I was surprised to be prompted to pay at first level up a bit less than 20M Mesos. I did it without enthusiasm. Having reached the second rank, I am being asked over 25M Mesos to upgrade to 3rd rank. This is where I stopped.
I can find no motivation in literally throwing away Mesos, which profit no one. This Arcane buildup price may reach the the several hundreds of millions of Mesos by top level - how meaningful is it?
Let me consider the situation:
Can I imagine the NPC with all our kindly donated Mesos reaching into the billions joyfully trotting through the FM, trading her ... hardly gained money? Profiting other players, stimulating the ingame and NX Cash economy? I have lots of fantasy - but that much?
Mesos with which I could, instead, spend to get a much desired NX Cash item, or a nicely cubed piece of equipment.
So, how about giving two options: one to pay for a quicker level up of Arcane force for those who do not mind, and a slower level up of Arcane force, without involvement of Mesos, for those who prefer it this way?
Thank you so much for more classes sharing the same CS items: what a nice surprise! it makes Maplestory so much more pleasant! Could you make sure that it is impossible to lose the NX Cash by error should any character equipping it or the last character of the shared CS storage get deleted? For example being automatically transferred into a safe storage belonging to the account which, whenever we create a new character of the corresponding class to the storage, makes all our CS items available again?
Thank you also for the wonderful already existing places, and now the new ones which I discover with delight. Wonderful art, sceneries, poetry and humor, as well as the beautiful music: I spend moments in Maplestory which truly uplift me.
Thank you also the online Mapler Community with players who are such nice people, always ready to help each other, kind and also funny: Maplestory is the only game I am playing for the past twelve years

There are too many mesos in the game, since new meso are constantly generated (every time a monster dies). There has to be a way for meso to leave the game, or prices in FM will spiral out of control (worse than they already do).
If you find the Arcane Force useless, then don't upgrade it.
It's going to be hard enjoying the new areas without enough Arcane Force to deal any damage to the enemies, though.
As for the total price: https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/547avi/kms_english_player_talks_about_the_v_matrix/
Gold sinks, such as Arcane Force and Star Force, help to drain mesos away from the economy; the few mesos people tend to have on hand, the lower the prices tend to be to compensate.
There are ways to make mesos, however. Daily bosses (Zakum, Hilla, Horntail, etc) can net you up to 40m if you sell the resulting dews. Spell traces can also be an easy source; you can buy spell traces for Crusader Coins in the Silent Crusade shop in Edelstein and resell these, on top of any spell traces you farm (if you utilize the transfer hammer, you'll find yourself rolling in traces). You can also extract equipment as an alchemist or using an alchemist's extractors to create item crystals, which sell for high prices.
Also remember that Arcane River is considered end-game content; it's not supposed to be easy.
Literally everything Neo just said, but with the addition of Zakum's Poisonic weapons and Hilla's Necromancer armor and weapons selling for a few million a piece instead of a single meso, along with spell traces selling for 5k each.
In particular:
I play for my enjoyment, not to make mesos. Thus, I don't make millions of mesos, bossing is not my main occupation - for example I love farming. And I know of other players who don't make mountains of Mesos either.
Really, some of us enjoy playing for the sake of it.
800M + mesos for gettig top Arcane?
AKradian: I love the way you interpret my post
Thanks Neospector, but I really don't want to be put under pressure to make Mesos. I want to play for the sake of it.
Also, those who have mesos in the billions wouldn't be affected by a few hundreds of millions. It affects those who don't have that much. Which are very likely more numerous than the super wealthy.
Yes, farming motivates me, but, as said, without pressure. And there is so much of NX cash I wish to buy, as well as good equips, that it doesn't motivate me to pay such a price for Arcane force, even though I wish to level it up and reach the new places. I'll wait and see how the game evolves, and whether other options will be given to those of us who are not comfortable with the price to pay in Mesos.
NX Cash? Yes I think it's fair toward Nexon - there is no such viable thing as a fully free game, I am feeling more comfortable with mutual benefit. But, again, by choice preferably.
The way your post reads, you appear, to me, to be a henehoe who thinks a meso sink is beneath them; that it's unthinkable that you would be asked to spend mesos on something without an immediate return or instant gratification.
I mean, I wasn't saying you're wrong, just that there's a reason for it.
Then there's those who have some mesos in the millions, who are working for it, whether via NX Cash or/and ingame, and who are more motivated to spend them for some well scrolled equips and some NX Cash. Then there are those who have less than that and who cannot afford either of both. And who some of those among us who have a few millions are helping out. Again, helping those who have less than us is, in my humble opinion, money better spent than in a gold sink.
There got to be a meaningful - and especially fairer way - to take care of the excess mesos of a minority, and not affect a majority who have some wishes they cannot afford to fulfill. And some who find it hard to pay for this opportunity itself without financial help on behalf of whoever is willing and able to do so.
If you'd rather spend your meso on equipment, go right ahead. You can keep playing as you have been playing up until V patch.
If you want to train in the new areas, whether for the music and scenery or for the exp and nodestones, then you need to allocate some resources to arcane symbol upgrades.
Entirely up to you.
As for the effectiveness of the meso sinks - well, that's true for all the other sinks we have, from potions through "magnifiers" (revealing hidden potential) to star force. The rich are hardly affected, the poor are struggling. That doesn't mean we shouldn't have any meso sinks at all.
At least we now have Auction House so everybody (in normal servers) can make meso easier.
Without the prime scrolls, it's usually overalls and hats that can rech that amount besides tyrant eqps, it's quite a lot, and you can upgrade multiple times the arcane symbol that stays with you in a diferent slots, give a lot of damage honestly.
I agree with this method to be honest, sure it might be a tad high but at the same time i support the function.
Besides, you'll be saving up alot of meso by the time you're able to rank up the lachlein symbols. - They take sweet time to farm.
Those symbols gives u extra range (when leveling up) and gives u the oppertunity to do more damage on the new areas.
So in all fairness i don't mind to pay a bit of money for those extra 100luk i get all the time and how i can go this way easier train in the new areas. The game is suppose to be a working progress and to grow stronger you will need to spend money. Be happy it's a few millions and not that they asked NX for it.
Also i use to be a player who never had money and was a poor lad. But ever since i came back playing this game i find that there are sooo many oppertunities to gain money.
Few examples of how i make money:
-daily gollux (if your not strong enough let someone carry you) > sell the pendants/belts, idk about other servers but in luna clean ones sell 1bil/250mil and epic ones even more (current). You can also besides that get daily your gollux scroll, which people also pay 50-70mil each for (again luna prices)
-do all bosses > sell them pots and make the items into superior crystals then sell them again.
-hunt elite mobs and sell the cubic blades (orange ones are now in luna 3-4m while chaos are 13-17mil each)
-hunt for nodestones and the ones u dont need, you break them and sell them also 30m each...
-do cra/magnus/ whatsoever and sell those pieces of equip or souls.
Also i would like to point out one big plusside of nexon (yes positive feedback they deserve also) the creation of auction house is really good. This way people who do not wanna spend money in the game can actually sell their stuff. Which is a good addition.