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Elf Skin Color

Reactions: 970
Posts: 34
edited May 2017 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
Why isn't the elf skin color available for purchase? Can it be made available? It is my absolute favorite. I have been wondering this for years and just never got around to coming in here with the thought.


  • SlyElementSlyElement
    Reactions: 970
    Posts: 34
    edited May 2017
    That would really be awesome. Thank you.
  • KlaraKlara
    Reactions: 3,385
    Posts: 245
    edited May 2017
    AlexF wrote: »

    I've forwarded the issue of GMS lacking certain skin tones from the wider set available in KMS. I'll update this if I can.

    Thanks :D

    Thank you! There have been so many threads and posts in the past years asking for more skin tones, but unfortunately I doubt we've even received a response why they're not available in gms yet. There are desperate people out there for mercedes and aran skin, including me. All the skin colours below would be a wonderful addition to play with. I think the last one is probably from jms but I'm not 100% sure.

  • StarrySWolfStarrySWolf
    Reactions: 1,155
    Posts: 73
    edited May 2017
    Omg yes pleas e make aran real skin color the slighter lighter slate tan( light then the tan we have in game) available I needs it <3333
  • TriforceTriforce
    Reactions: 610
    Posts: 12
    edited May 2017
    I really want to see this happen. Thanks for forwarding this suggestion!
  • LagTooMuchLagTooMuch
    Reactions: 1,985
    Posts: 122
    edited May 2017
    SlyElement wrote: »
    That would really be awesome. Thank you.

    dont trust them. they said they would add aran skin into game about 6.5 years ago still no aran skin available. They never keep their promises
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited May 2017
    AlexF wrote: »
    LagTooMuch wrote: »
    SlyElement wrote: »
    That would really be awesome. Thank you.

    dont trust them. they said they would add aran skin into game about 6.5 years ago still no aran skin available. They never keep their promises

    While I can't speak from the past, I can say this: We are definitely pushing for it and compiling links both new and old to show that the community really wants this.

    Too bad the old forums have been closed off.
  • LagTooMuchLagTooMuch
    Reactions: 1,985
    Posts: 122
    edited May 2017
    AlexF wrote: »
    LagTooMuch wrote: »
    SlyElement wrote: »
    That would really be awesome. Thank you.

    dont trust them. they said they would add aran skin into game about 6.5 years ago still no aran skin available. They never keep their promises

    While I can't speak from the past, I can say this: We are definitely pushing for it and compiling links both new and old to show that the community really wants this.

    wow Alex you are doing intern or what last time I saw you you were just an ordinary mapler just like us anyway congratulation man.
    I am looking forward to hearing good news from you man.
  • KlaraKlara
    Reactions: 3,385
    Posts: 245
    edited May 2017
    @AlexF If it's not too late to add, could we also have a skin colour tab added to the salon please? Quite a lot of maplers I see change their skin often to fit the various looks they create on a single character and everyone would really appreciate the option to save their skin instead of paying for it each time.
  • emperor52emperor52
    Reactions: 1,940
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    edited May 2017
    Klara wrote: »
    AlexF wrote: »

    I've forwarded the issue of GMS lacking certain skin tones from the wider set available in KMS. I'll update this if I can.

    Thanks :D

    Thank you! There have been so many threads and posts in the past years asking for more skin tones, but unfortunately I doubt we've even received a response why they're not available in gms yet. There are desperate people out there for mercedes and aran skin, including me. All the skin colours below would be a wonderful addition to play with. I think the last one is probably from jms but I'm not 100% sure.

    Yes to this!
    Klara wrote: »
    @AlexF If it's not too late to add, could we also have a skin colour tab added to the salon please? Quite a lot of maplers I see change their skin often to fit the various looks they create on a single character and everyone would really appreciate the option to save their skin instead of paying for it each time.
    And this!
    I didn't even realize Mercedes had an unique skin. However, I would gladly pay to change all my character's skintone to Aran's if made available.
  • BruiseBruise
    Reactions: 1,375
    Posts: 79
    edited June 2017
    They should add a mixed skin color coupon like the mixed dye coupon.

    Then we could easily expand on the various colors which are available in real-life -- usa, eu, oceania, and canada have mixing pots -- and on fantasy colors. The current selections are pretty limited tonal-wise (brown people have their tones).
  • krskkrsk
    Reactions: 2,980
    Posts: 123
    Member, Private Tester
    edited June 2017
    I'd love to see Aran's and Mercedes skin coloring
  • MichrMichr
    Reactions: 1,265
    Posts: 16
    edited July 2017
    Pretty please? Its been about 7 years now and the fact that the skin is missing has been ignored time and time again. Demon's get their skin but not Aran? Would it be that hard to add it into character creation/skin care?
    rygH8rj.png d40hpAf.png YoJ0drl.png
  • SlyElementSlyElement
    Reactions: 970
    Posts: 34
    edited September 2017
    Is it difficult to add to the game?
  • JulyJuly
    Reactions: 2,720
    Posts: 376
    edited September 2017
    but i just bought it in henesys skin care

    oh it old thread
  • SlyElementSlyElement
    Reactions: 970
    Posts: 34
    edited September 2017