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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Blaster class ammo skills are not working
So to start, the windowed icon for the ammo is not working; no matter what it always shows that the cannon is full.
But the main issue is that while using a skill that uses ammo and you reload automatically , the reloading animation will freeze. The cannon is never able to reload, and you will be unable to use any skills that requires ammo.
You also receive the message that you do not have enough ammo to use the skill.
Bug type:
Character Skills
Brief bug summary:
Icon for blaster ammo always shows to be full
Animation for reloading ammo freezes and never finishes the reload
Any skills requiring ammo there after become unusable
More details:
Also while the ammo is stuck on empty I cannot use chat
Steps to reproduce:
seems to happen when I use the revolver skill or a skill that requires ammo in quick succession.
Character name:
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World name:
Date and time of the incident:
5/13/17 Us Central
Character Skills
Brief bug summary:
Icon for blaster ammo always shows to be full
Animation for reloading ammo freezes and never finishes the reload
Any skills requiring ammo there after become unusable
More details:
Also while the ammo is stuck on empty I cannot use chat
Steps to reproduce:
seems to happen when I use the revolver skill or a skill that requires ammo in quick succession.
Character name:
Character level:
Character job:
World name:
Date and time of the incident:
5/13/17 Us Central