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[Contest] Design a Discord Icon for MapleStory!

Reactions: 17,755
Posts: 498
edited June 2017 in Contests and Events

Attention, Maplers!

The Official MapleStory Discord has been around for over a full week and I've gotta say... I'm sure many of us are tired of seeing Lucid and her smug face!!! For those unfamiliar with the Official MapleStory Discord, please feel free to join or visit here: https://discord.gg/9G5nZ26

How can we put an end to Lucid and her being the representation of the Official MapleStory Discord server? By creating a new icon of course! We're turning this into a contest for all you lovely artists out there to draw an icon to be the face of the MapleStory Discord server.
Contest Guidelines:
  • The contents of the icon must be related to MapleStory.
  • The image must be drawn by you. We're only accepting digital art for this contest and not traditional.
  • By submitting in this contest, you provide appropriate licenses for the icon's use.
  • Keep the image rated PG. No nudity or anything that borderlines it.
  • Contestants are limited to only one entry.
  • Contestants may edit or modify their submission at any time during the duration of the contest.
  • Discord's recommended image size for a server icon is:


    Note that Discord's frame is a circle so the image will be excluding portions.
    See the example:
Please review the official rules here:

We will be selecting a total of 3 Winners and the community's top pick from the 3 will be taking over Lucid's spot as the face of the Official MapleStory Discord server.

70,000 Maple Points rewarded to the top 3 entries.

Contest's Duration: June 30, 2017 at 11:59:59 pm Pacific Time

Thank you and good luck!


  • GargulaGargula
    Reactions: 855
    Posts: 71
    edited June 2017
    Guess I'll just use your face to create an icon. :)
  • TwizzzlersTwizzzlers
    Reactions: 2,235
    Posts: 143
    Member, Private Tester
    edited June 2017

    Theme: I wanted to go with the new update Mechanical Hearts so I draw a droid showing pride for all the hearts out and jewels to craft.

    Pictures: - I was close to 512 to 512 but not quite so I hope that is okay. My other one is exactly like yours but bigger.

    Licenses: - I was able to use and got permission.

    IGN: Knoebels
    World: Scania

  • merpellamerpella
    Reactions: 300
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    edited June 2017

    IGN: merpella
    World: Reboot
  • WizardBeauWizardBeau
    Reactions: 1,911
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    edited June 2017
    Tried to think of some of the most recognizable things from Maplestory, so here's this guy with a Zakum helm and a f5 face.

    IGN: KazotskyKick
    World: Broa

  • JoTheWeirdoJoTheWeirdo
    Reactions: 1,920
    Posts: 22
    edited June 2017
    I drew a cute little slime, It's one of the monsters everyone is familiar with on Maplestory, you just want to hug them.

    Discord test screenshot.

    IGN: HawtNoodles
    World: Reboot
  • NidaleviNidalevi
    Reactions: 390
    Post: 1
    edited June 2017
    Rough draft of my idea, doubting between a few variations of it.

    Discord circle surrounding it preview.

    Pd9MYsl.png VQ1p3u5.png
    Different variations

    Since we've got until the end of the month I'll take my time :)

    IGN: Obvious
    World: Luna
    HHG1merpellaAKradianLoopersoNeurobeatThe Blue CorsairNightlyMoonnicesePerma
  • Lux_Lux_
    Reactions: 440
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    edited June 2017
    A cutesy Slime looking up to the Maple leaf that landed on his head :) Hd8jnG3.png

    Here's the discord version: KrUcAcz.png?1

    World: Reboot


  • GargulaGargula
    Reactions: 855
    Posts: 71
    edited June 2017
    Lux_ wrote: »
    A cutesy Slime looking up to the Maple leaf that landed on his head :) Hd8jnG3.png

    Here's the discord version: KrUcAcz.png?1

    World: Reboot


    Cute af boi :) :)
  • xPantheressxPantheress
    Reactions: 510
    Posts: 3
    edited June 2017
    What could be cuter than Pink Bean and his fellow squishy friends having a fun time gaming together?

    IGN: Bitterbot
    World: Bera
  • SpiritSpirit
    Reactions: 1,365
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    edited June 2017
    I loved making this. I hope everyone likes it, enjoy~


    Discord Preview: LnCsGwY.png + BepdQFf.png

    IGN: Jahr
    World: Reboot
  • SpeedyDucklingSpeedyDuckling
    Reactions: 490
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    edited June 2017

    Orange Mushroom Photobomb
    From that point on, Evan realized that there was something far more scary than the Black Mage.

    here's how it looks in the discord bubble: 84WNXHN.jpg
    IGN: Stalkerfly
    World: Windia
    *edit* fixed evan, I noticed that maple gave him plastic surgery since the last time I played :D
    JettLuvsUNeurobeatThe Blue CorsairNightlyMoonnLoopersoStarshadowNibboKeyan the EvanPerma
  • NeurobeatNeurobeat
    Reactions: 1,330
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    edited June 2017


    Chief Stan is love, Chief Stan is life.
    Get outta here Lucid! Make room for the REAL best girl.

    I'm not entirely sure how serious I am about this tbh LOL.

    IGN: Pillbug
    Server: El Nido
    JettLuvsUSpiritSpeedyDucklingSparkleeJoTheWeirdoHHG1WizardBeauShiyumiSamaStarshadowNibboand 3 others.
  • SpiritSpirit
    Reactions: 1,365
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    edited June 2017
    Neurobeat wrote: »
    -snipped for smaller quote post-
    Chief Stan is love, Chief Stan is life.
    Get outta here Lucid! Make room for the REAL best girl.

    I'm not entirely sure how serious I am about this tbh LOL.

    IGN: Pillbug
    Server: El Nido

    LOL I love it.
  • ReilekyReileky
    Reactions: 330
    Post: 1
    edited June 2017
    here's my submission, had to randomly choose which explorer for this and Pirate gets it
    drawing this has been quite fun

    also discord preview

    IGN: Reileky
    Server: Reboot
  • SparkleeSparklee
    Reactions: 2,630
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    edited June 2017
    All of these entries are fabulous! Just wish I had such talent to draw (Can barely draw a stickman...)
    Loving that Chief Stan one though! -Slightly biased as I hang out in Chief Stan's House on Luna's server) :D
  • PlatinumPiotrPlatinumPiotr
    Reactions: 710
    Posts: 4
    edited June 2017
    This is my entry, I decided to create something that has not got a theme other than Maple Story, this means that no matter what update comes around, this will always be fitting! I have used various Images provided by Nexon for the influences, in the end everything was drawn by hand, scanned in and edited on Photoshop.

    Here is what it would look like on Discord.

    IGN: Terrot
    World: Luna
  • ElvirinElvirin
    Reactions: 410
    Posts: 3
    edited June 2017

    I've been a Maplestory fan since the beginning when there were only Explorers, and the Mushie is one of the first (and cutest) monsters there is. It's still very alive!


    IGN: Reabout
    World: Luna
  • DatLightGurlDatLightGurl
    Reactions: 1,070
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    edited June 2017

    ''What is a Discord? Can you eat it?'' - Escalade
    Since when is Escalade a GM? Nexon, there are many things you have to tell us.
    Seems like he has to make a Discord Icon for the Maplestory Discord but has no clue what to do or even what ''a Discord'' is.
    Good that I came to help...

    So yes, I drew Escalade (being a GM ofc) in his office at Nexon wondering about what Discord is. I dont know if I should laugh or shame about him.

    IGN: Aurore
    World: Luna
  • HelquinHelquin
    Reactions: 910
    Posts: 3
    edited June 2017

    So I replaced my first entry with this and I don't know if I'll be going with it, but I still have around a week so I'll take my time.

    IGN: Helquin
    World: Scania
  • ColorcipherColorcipher
    Reactions: 1,235
    Posts: 16
    Member, Private Tester
    edited June 2017

    I wanted to draw Moonbeam and Shade, because of their friendship and unity. And also decided to make Shade have ears and a tail.

    IGN: Sakuramist
    World: Reboot