because of the damage but because of the trifling winds which can do from 300% to 400% which we don't even get a skill like that. All they do is buff up and hold down a button while we have to constantly charge up out ignis roar so we can maximize out damage and our hurricane skill can only hit 1 mob while theirs can hit up to 4 and we still have to use our 3rd job for mobbing while we don't even get any flying stars, bats or arrows like Wind Archer, Night Lord or Night walker.

In my opinion Night Lord has been too strong for WAY TOO LONG while characters like Jetts and Mercedes are outcasts who would have to have 4m range to do as much damage as a 1.2m ranged Nightlord. I think we need some buffs in some places maybe like getting the flying arrow skill or a shadow skill like Nightlords and Dual bladers similar to our 5th job ultimate. I just don't see why Nightlords are so strong while everyone complains on how weak jett is... I'm hoping you guys get to see this because I feel like it's completely unfair.

I had a friend who was a Nightlord doing the same amount of damage if not maybe a little more than me who was 400k range weaker than me and I don't find that very fun. In the beyond patch that will be coming up Nightlords already have a 5th job skill with a 20 second Cool down and Duabladers are 10 seconds while we get one that 150 seconds that can't me lowered with out link combo skills which I think is bullshit, It's clear we need a buff because I'm sure every Mercedes main or even player says it feels bad from the early levels even with out 10-20% exp passive that we get...most people only look at Mercedes at link mules and a character not even worth maining similar to jett, I just don't understand how you guys could let a class look this sad and everyone uses them for a link skill.


  • unprocessedunprocessed
    Reactions: 490
    Posts: 3
    edited January 2017
    Applause. As a Merced main this is exactly how I feel.
    However it probably still depends more on Korean Nexon since they are the ones coming up with everything.
  • TemptationTemptation
    Reactions: 1,575
    Posts: 74
    Member, Private Tester
    edited January 2017
    Mercedes here, lv 211
    Ignis roar is a pain, stacking it each 10 seconds is not practical at all, and it counts 20% of our dmg. Try to fight normal or hard magnus and stack ignis roar plus having to rebuf (I play on reboot we don't have buff freezers, although korea reboot has them...). We have in total 5 buffs ( not counting the 5th job decent bless, sharp eyes and speed infusion) all with slow animations.
    Why our attack skills even have a cooldown?? Is Rolling Moonsault, spikes royal, Wrath of Enlil, game breaking regarding damage?
    Please gives us a decent summon...
    5th job skill is a joke looks at best a bad mobbing 4th job skill with bad dmg and 180s cooldown
    Our flash jump is a joke compared to even warrior classes. Elfs should be an agile and fast class.
    I have 2.2-2.5M dmg self-buffed and it feels like I am around 1M dmg.

    This class has a background story where she is a queen, she fought blackmage, she is one of the maple heroes... how can she be one of the maple heroes as weak as she is? Doesn't make any sense at all... I just keep playing because I enjoy the class, and I got the help of my guild and boyfriend in the bosses that I should be able to solo if I was any other archer class.
    Please gives us back the Mercedes exactly how it was when it was released before the nerf (and the bad revamp). It isn't needed much coding for that.
  • MercedesNoLongerMercedesNoLonger
    Reactions: 1,210
    Posts: 5
    edited January 2017
    I completely agree with you, the class was just fine when it came out, maybe a Nerf here and there but not to the point where people are only using them for link skills, Mercedes has always been under the buss and our ignis roar stacking process sucks ass because I can't do hellux without risking the chance of my animation taking to long and him 1 shotting me, I'm hoping to get a trifling wind like WA or stars/bats flying around like NL/NW because this is honestly unfair and I played xenon the first time and his double jump can shoot him across the mops while ours looks pitiful
  • TemptationTemptation
    Reactions: 1,575
    Posts: 74
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    edited January 2017
    Honestly I put a deadline to this character, if I reach 2M clean and still can't solo hell lux or normal magnus in the next burning event I will just change to another class. It isn't fun when you should be doing bosses alone and you can't or you are in a party and you do bad damage compared to others that have worse equips.
  • MercedesNoLongerMercedesNoLonger
    Reactions: 1,210
    Posts: 5
    edited January 2017
    Yea I'm at 1.99m range (50k off from 2m) :P and i'm nowhere close to being able to solo hellux. at least the gem part, I can do the eyes and jaw
  • IvangoldIvangold
    Reactions: 2,985
    Posts: 588
    edited January 2017
    They could give passives total of 30%final damage to mercedes, that could make em viable and wouldn't require too much changes at first glance.
  • MercedesNoLongerMercedesNoLonger
    Reactions: 1,210
    Posts: 5
    edited January 2017
    yea I wouldn't mind that at all, it's at least something to make us look decent instead of us just being link skills.
  • SerisentSerisent
    Reactions: 715
    Posts: 10
    edited January 2017
    As a merc main I think they're alright, I do wonder what my damage would be like if I had the exact same set up on a WA tho.