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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Shocking....maintenace extended
Is it too much to ask to have a maintenance in the scheduled time?
And I'm 100% sure the game will have new shiny bugs whenever maintenance is over...
I agree. I would rather that too.
It's people like you that let them get away with this kind of crap lol. The problem is that they constantly extend their maintenance's for hours on end, and yes you're right these things happen, but these maintenance's should absolutely not be extended as frequently as they are. Not to mention the ridiculous amount of unscheduled maintenance's that happen that also get extended for hours. I'm pretty sure that this isn't game isn't run by a bunch of clueless, preteen kids, so why should we put up with this nonsense?
Non-cash items can expire as well.
Profession mastery decays.
And they keep making events where you have to participate every single day for the best rewards - and can't make up a lost day later. And the participation can take hours. 2000 kills, or 10,000 rocket points, or 100 leaves, or...
I don't know how you can possibly say that "there's no time limit to finishing anything in maplestory". It may be true for normal content, but it's definitely not true for events.
They've coded the game to make sure people feel pressured to play whenever possible. And then they wonder why we get upset at extended downtime?
I can respect your opinion, but I work in back end software development and when you have a source project as big as maplestory's back end server, it can get really tricky, even with a team of 20 people (or especially) it's easy to make the simplest mistake, like checking if your level is >= 200 for arcane river, or accidentally missing the = and saying >200 for arcane river making only level 201 or higher able to do it. It's a shame that it's like that, but have some heart for the people who sit behind a desk 9 to 5 every day trying to make a game we all take for granted work perfectly. No code is perfect, no matter how clean, or how functional, and that is simply because no human is perfect. and if you think to yourself "hey they should have someone check that every time, duh!" well, they do, and I'll tell you that some classes can be thousands of lines long, it's like spell/grammar checking a entire book -- except a book has a clear front to back system whereas code is complexly interwoven, it's easy to miss a bug and frankly they've been working off the same code for over a decade, it is likely unimaginably huge, so searching it all is very time consuming and difficult.
Long story short: Nexon is just a group of human beings under the same flag, and the ones you see are rarely if ever the ones who actually put the code into the game.
This is all obviously excluding the giant realm of hardware failure, system updates, and more things that are simply out of their control.
I hope that gives you some perspective on it all
Jenkins! I need more polish on these bugs we fixed.. We did not want the players to recognise them... Oh and paint that one pink for the event.
99 bugs in the code on the wall, 99 bugs in the code
take one down, patch it around
856 bugs in the code on the wall
More or less, this is how it is.
We apologize for the extension and hope to see everyone in-game when it's up!
Thank you,
Neat thanks!
and yeah, I understand and acknowledge that, I was just trying to put some perspective in place.
I think that the main point that we're trying to make is that these people are being paid to deal with this enormous server. I'm not trying to say that it's ludicrous that they make mistakes. Yet at the same time, as mentioned previously, the extensions happen incredibly frequently. It starts to get to the point where you start to wonder what's going on that requires an extension almost every, single, time. A lot of maplers are used to this kind of situation, but go to nearly any other corporation or business, and this wouldn't be tolerated at all. Even if the content or product is free. There's a fine line between entitlement, and reasonable expectations. You can find people that fall on either side of the spectrum, but in the case of wanting maintenance times to not be extended, repeatedly, I don't think it falls under entitlement.
It takes me only 5 runs in dipq to get 10k points, it doesnt take more than 30 minutes to defeat 2000 monsters. as for mastery, thats collateral damage, however not a major loss
I like how you ignored the 100 leaves, which require 4 "rain showers", so at least 3 hours.
And just because it's quick for you doesn't mean it's quick for everyone. Nor does everyone have 24 hours a day free to Maple.
I really hope you're mistaken about that because those numbers don't line up...