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[EVENT] Cannot go into MMf

Reactions: 510
Posts: 13
edited September 2016 in Bug Reporting
Bug type: Event time (functionality)

Brief bug summary: After join a schedule MMF which dont receive any reward, then cannot go into MMf, it said "Err...It looks like we`re still clean up from the last show."

More details: My charater is on Six Path Crossway, then when reach time, I go in MMF and stay for 23 seconds. Then talk to Maggie, she said".....Look for you next show." After this time, it cause this.

Character name:SiroiPills, BlackUme

Character level:200, 160

Character job:Bishop, Hayato

World name:Windia

Date and time of the incident: 9/30/2016 1:00AM East time

Picture: https://postimg.org/image/g695praz3/


  • MegaScienceMegaScience
    Reactions: 3,795
    Posts: 343
    Volunteer Forum Moderator
    edited September 2016
    I can confirm the issue: After entering the special MMF Concert via letter notifier over your head, attempting to enter anymore concerts is met with this message. Forwarded.
  • KeksKeks
    Reactions: 635
    Posts: 18
    edited September 2016
    I'm also experiencing this bug, I can't go on my Main but can go on my other characters no problem.
  • RailBirdRailBird
    Reactions: 2,450
    Posts: 158
    edited September 2016
    Same here.. used one ticket, no access anymore.
    Wonderful event. Almost impossible to win and now I'm locked out as well.. just.. wonderful.
  • deadend5193deadend5193
    Reactions: 570
    Posts: 21
    edited September 2016
    Me four, I tried a couple runs yesterday and was locked out before I could finish. My last attempt, it didn't give me any prizes when I exited..Now it won't let me in at all.
  • TheHoATheHoA
    Reactions: 2,210
    Posts: 337
    edited October 2016
    Also bugged but I gave up on the event so I don't mind as much

    EDIT: might as well put my character
    name - GeniusKnite
    server Galicia
    lv 239
  • PotatoPhilxDPotatoPhilxD
    Reactions: 300
    Post: 1
    edited September 2016
    I get the same message and can't enter any MMF stages.
  • 1ThaoPow1ThaoPow
    Reactions: 500
    Posts: 12
    edited September 2016
    I also confirm this to be true. In the last MMF show I was in I didn't receive a prize and ever since I have the message "We're still cleaning up from the last show" This is on my Evan lvl 182 on Bera Server.
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 5
    edited October 2016
    1ThaoPow said:

    I also confirm this to be true. In the last MMF show I was in I didn't receive a prize and ever since I have the message "We're still cleaning up from the last show" This is on my Evan lvl 182 on Bera Server.
    Yer exactly the same as me, I was suppose to get a SS-SSS for ToT and but gave me nothing and I got the glitch T.T
  • FqijeingFqijeing
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 2
    edited October 2016
    Bug type: cannot enter in schedule MMF

    Brief bug summary: After enter into MMF, then it doesn't give me any reward. I cannot enter any stages any more.

    More details: I enter into MMF as usual. Just my main character cannot enter, other three are good. When I click enter, it says "Err...It looks like we`re still clean up from the last show."

    Character name:Fqijeing

    Character level:200

    Character job:Bishop

    World name:Chaos

    Date and time of the incident: 10/1/2016 12:20-12:40 East Time
  • FqijeingFqijeing
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 2
    edited October 2016
    I get exactly the same message, and cannot enter any more
  • NeospectorNeospector
    Reactions: 9,760
    Posts: 2,146
    Volunteer Forum Moderator
    edited October 2016
    I'm also stuck, unfortunately, and have been for a few days now.
  • lolatverololatvero
    Reactions: 1,380
    Posts: 25
    edited October 2016
    Same problem..
  • FqijeingFqijeing
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 2
    edited October 2016
    I have got same problem for 3 characters. all these happened in sleepywood stage
  • ZunatoraZunatora
    Reactions: 510
    Posts: 2
    edited October 2016
    I have been receiving the same message on my 211 Fire/Poison Mage in Arcania after using the 'Fever Time' invitation from the overhead envelope earlier today.
  • KyzeragonKyzeragon
    Reactions: 740
    Posts: 7
    edited October 2016
    This happened to me just now as well, but I didn't use the invitation (there was none, it wasn't even Fever Time), nor did I use up a complimentary ticket (I didn't have one on that character anyway). All I did was do the ToT stage, and I should have ended up with either SSS or Perfect, probably borderline, but I didn't receive the reward and I can't enter anymore thereafter.

    CubixTiger, level 140 Mechanic in Bellocan.

    Edit: And again now, on my level 149 Phantom, FantumWatch, also in Bellocan. The difference this time was I had just finished a perfect Henesys run, then for whatever reason decided to click it again, it still saying that it was on DJ Pia on the GUI, and it let me in. The stage was actually Ariant, and when I got out it didn't give me any reward and locked me out.
  • JetblackHawkJetblackHawk
    Reactions: 200
    Post: 1
    edited October 2016
    Same issue as everyone else. Used up my 6 entries from the day before, and now I can't enter into the event even thought it was supposed to be reset. It still says I have 6 entries left, but the annoying woman still says she's cleaning up.

    I was able to get the chair prizes on my other characters with no problem. However, they did not use up their first set of 6 entries..... Hope this gets fixed quick. I want dat PB on my main \m/ >;_;< \m/
  • bumbertyrbumbertyr
    Reactions: 6,610
    Posts: 1,167
    edited October 2016
    can confirm this error as well, disappointing, was really hoping to get that sabitram chair :c
  • RevampingsRevampings
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 2
    edited October 2016
    Same problem let's hope it gets fixed soon because i really want that pb chair :(
  • AK712AK712
    Reactions: 1,840
    Posts: 116
    edited October 2016
    Bug Type: Event

    Bug Summary: Same as those above

    More details: This happened after a successful SSS completion. It didn't even give me the trophy, it just said "See you next show." It also didn't let me get the chair. Trying to go into any of the events now gives the same error as the posts above: "Er... Looks like we're still cleaning up after the last show."

    Character Name: AK7126

    Character Level: 85

    Character Job: Aran

    Character World: Khaini

    Time of incident: 11:41AM Maple Time (PST?)
  • Hobos8MaLunchHobos8MaLunch
    Reactions: 100
    Posts: 2
    edited October 2016
    Same here mind as well put mine

    Character Name: YehBoiRay

    Character Level: 188

    Character Job: Wild Hunter

    Character World: Scania

    Time of incident: Sunday, Oct 1 - Ongoing