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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
How dare you like everything? I see you everywhere, it doesn't matter what. You like everything for some odd reason. Why is it that you do this? Even if there's an argument in a thread, you like both sides of the argument. You don't even really post anymore, you just roam and like.
If you are going to continue to like everything, could you at least change your avatar every week? Thanks.
A person on the forums who "Like"s a lot of posts.
@Uzume, did you try PM'ing them to ask why they do this?
I really shouldn't have posted something when I was dead tired, sorry about that folks.
*cheap shots fired*
LF> Custom Avatars.
On a more serious note when I like a post it's one of the following reasons.
1. The content was funny
2. The achivement was great
3. Show users that I have read the thread/post to acknowledge the topic without replying to the thread. I don't always have the time or feel like posting. Depends on how long my day was, sometimes I just have to catch up really fast and note primary things before moving on. If you need me you can always PM me and I will get back to you when I can!
4. I agree with this post
Point: When users like a post it can mean many things.
Why do you like posts?
I guess it just sometimes confuses me when like I said above someone likes a post from both sides of a disagreement. I guess my brain is just trying to calculate the actions of others a little too much.
Is it hurting you? if not, why complain? this is the internet. anyone can like things or do things on here.
Anyway I already spoke to the person. This post might've come off as more harsh than I actually was, but I'm not enraged over it or anything lol.