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Wonderoid Jump Quest Difficulty


  • Member Petalmagic
    Reactions: 7,660
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    edited May 2017
    Hakufu wrote: »
    Daxi wrote: »
    I don't understand the belief that everyone should be able to easily do everything.

    I like an event that takes a little bit of effort. No support sorry.

    Uh 4-15 hours is a "Little Effort"? Nice flame though.
    Stargeth wrote: »
    5-6 hours is not much for a month-long event for a BiS heart. For those who have spent much longer like 15 hours+, that is a lot of time. But there are several guides out now and I listed some tips above. I'm not trying to say "deal with it!" exactly, but this event is not as impossible as it might first seem. It really comes down to there isn't much challenge left in the game and this event is a large jump (as someone put earlier) from current existing JQ's, so naturally we all are gonna be frustrated. But at the end of the day, this JQ is more than manageable in a week, and then you have another 21 days for farming coins (well 19 at this point but you get the idea).

    EDIT: @gvnalmanza: I meant 5-6 hours for the WHOLE thing, not B4 alone. For those struggling on a floor for more than an hour, I highly recommend looking up a guide and it will become easier.

    Some people aren't all that good at most jump quests even with help, 10 of the 12 hours was me stuck in b1 because I was having trouble getting the timing down even with the help of these stupid guides.

    Especially if you happen to get a random lag spike or DC and there goes all your progress.
  • Member CrystalOra
    Reactions: 3,235
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    edited May 2017
    This is not even a good android. They are making us literally jump for hours to get androids that are not even that good. No shop or buff save on them. The heart is nice but can only be moved one time in the account. Can the heart even be used by an android that we already have? Welcome to the nope, not doing it, cause it's not worth it and it's a total waste of time, event. I could be spending that time leveling other characters and improving my account for the next big patch. For those of you who say that your getting the android/heart on 20 characters...are you swimming in cash or something? What do you plan to scroll the hearts with? Is it really worth it to have that many hearts and then have to spent the mesos/cash needed to properly scroll said hearts to make them any good? If you have not already guessed I just spent like 2 hours today being stuck on B1. I tried last night, but there is this thing called sleep that I sometimes need if I want to function at work the next day. I had to quit and start over today. I have seen hard jump quests in this game and this is insanely hard to learn because of instant death. I'm not saying that it's impossible, but who has that kind of time?
  • Member TheHoA
    Reactions: 2,210
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    edited May 2017
    Hmm, I've tried searching on youtube, but I haven't found any videos for the V2 floors (and possibly V3 etc.) I guess even the TMS players gave up. (I'd like to remind people that TMS is where the Maple Music Festival's bullet hell dodging came from)
  • Member TheHoA
    Reactions: 2,210
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    edited May 2017
    Also for people stuck on B1, try backtracking on the conveyor belt. You can also teleport the android beneath the floor at the fake portal on the right so you don't have to keep tossing it forward.
  • Member Retr0_
    Reactions: 2,065
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    edited May 2017
    So i just finished F1 and right at the end portal, a douchbag guard come, shot me while i had 11 HP left cuz last floor is a fk fest, and died.
    But here's the twist. All that happened AFTER i entered the portal. So basically it was saying " Clear, Stage complete" 3 sec later, BOOM dead...........???
    And it tossed me back at the beggining w/o letting me to enter again F1. A message would pop up and say "Where are you come from?" Had to press Leave.
    I don't know if that rescued the android. ALDOE I FINISHED IT.
    Nexon? EXPLAIN? Cuz i'm done with this sht.
  • Member koppelo1
    Reactions: 530
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    edited May 2017
    Because im a bad person and i suffered through it. Everyone else has to suffer too. No easy mode please :D
  • Member, Private Tester Silva
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    edited May 2017
    Vimi wrote: »
    Please reduce the difficulty for the Wonderoid Jump Quest. Or give us a way to skip it after failing 100+ times. This difficulty is just ridiculous, I'll break my keyboard in half in anger before I ever get past B4, let alone FOUR levels of that.

    Actually... my keyboard already broke... now my arrow keys keep getting stuck. I need a REFUND!!
  • Member KushyDragon
    Reactions: 1,715
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    edited May 2017
    Lmao, this is why I'm getting someone else to do it for me on reboot.

    I'm not a fan of jump quests, and this event can take a hike.
  • Member Petalmagic
    Reactions: 7,660
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    edited May 2017
    Lmao, this is why I'm getting someone else to do it for me on reboot.

    I'm not a fan of jump quests, and this event can take a hike.

    No kidding. I am finally on the second Android...-prepares myself for cancer- I hoenstly wanna collect accidents for free coins...
  • Member Rewasab
    Reactions: 1,120
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    edited May 2017
    If you don't dissconect or find a run-breaking glitch this jq really isnt that bad, once you get used to the kind of crap the game has in store for you it gets really easy.
    My frist run took 4 hours, the second one took a little over 1 and on my third run it only took me 34 minutes despite the courses getting harder after the first succesful run. You can do it guys after some time even the moving laser's pattern becomes obvious and you can breeze through it 4 out of 5 times, do it for that free 120 heart.
    You can do it!
  • Member TomerTop
    Reactions: 770
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    edited May 2017
    I was really excited when the Wonderoid patch arrived!
    I had no idea there was even such event planned, which is a surprise considering I'm stalking KMS updates like a madman lol so seeing events from JMS or made in GMS is always a pleasure... well, it was at least, until now.

    It had an interesting trailer showing some nice animation and a concept I can really get behind, because as I player, I always love having maple world expanded upon, even if the stories are no the main canon (like Orange mushroom temple). It peaked me enough to rush home from work, download and update the game and jump straight into maplestory again even though nothing "big" has hit yet. and after coming back to GMS just to try it out - all I have to sa is I'm just straight up disappointed.

    I'm not a big fan of JQs myself. I won't do them for nothing (forest of tranquillity beh) but I'll do it everytime I see a good enough reason behind it (for example, the Blockbuster ones), so without even looking at the rewards I jumped straight into it. B1 to B3 were a piece of cake, and I think took me less than half an hour on the first run. But B4, oh baby, B4 took me 4 hours of frustration which in the end made me quit it, with the thought of leaving the game, not even a day in from my return.

    A day later I calmed abit, got my mental fortitude back and decided to tackle B4 again. But to my surprise, I had to do them ALL all over again. Like before, was frustrated - but considering they were all pretty easy I just redo them (took me this time around ten minutes, which made me really optimistic about my chances versus B4). But alas, B4 was again, impossible to complete, even by trying to go in an easier way back the level while taking advantage of the buggy moving platformes planes, and I found myself quitting it, again, after another 4 hours of trying.

    Now, I went and read some of what people are saying about the rewards, and if they're really that good then sure - good on you, Nexon!~
    but some of us (I guess I'm not the only one) are just looking to have some fun experiencing new stories and quests in the fantasy world they love, and are not looking to drag themselves through punishment to get some more range.

    rants over.
  • Member Esoum
    Reactions: 600
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    edited May 2017
    I'll be skipping any jump quests from now on no matter what the prize is. Hope we get some kind of compensation for the frustration or is that just me whining too much? I really did want to like this event. The story is good. But the game play not so much
  • Member Its2Sharp4U
    Reactions: 6,020
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    edited May 2017
    Esoum wrote: »
    I'll be skipping any jump quests from now on no matter what the prize is. Hope we get some kind of compensation for the frustration or is that just me whining too much? I really did want to like this event. The story is good. But the game play not so much

    Yeah, no. I doubt they'll be any compensation for that. Maybe for the Investigation mode bug that has ruined people's runs, but that's unlocked after the first successful rescue.

    The obstacles are just too difficult and need a rework. Maybe make the traps so that it doesn't kill you on the first hit.
  • Member, Private Tester Silva
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited May 2017
    I propose instead of OHKO, I propose reducing the damage from those lasers and steam to 50% maxHP.
  • Member TomerTop
    Reactions: 770
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    edited May 2017
    Or... just give the player a checkpoint? or make one on the longer levels?
    When I first did B1 on Aster, the beginning part with the gas was a nightmare. Even on your way to the right, it can be quite challenging.
    So when you finally get to the end, and you're being told "now go back to the beginning LULUL", thats where some people crack.

    Its like... Super Meat Boy for example. Platform levels can be, and probably for that kind of reward, should be hard, and I'm all in on that.
    But what real platformers do is put you straight into the action again, not let you have a 4 minute rewind of the level before getting to the challenging part.

    If only players had the abillity to put a checkpoint behind places they found hard, sure, they could still spend hours trying to master it, but they won't get as frustrated as having to waste another 4 minutes just getting there every single time.

    I get Nexon, I get trying to gatekeep people from just farming those hearts, I get that they want people to have their skill tested to get such high-end gear. But Nexon should really try and test peoples actual skill, not the amount of punishment and frustration a person can handle.
  • Member Retr0_
    Reactions: 2,065
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    edited May 2017
    Something that would be nice, for me at least, is a reward for saving all wondroids.
    Aldoe i hate that JQ from the bottom of my heart, it got me addicted.
    So i'm pretty sure by the time event ends, i'll have saved all wondroids.
  • Member, Private Tester Roni777
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    edited May 2017
    It is not a must to have. If you want something good, you have to earn it. Try learn from others, especially pro. Some of my friends even finish it less than 4 hours on their 1st try. even 1 finished it before 2 hours on 1st try. Last time i try again, only died once. It's not that hard. just need to learn how to do it. If you can't learn by yourself, learn from others
  • Member, Private Tester AKradian
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    edited May 2017
    Retr0_ wrote: »
    Something that would be nice, for me at least, is a reward for saving all wondroids.
    Aldoe i hate that JQ from the bottom of my heart, it got me addicted.
    So i'm pretty sure by the time event ends, i'll have saved all wondroids.

    You get a medal for that.
  • Member Ramenoodle
    Reactions: 410
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    edited May 2017
    I honestly feel the jump quest is far too difficult. Not the whole thing, just parts of it (psst B1). This is coming from someone who beat it after about 2.5 hours. To those who've already beat it and are telling others to "get good and practice more", good for you, but you have to admit this whole thing was way too excessive and annoying. B1 itself could be the entire jump quest and it would still be over the top.

    I'm not saying the whole thing should be removed or anything like that. Some things to change could be adding more checkpoints near harder parts of the level, changing certain traps to make them a little easier, maybe giving an easier alternative after a certain number of fails, or letting players access investigation mode without having to rescue an android (That would honestly be the easiest solution in my opinion).

    I'm sure no one will care about my ranting comment, but come on we all deserve a chance at those cute new wondroids right?
  • Member Petalmagic
    Reactions: 7,660
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    edited May 2017
    Ramenoodle wrote: »
    I honestly feel the jump quest is far too difficult. Not the whole thing, just parts of it (psst B1). This is coming from someone who beat it after about 2.5 hours. To those who've already beat it and are telling others to "get good and practice more", good for you, but you have to admit this whole thing was way too excessive and annoying. B1 itself could be the entire jump quest and it would still be over the top.

    I'm not saying the whole thing should be removed or anything like that. Some things to change could be adding more checkpoints near harder parts of the level, changing certain traps to make them a little easier, maybe giving an easier alternative after a certain number of fails, or letting players access investigation mode without having to rescue an android (That would honestly be the easiest solution in my opinion).

    I'm sure no one will care about my ranting comment, but come on we all deserve a chance at those cute new wondroids right?

    Yeah, my favorite wondroids so far would be Rhea and Jax (appearance) but for the life of me...I can't do the JQ for either of them. I am one of those players who just...isn't good at Jump quests. Stuff like Gollux can take me over an hour on the Jump quest alone, Zakum...i once spent an entire night trying to clear =3=. Not all of us are amazing masters who can somehow "get it right". Yes, I managed to make it to B1, oh, I dced. NVM. I honestly asked my Dad (who grew up on stuff like Super Mario, aka the Infinite JQ) for help/advice because he could see how freakin mad I was getting. An EVENT should not be so difficult that nobody can get the sweet loots.