We have had a number of upgrades to our item inventories over the past year! However, Crystals (Power, Luk, Dex, Wisdom, and Dark) and Powders still only stack to 100? I have posted about this before. We have production bags now and that is great but at this time I have 17 slots in my inventory that are occupied by powders that should only take up 6. The Crystals in my inventory (Crystals and ore) are taking up 18 slots and should only need 10. I don't know why these have been left out of the inventory upgrades but after so many years don't you think it is time to do something about it?
These items are far less of an issue then other items that didn't stack past like 300 in one slot. Recently nexon introduced larger production bags and 20 slot bags for all materials/soul shards/recipe bags. In your case if you got your hands on a 20 slot production bag youd be able to hold TWENTY individual stackable items in one bag,Thats 2000 powders mate. Not trying to antagonize your way of playing but there has been tons of improvements with inventory space in past few months to the point where I used to complain about it a lot and now I don't even bother thinking about it anymore. also after V update we gained like 16? more slots in all tabs
production bags are not just for powders they are for item crystals also. every other item in the game stacks higher now days. crystals go in the mineral bags and the other minerals at one time only stacked to 100. when the minerals item count per slot increased these should have increased also. why are crystals and powders being left out?
I also have many characters with stacks upon stacks of crystals and powders...heck even my crafting mules now have crafting mules. I would love to see these items stack in the same way that some of the other ores and herbs do!
Exactly! The people who are telling us to just put these items on a mule don't understand the true volume of our inventory. These items really need to stack higher.
This is from years of collecting: