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Closed A list of complaints about the code of conduct
On the previous forum sometimes I mentioned unhappy players and unfavorable scenarios but those were only examples and I would now like to explain my own perspective. (I don't believe it is forbidden to talk about the rules themselves)
Have you ever had a favorite topic in a game? What would it be like if you played a part in getting that favorite topic banned by accident? Most likely not good.
When I picture moderators or forum volunteers, what I think of are the police IRL. How would you feel if you explained yourself in front of a police officer but it seemed like the police were not listening? Then how would it feel to be singled out for causing disruption and to still have your side of the story seemingly ignored?
Part of the premise for the rule about Old Maplestory server threads is that the players who are interested in it are unreasonable. Since I was one of the only ones actively making threads about it at the time, I can assume that I would be included in this grouping. However if anyone looks at my posting history, it is easy to tell that I put a lot of thought into all of my posts. You could also simply ask me and I am more than happy to give details about any one of them. Since I was giving explanations for my actions practically the entire time I was making Old Maplestory threads, I have to wonder if the ideas of my posts were being tuned out.
I can agree with there being a limit for any topic but I do not agree with only focusing on the Old Maplestory server one and leaving it with no outlet.
I also disagree with the rule on a personal level. When it was first being announced I was still giving out explanations and it felt like the authority figures were entirely ignoring this information. Indifference from other players is ok maybe even expected but indifference for critical information from the "police" makes me uncomfortable. I like to trust others as much as anyone else but how can I place my trust in the forum police when I see things like this?
There is the real possibility that an Old Maplestory server has been decided to be a bad idea for Nexon. If that is so then that should be the reasoning given for the rule. It is not cool to have it for some other lesser reason.
(Any complaints about my complaints or off topic posts will be reported. If you would like to complain about something then I would say make your own thread)
One of those people who will corner any passerby to explain to them about some pet theory - be it the Second Coming, the Illuminati, the evils of meat-eating, or the lizard-like aliens?
They all have very convincing arguments. They have friends who believe as they do. And they are completely sincere in wanting to help the passerby and humanity in general.
Why is it that people keeping giving them a wide berth (at best) or cussing them out (at worst)?
Why is it that police escort them away?
Why are rules made about "being a public nuisance"?
Why are they labeled "crazies"?
They're honest, earnest, good people who put a lot of thought into their ideas and their arguments. Why does nobody listen?
Until Nexon announces something one way or the other there is no basis for dismissing anything. Ergo, the rule is unfair.
Nexon has announced that they don't want us talking about the subject on the forums. That's enough. They don't have to announce what their own plans regarding the subject is. The rule is for the forums and applies to the forums. You're free to talk about Old Maple in-game, on fansites, at conventions, or on street corners. But not on the forums. It's a very simple and clear rule, and I don't see why you can't follow it. You keep picking at the scab and making sure the wound never heals, so the subject will never become non-taboo.
Edit: better analogy.
I agree with limiting threads but a ban is unnecessary.
Get over it, and yourself while you're at it. "Anyone who disagrees with me is not allowed to post or I'll go cry to the moderators!"
That's not how this works, boyo.
You still don't understand why old maple threads are not allowed? You can't see the forest for the trees. You can't see that your incessant spam-like posting of so many threads revolving around the same matter is what caused the addendum to the rules to come into existence. And I firmly believe that, at this point, you never will.
You insist on talking about things people don't want to talk about. Yes, participation on the forum is voluntary - but you kept disguising your threads. You gave them all sorts of titles and all sorts of alleged topics, so that by the time someone read the post and realized what you were on about (yet again), they'd already gotten angry.
You brought this rule on yourself.
And, as I said before, your continued picking at the scab is definitely not helping get the rule overturned.
And I only got one thing to say to you:
Threads in disguise? I don't think so, the objective of my threads was usually clear after the first sentence or two. Furthermore it should have been easy to tell what a thread could be about from the title and it should have been very obvious from looking at the author. (especially after I changed my old avatar into a leaf) If you have a question about any threads created by me, quote it and I will gladly state what the thread was intended to do.
I am picking at a scab you say? There is no scab, wound or injury. If anybody is injured or upset over Old Maplestory then the cause of that is self inflicted. 100% voluntary means just that.
And you are not seriously trying to convince me that you do not have a problem with unfair code enforcement, so long as people that have an opinion you do not like are silenced? I had no idea that you are such a big supporter of intolerance.
Even I recognized that there were too many threads and maybe they should be restricted (like any other topic) but a ban is still not needed and is unfair.
You want to know what I can't fathom? How anyone could be so blind as to not see that no one is interested in what they have to offer.
After every thread you made was answered with rage, you kept making more threads "why are you raging? I just want to talk about -" If I didn't know better I'd suspect you of trolling. You certainly did - and still do - an awesome job keeping everyone on edge with your incessant posting about your one obsession.
I am not a supporter of intolerance but I am also not a supporter of being so socially inept as to keep talking about one subject when it's perfectly clear everyone around you doesn't want to hear it or talk about it. And if someone can't understand social cues, then yes, rules have to be made.
Of course in this case it was useless, because instead of talking incessantly about X you talk incessantly about why we can't talk about X. And if that's also banned, you'll go one meta level higher.
Could you please just go find a group of people who'd enjoy nostalgia'ing with you, and leave the players of current maple to their talk about the current game?
But the fact that there's a rule against making threads about that stuff should be proof that people are tired of it and do disagree with you.
Seriously, just stop. This constant spam is giving me and a bunch of other people a headache.
Since there is a ban on threads regarding Old-MS or legacy servers, you can't get a better official response than that.
You know what it means? It means there's not gonna be an Old-MS server.
With the exception of the month or two leading to the topic's ban, people seemed to be pretty respectful towards the idea. They disagreed, but they usually didn't do so rudely. When NTD started spamming the threads, the replies devolved into a storm of "NO GTFO", "PRE-BB TRASH FG", "FRAGGIN STUPID FRAGGIN IDEA FRAG", "dead horse pic #9001 look at me contributing to the convo lul", even when the OP was a new forumer (way to be a biter, guys).
If once or twice a month some forumer (as long as it's not the same one over and over) wants to suggest a pre-bb server, what's the harm in that? People suggest things like GSE badge re-acquirement, cash shop transfer events, and fixing Hard Magnus's meteors with about the same frequency. Whereas with this thread, we had to just tell him it's against the rules (gj being polite about it, though).
He has also, on the old forums, made it beyond clear that, for such an important issue to him, he refuses to do any of the legwork, or even see why he has to. He feels that all he needs to do is post about it and magically convince someone it's a great idea, then Nexon will do all of the work in polling players for what version they want the server to be, where to get the money to start up, and maintain, the server, as well as what sort of payment model(P2P or F2P). He doesn't think that he needs to approach Nexon in a professional manner about this, with a business proposal and startup capital in-hand; that they must have the hardware just stuffed in a closet somewhere just waiting to be used.
In shorter terms, he is all sound and no substance. And he has had more than enough chances at polite, civil discussion. He had his old maple thread, made by Michael, on the old forums. The thread was not about legacy/old maple servers, but he steered the conversation toward them whenever at all possible.
He simply, as I said in my earlier post, cannot see the forest for the trees. He's so caught up in how great of an idea a legacy server must be that he can't see the negative reactions people give him.
-See "Dear Community manager"
-See "Sorry for spamming" This was poor word choice on my part, I was referring to the OP (subject) not the OP (creator of thread) Controversy does not have to equal harassment, that is part of the point I am trying to make. Thanks for making a not spammy post. (I like the GIF but your timing and choice of thread could use improvement)
What you mention is a possibility but until Nexon actually makes a statement like that there is no reason to be jumping to conclusions and starting arguments over that specific detail. And anyway this thread is about the unfair rule rather than Old MS.
"Look through his post history on the old forums" I will invite anybody with an interest in Old Maplestory to do the same. It goes without saying that it was one of my favorite topics. The rest of this post is getting off topic and just a repeat of past statements. Instead of raging at me, the advice I would give is to find topics that you like and try to stick with them.
Great comment Fennekin, yours is probably the most on topic so far. To be accurate there was (unwarranted) hostility directed at Old MS long before my posting streak. If we players helped the moderators patrol one of these threads, I know that it could turn out well.
There is no grounding for getting angry or holding non existent grudges.
Forum interaction is 100% voluntary, I'm not sure how people are still misunderstanding this.
There ya go. Now you can stop making threads.
All of you should stop. This entire issue would've been void if you ignored him a long, long time ago. But every post of his the same two people reply. I get it, you guys disagree with him, the majority of the forums disagree with him, and heck even Nexon disagrees with him. Just sit back, ignore the thread, and it'll either get washed out or locked.
As for the topic, NTD, deal with the consequences of your actions. You won't listen because I know how stubborn you are, but that's all everyone is going to tell you. If you keep posting, no one is going to agree with you. Do you not have a better usage of your time?
Turns out yours was one of them, congrats.