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A desire for knowledge and opinions

Reactions: 1,060
Posts: 17
edited May 2017 in General Chat
So, as I start playing more, leveling my wind archer, and getting interesting items, a thought occurred to me.
Even though I figured phantom would be a neat main, it was not an informed decision.

So, after looking at all the classes, these were the ones that caught my eye, and why.
What I want is opinions or an idea of how these classes play, what gimmicks they have, etc.
In a sense, I want information to help me properly decide, as this is much faster than just picking a class and hoping its fun.

The classes were:

Phantom: Having played persona 5 recently, a thief class named phantom was just something I was in the mood for, at least for a bit. That and that fancy cane. Although, his gimmick apparently is using skills of explorers. But I rarely see anyone be an explorer as I travel around, and on top of that, I don't know how he plays outside of that gimmick.

Kinesis: Living, breathing, pure 100% concentrated anime. As a fan of Mob Psycho 100, this class looks neat from the get go. But I've learned to never judge on looks alone. A class may look cool, but it could be very boring, and I have no idea how this class plays or if it has any gimmicks.

Angelic Buster: If Kinesis is 100% anime, this girl is 5000% anime. Sailor moon vibes. That or the typical magical girl stuff. She looks like a very silly class to play, and I get the impression that she is either average and mostly for giggles, or a complete destroyer of worlds. Pink always belongs to destroyers of worlds.

Hayato: Wasn't a samurai person until I played Nioh, and now this class just looks neat. Although I don't know what would be different from a typical warrior class. I can't really get much out of class descriptions and appearances. Although the way the katana looked in creation seemed on point.

Blaster: Are those really gun hands? That can either be done in a very dumb or very cool way. The description mentions devastating power, but based on what I've experienced so far in maple, that is something everyone has and having that isn't exactly special.

Aran: A class I actually remember, how about that. Giant weapon, combo gimmicks, and something something ice powers. I've seen combo gimmicks before, but they can be kinda boring if not done in an interesting way. Is Aran any different?

Keep in mind this isn't a "what class is best" thing.
I just want an informed idea of what they all are so I can pick what I want.


  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited May 2017
    Did you try watching gameplay videos of any of them?

    Although, in my opinion, you're going to have to play them all, eventually.

    Maple has this thing called "link skills" and "character cards", where characters give a boost to other characters on the same account. For example, if you have a level 120 Phantom, it can give any of your other characters an extra 15% crit chance, as well as 3% extra meso gained.
    In a month or two we should be getting the Union update, which makes the benefit gained from other characters on your account even bigger.

    So, my advice to you is to make all of these classes, and the others with useful links, and get them to level 120 at least (140-150 is even better). By that point you'll have your 4th job skills and get a good feel for how the class plays, and be able to decide which one you want to "main" for the long haul.
  • NilremNilrem
    Reactions: 1,060
    Posts: 17
    edited May 2017
    AKradian wrote: »
    Did you try watching gameplay videos of any of them?

    Although, in my opinion, you're going to have to play them all, eventually.

    Maple has this thing called "link skills" and "character cards", where characters give a boost to other characters on the same account. For example, if you have a level 120 Phantom, it can give any of your other characters an extra 15% crit chance, as well as 3% extra meso gained.
    In a month or two we should be getting the Union update, which makes the benefit gained from other characters on your account even bigger.

    So, my advice to you is to make all of these classes, and the others with useful links, and get them to level 120 at least (140-150 is even better). By that point you'll have your 4th job skills and get a good feel for how the class plays, and be able to decide which one you want to "main" for the long haul.

    I'm already more than aware, and have 8 characters around for link skills already.
    On that note, I'm not interested in any link skill among these classes except for phantom's.
    Since reboot gave me an extra character slot, he might just be another link added to the pile.

    This was more for a character to throw them all on. An actual main to link everything together.
    For reference, the characters for linking are Wind Archer (For Cygnus level passive as well), Cannoneer, demon slayer, demon avenger, kanna, luminous, and mercedes.

    And no, watching a video actually shows me very little. I only see visuals. No information is actually gained.
    I'll see things happen with no understanding of how or why. Too many flashy effects going all over the place.
  • foussiremixfoussiremix
    Reactions: 2,335
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    edited May 2017
    Me as a angelic buster player can give you some information and tips.

    Angelic busters are a really strong class. They dont really have many lines but they have very high damage.
    They have the unique recharge system.
    That means you use a skill and gain recharge , recharge is needed for certain skill but sometimes the recharge fails and you need to use another skill to recharge.
    That means you can't spam a single skill BUUUUUUUUUUUT you gain passives with each job up that increase your recharge chance. At the 4th job you get a passive that lets you have NO RECHARGE FAILS, but only when the skill is lvl 30.
    They are also very mobile.
    The only really dumb things are the lack of lines and low defense, you can turn if the voice acting of her.

    Kinesis are also strong. They are really mobile mages and have pretty high defense because of a toggle skill and have naturally high hp.
    Their special thing is the PP bar .
    They dont use ANY mana and only very strong skills use it.
    Overall kinesis is fun. THROW DA MOBS
  • NilremNilrem
    Reactions: 1,060
    Posts: 17
    edited May 2017
    Helpful input right there.

    From all of this, I made the following decisions:

    Phantom shall be used for his link skill, which is crit rate or something if I remember right.
    Its a cool sounding class, but I was never a fan of how buffs work in this game, so I won't main it.

    Since I'm on Reboot and leveling a Cygnus Knight to 150 for maximum cygnus buff, I'm getting some extra character slots from that package thing.
    It will open more potential link skills, and allow me to potentially add Kaiser to the link skill platter for some good HP.

    From this list of possible mains, I now have my eyes on Kinesis, Hayato, and Angelic Buster.
    Extra slots from leveling Cygnus means I could potentially make Kinesis or Hayato, and if I'm not happy with either, I could use them for their respective link skill, character card, etc. Angelic Buster is the bronze medal of choices, in case I don't like the other two.

    This discussion was helpful, thanks for the information.
    Not just for me either, but for anyone who wants an idea of what a class does.
  • ArwooArwoo
    Reactions: 17,755
    Posts: 498
    edited May 2017
    I can provide some insight into Angelic Buster as an Angelic Buster main myself.
    However, I can't really make any comparisons to other classes.

    • Tons of references to your typical Magical Girl/Mahou Shoujo
    • Story is very... interesting? It makes you want want to read the dialogue out of either curiosity, anger, or because it's funny.
    • I-frames. Also has access to true I-frames. Overall, a nice range of tools to assist with survivability.
    • Class' game-play can feel straightforward.
    • Gender-locked
    • Long animations on primary attacks
    • Ping reliant (to an extent primarily due to recharge)
    • Class' game-play can feel straightforward.
    • Acquiring Attack Speed Inner ability due to long animations.

    Angelic Buster is as others have mentioned, very mobile. The mobility that comes from her Pink Pummel comes with an added I-frame, but don't confuse this for a true I-frame which she does have on a lengthy cooldown. Many of the "newer" bosses have attacks that can only be evaded through staying out of attack indicators which can be done through her Feather Hop which can be activated twice. However, a good number of attacks can be evaded with the i-frame on Pink Pummel (some examples would be the Crimson Queen's swipe attack and all of Pink Bean's attacks)

    Sparkle Burst provides a true i-fame which allows you to be invincible for 10 whole seconds. In addition all these tools for survivability, she also has Soul Resonance which can reduce the damage of some one-shotting boss attacks to allow you to survive. So that's the great news when bossing as Angelic Buster, but even the great must have their share of flaws.

    Despite the large array of tools to survive, all of Angelic Buster's primary attacks for bossing such as Trinity, Celestial Roar, Finale Ribbon have lengthy skill animations. This can result in many deaths due to being stuck in animation lock as the boss does an attack. Therefore, it's important to attack during windows where the boss won't be performing any attacks.

    In the end, while the class is very mobile, it can feel dangerous at times when trying to keep a constant flow of DPS going without risking your life. Quick toes, sluggish fingers I'd say best describes the class.
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited May 2017
    you know bakugo from hero academia? thats a blaster.

    As a phantom main, I'd say it's all about what you want to supplement. Whatever you lack in the mean time is what you steal from explorers. theres really no gimmick to phantom, since the skills have low base dmg, you either steal offensive skills, support (dmg) or support (stats) skills. party support as a phantom is no longer relevant but using skills like shell to boss is viable,

    the two main hypers stolen are sacrosanctity and concentration/bullseye, since i have 100% crit i have concentration because it gives stance and boss dmg

    after the aran revamp, theres no upkeep in terms of mechanics, theres no mechanics to angelic buster and hayato. simple classes.

    kinesis and blaster have higher upkeep.

    with all classes, a plateau will eventually come thats where your test of loyalty to your decision will be revealed. if you decide you dont want that character when you hit the plateau, it means you should pick another class. took me a while to break the phantom plateau.
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited May 2017
    Arwoo wrote: »
    I can provide some insight into Angelic Buster as an Angelic Buster main myself.
    However, I can't really make any comparisons to other classes.

    • Tons of references to your typical Magical Girl/Mahou Shoujo
    • Story is very... interesting? It makes you want want to read the dialogue out of either curiosity, anger, or because it's funny.
    • I-frames. Also has access to true I-frames. Overall, a nice range of tools to assist with survivability.
    • Class' game-play can feel straightforward.
    • Gender-locked
    • Long animations on primary attacks
    • Ping reliant (to an extent primarily due to recharge)
    • Class' game-play can feel straightforward.
    • Acquiring Attack Speed Inner ability due to long animations.

    Angelic Buster is as others have mentioned, very mobile. The mobility that comes from her Pink Pummel comes with an added I-frame, but don't confuse this for a true I-frame which she does have on a lengthy cooldown. Many of the "newer" bosses have attacks that can only be evaded through staying out of attack indicators which can be done through her Feather Hop which can be activated twice. However, a good number of attacks can be evaded with the i-frame on Pink Pummel (some examples would be the Crimson Queen's swipe attack and all of Pink Bean's attacks)

    Sparkle Burst provides a true i-fame which allows you to be invincible for 10 whole seconds. In addition all these tools for survivability, she also has Soul Resonance which can reduce the damage of some one-shotting boss attacks to allow you to survive. So that's the great news when bossing as Angelic Buster, but even the great must have their share of flaws.

    Despite the large array of tools to survive, all of Angelic Buster's primary attacks for bossing such as Trinity, Celestial Roar, Finale Ribbon have lengthy skill animations. This can result in many deaths due to being stuck in animation lock as the boss does an attack. Therefore, it's important to attack during windows where the boss won't be performing any attacks.

    In the end, while the class is very mobile, it can feel dangerous at times when trying to keep a constant flow of DPS going without risking your life. Quick toes, sluggish fingers I'd say best describes the class.

    nice organization you have there
  • BruiseBruise
    Reactions: 1,375
    Posts: 79
    edited May 2017
    For a person like me, interactive classes like Aran, Blaster, and Hayato are the way I'd go, in that order. If you get bored, then whatever.