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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Sudden Equip Stat Changes...
Sooo, I just redownloaded the game a few days ago and noticed some of my items had their stats changed. I tried Googling around, but can't find an official announcement for these changes. The items in question are the Dominator Pendant and Rex's Earrings, which use to have 10% HP. I'm assuming they were changed because they are considered overpowered for Demon Avengers?
I feel these changes are unfair considering the amount of effort, time, and money I put into these items. I had to purchase megaphones to advertise and find anyone willing to do the PQ needed for the earrings, and from what I remember it required everyone's cooperation to successfully pass. Also considering the mesos/NX I put into starring and cubing. To my knowledge, these items aren't even considered or used as end game gear for the majority nor have I seen them used much by fellow Demon Avengers. I guess I'm just dumb for investing in these equips?
Here are the old stats of the items.
no it adds 10 hp. been 5 months now
Not sure if my read my original post... unless you mean it never gave 10% HP in the first place and it was suppose to be only +10 HP.