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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Bug type: Broken mini-game
Brief bug summary: game suddenly stop work.
More details: The game Monsteropoly in event mini-game station not working ok, its stops working and everyone waits for timer to finish ( and count as loose), and if i leave it wont count but i have to wait 15 mins before playing any other game.
Steps to reproduce:
Go play Monsteropoly mini-game
Date and time of the incident: 6/1/17
From this type of bug players only suffer.. not getting any benefit, so don't rush to fix this.
Same ov er here in Luna, The enhanche pop-up does not show up.
it glitches 9/10 for me, making it impossible to ever gain that achievement
it might be a good idea for nexon to scrap it out of the achievement list if they are unable to fix it soon
too bad it screws up the whole mini-game event
Brief bug summary:
1) All game functions for one of the players stops working during a match making their turn go on indefinitely.
2) Visually looks very glitchy as well. Players don't go around the board instead they disappear, and appear as if they are going backwards.
I would like to point out that this is the mini-game that seems to glitch the most out of all of them.
Steps to reproduce:
1) Try to queue up to a Monsteropoly match
2) Get kicked out many many times
3) Actually connect to a match after several dozen attempts only to watch it glitch.
Character name: IDemonxI
Character level: 170
Character job: Demon Slayer
World name: Reboot
Date and time of the incident:
June 4, 2017 Around 6:04 PM ish PST
It also uses up your daily game limit, so it's a joke to play right now. game should be completely disabled until fixed.
If they're not going to fix it, can they at lease remove the wait time penalty for not doing anything for a period of time so we can still get coins when it messes up? I mean the game will automatically make moves for you if you're inactive. That's why there is a loading bar for every turn. =/
obviously text issues more urgent... im surprised they didnt went for unscheduled maintenance to fix this one..
They didn't go into unscheduled maintenance because it wasn't a benefit that could be abused. '100% chance you will roll a Five'. was the description but only moved three, it's a set value and it's just one minor text issue that can easily be fixed no problem within a weekly scheduled maintenance.
An exploit would be if you were to somehow manipulate your result that's not suppose to function like that. An example would be you rolled a three but you chose to move two instead even though you didn't have a 2 to begin with. This doesn't actually exist I'm just making it up.
For bugs like this one it probably isn't easy to fix regardless whoever made the code in the first place. This game is so old that some bugs get overshadowed by others, and that some bugs that are fixed somehow reappear in another patch. It's ridiculous because it shouldn't happen with a massive company like this, but it does.
i been sarcastic