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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Closed Blaze Wizards Hackers
Blaze Wizards Hackers are everywhere, how are we the honest players suppose to play with all those hackers taking all the maps in every channel? Some maps have even more than 1 hacker in it. When are you guys gonna fix it?
Thank you
Close reason: Not following the posting guidelines for this section.
how is it not a bug?
A bug is broken game functionality. So, for example, Zeros losing out on boss damage.
Hackers and bots, while a problem, are not broken functionality of the game itself, and not something can be "fixed" in the same way. They need to be dealt with by either reporting them in-game or through a ticket. We do not allow individual player reports on the forums, for a variety of reasons.
I would also like to point out that I have been occasionally disconnected while crossing areas infested by hackers and getting the message that I WAS THE ONE using an illegal hacking program!