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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Honestly if you start to think about it, elite bosses have almost destroyed all the "pleasure of rewards" in this game now. It used to be different. When they were first introduced it was like that actually because it took dedication to spawn one. But, naturally people find ways to abuse the heck out of it. Getting clean slates before they were introduced to elites was like a once a every few month event that had a limited amount. But, nether the less still farmable if you had multiple characters participating. At first before they 'revamped' elites with the reward boxes the amount of pop up messages from literally 99% ONLY bots was so annoying to watch all day long. It'd be a once in a blue moon occasion to see a player with a name that isn't computer generated number/letter combos getting them. Then there was the issue post-elite revamp where people would camp at low level maps KSing innocent players just trying to gain a few levels, so they could get a single box containing 1 random elite reward, and most of the time the players using like second job skills at the time trying to train missed out. The only item that doesn't really pose an issue involving the change of the way this game is played is the protection scroll rewards. If you want to keep giving out prime scrolls they should be readily available. Anyway, now what's been happening is people are using their bots to farm honestly so many slates (in particular) as well as so many F2P cubes making fortunes off it. I'm not against F2P in anyway but this isn't the idea of a "better maple" when bots have the ability to farm shops full of 30% endgame main-pot items on a daily basis along with having around 500+clean slates. The idea of the reward shop is perfect because the monthly limit(even though OCD money addicts ruined star planet with botting for them on their comps running like 50 clients). And yes of course everything changes over time in life and also that applies to how games like this run. But the lack of effort to keep the game stable and so thrilling to play like it used to be is being ruined with ignorance from Nexon not doing anything. Its making it so that almost the ONLY way to make some kind of dent in progression throughout this game now is by spending in real life money whether its on event items in the cash shop or buying peoples items who've quit on the black market.
Your memes are so cute please marry me. And I love how almost every time even if I haven't posted for months you make SURE to comment on it. #FANOBSESSION and I love how almost only the posts I make about hacking and cleaning up the illegit patterns in this game your the like first one to post
its killed before u even get to land one shot on it=no rewards. and besides party play has been dead for almost 2 years in most aspects
If something gets removed without a supplement into somewhere else where legitimate players can benefit where hackers can't it becomes a lose-lose situation. It becomes a total loss to the community as MegaScience has stated. Sure it may remove a hackers source but it will remove a legitimate source too.
Unless you want the same result reaction of Star Planet, Choco Event, or BFF Event along with possibly benefiting from a removal by jacking up the prices of Elite drops, as assumed what you've done with a Nebulite rate reduction in a past thread on the old forums which are no longer available.
Having items no longer accessible due to complete removal of the Elite system means less supply, more demand and it will cost more which hurts legitimate players in the end more than hackers. Hackers will always move towards the next best thing that they can repeatably abuse.
If you're serious about "protecting the player-base and market" it cannot simply be a removal. There's much more to it such as substituting the reward gains into an existing content if not making a whole new content that cannot be easily be botted by 50 accounts 24/7.
Bringing up the nebulite ISSUE which was actually being extremely abused at the time is just a way for you to once again make a mockery out of my thread posts or derail people from the actual issue at hand. That was almost a year ago, man and actually WAS a significant problem no matter how offended you were by it being changed though my awareness and feedback. You honestly don't remember since you know SO much that there WERE consistent clean slate/ prot/safety events annually before elites were even implemented. So basically your saying there WAS no substitution when the thing is there was ALWAYS another option for the rewards given. Point is they are not LIMITED anymore. And most especially by bots of course who can farm them endlessly. And if you think that I'm talking about node farming from bots or whatever i'm not this is specifically about the abuse of the elite system which has just been more and more abused since implemented.
That would hugely cut down on cheaters without greatly punishing regular players or trivializing the task.
I kinda half-hearted agree with you on that but the way some events used to be that rewarded you with bunch of clean slatesathe time (and like most commonly used item now). For example their were picnic grinding events in which rewarded you those scrolls and the only way to exploit it was through some serious packet edits. Now clean slates are so ridiculously cheap its almost destroyed every marketable item that gets perfected very rapidly now. Just seems this company hasn't figured out a REASONABLE rewarding system when it comes to summoning elites. Seeing shops with like 300 epic pots and 700+ clean slates just shows its out of hand now. People used to have to dedicate actual time and effort to get maybe even 1% of what the multi client bots obtain
Nebulites have a different issue today not only being inaccessible, but B and A rank are almost quite literally still impossible to get for legitimate free-to-play players. If I told you hackers are still botting Boxes using a new method gaining a box every few seconds to this day, what are your thoughts?
Nowadays the accessibility of Clean Slates through events are next to none. The coin prices in the event shops that are introduced these days expects you to decide either between Clean Slates or quite literally everything else.
Protection/Safety Scrolls aren't actually that common in Event Shops as I recall, in fact the only reason why those are frequently seen is shops are due to botters. I only manage to get 1 or 2 around every 3 months.
Pushing us backwards to relying on events isn't going to solve the issues with the market since those are untradeable and only increase the prices, making it less affordable for the average player and making it more profitable for botters/hackers and merchants who stocked up.
There's a solution. Move on to the next set of items. We have Absolab and Arcane Shade items. We've been with Tyrant for 4-5 years, we've had Chaos Root Abyss for 3-4 years. That's way too long. There needs to be an increase in 16-25 Star Force for Lv.160+ gears or else no one is going to be looking at those for a very long time. Probably even the next few sets after those won't be bothered due to how hard it is to obtain them and having little to no benefit. There's no point of introducing higher level gears that are next to impossible to get and give worse stats than the current items we have.
I'll agree with ZephyrusSpring having to preserve the Elite reward system that makes it harder on bots, if not my idea of supplementing the rewards into new or existing content that can't be botted so easily.
we saw the same exact outcry for empress gear, and that was when empress was no longer end game equipment.
I'm sorry you think that I have some kind of personally gaining ulterior motive for noticing things that will or have in due time changed the way the game runs as a whole. Maybe you're oblivious to the old alternative methods for obtaining almost exact same rewards elites drop, and have found out that it takes minimal to no effort at all now to gain these items in multitude amounts depending on your in game wealth so it simultaneously takes out any true dedication on desiring to benefit your characters with these items. Or since you want to throw out claims trying to assume my intentions are purely out of self-greed, maybe you're just mad I posted something about it because YOU don't want your bot funded income to be changed? The transition from empress to CRA for your information worked almost perfectly intended as should at first. For a while it was a great way for players to save up money over reasonable amounts of time to afford one new piece of the set at a time. The only other way to obtain these items was marvel machine. Point is. There was no almost instant jump towards using junk empress which wouldn't really get you that far back then to switching to a CRA set. Not going to ramble on more about that only because you brought it up.
sorry but I believe that CSS's require the exact amount of effort for only a 10% chance at regaining a slot, especially when the 5% CSS is literally just given to you if you loot enough spell traces, I dont have any bots but I do know that it often requires plenty of CSS, sometimes more that 50 to get even a single slot back. I say that you are a merchant that wants to sell any hot items for the high cost because every time you make a thread, it's to complain about something being slightly more available because it will effect the FM price. It is funny to see you try to disguise it as a thread against bots but removing elites or CSS drops from, elites will just hurt more real players than bots, anyone who takes 5 seconds to think about the effects would figure that out. I also say you are just some merchant shill because every "solution" you come up with for these problems will only hurt legitimate players in the overall scheme of things and are always very short sighted, not well contemplated ideas.
I mean just think, removed elites, there will still be bots farming meso (which is their main goal), the CSS and spelltrace are extra ways for them to earn meso besides the meso gain from killing monsters on maps, they are not really effected at all if they lose CSS income, and if I was a master bot owner, I wouldn't give 2 S's because of a little less meso because I would still be farming billions of meso on my hundreds of accounts anyway.
I'm all for hurting the bots, but try thinking of ways that don't always just hurt legitimate players.
I don't see the 10% CSS being easy to get a bad thing in any way because for one, it isnt that good anyway, you may need only 1, but often you will need more than 10. the way I see it, making something that gives a low rate of returning a slot available to more people is a good thing unless you are some merchant looking to make more meso. I do not want those CSS to be botted, I don't even buy CSS's, I earn all my CSS's from killing my own elites or doing events. As it currently stands, removing CSS's from elites or removing elites wouldn't effect bots in any meaningful way, but it would definitely help merchants sell their CSS's for more meso.
Not a horrible idea but consider the point that bots can farm endless amounts of cubes and whether they're tradable in anyway it wouldn't matter because they can be used on any item chosen therefore still having an effect on legitimate market prices, apposed to buying a karma coin, cubing said item with nearly half or less amount of cubes used depending on how much people are willing to drop on cubing, and be lucky to gain a comparable stat to the free cubing bots use.
First off kyle, I remember that thread as well. And it was NOT being "extremely abused" it was quite the opposite. The only people who benefitted from them were hackers. If you seriously think that legit players were getting even a decent amount of nebs(don't even get me started with B nebs) then you were either 1) hacking or 2) benefitting from illegit neb/nebulite boxes. There was just no way and i called you out last time and I will call you out again now. You've been gone from the forums for a while and now you're back trying to get nebs nerfed yet again. Something tells me you haven't even been playing maple if you really think their drop rate still needs to be nerfed.
And the problem isn't the elite system, it's the hackers. Do not tempt nexon to remove the elite system because they might actually do it since they barely play this game and probably wouldn't know the impact it will have on the game.