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Monster colection RA and CRA bosses

Reactions: 820
Posts: 58
edited October 2016 in General Chat
So did any1 get the CRA bosses so far? SS are welcomed , also I was wondering if any1 who got pierre or cpierre knows if u have to kill the purple pierre to get it or u can get it by killing red or blue pierre ( I mean for chaos it would have to be that way but maybe it could also mean that if u fail to kill the split a lot of times u have more chances to get it on a single week

On the other hand, I wanted to know too if any1 figured out what the stars below the monster mean because I saw that some monsters with one star still require hours of hunting while bosses requires even lower amount of time, do u know like whats that determine the % of adding the monster?


  • Warlocked200Warlocked200
    Reactions: 580
    Posts: 23
    edited October 2016
    The higher the level of the monster the harder it is to get it in the monster collection, at least by what I've discovered.
    Stars just seem to be an indicator of what type of monster it is, like 3 stars is a miniboss and 1 star is just a regular mob. I seem to get bosses in my collection faster than I get regular mobs though.
  • XeraphimXeraphim
    Reactions: 1,480
    Posts: 71
    edited October 2016
    It seems like the Meunster Manwell for this game (facetious misspelling intentional, 2 references: one to cheese and another to Wall-E) uses a controlled form of *rnd script to determine whether you get the critter added to your Pokedex. It seems to be a conjunction of kill threshold and a % chance after you meet the kill amount.

    And example of what it appears to work like: Kill 999 Qualm Guardians then a 2% chance to add the next kills to your Monster Bible.
    Not an actual function because I really have no exact idea, just an example to show how I think it works.

    I did notice while playing that the Kill threshold is account-wide so you can kill 998 McDerpapotomus Plerps and then get that last 1 kills to meet the minimum amount then manage to score that 1% chance right off the bat with kill #1000 on your other main or whatever that gets added to your ManStair Collection.
  • AKradianAKradian
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    edited October 2016
    There is no threshold, as far as I can tell. I've gotten all sorts of mobs on first kill (or one of first ~10, since I generally use mobbing skills). It's just a straight %, and it gets lower as the mob level gets higher.
  • ElGusanitoElGusanito
    Reactions: 820
    Posts: 58
    edited October 2016
    well what about Pierre? any1 got it yet?
  • KerBansotKerBansot
    Reactions: 1,635
    Posts: 271
    edited October 2016
    Chaos or normal? I have the normal one.
  • NeospectorNeospector
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    edited October 2016
    I got the normal set recently. Pierre took the longest to get, but I got Von Bon and Queen on the same day. Others have experienced differently.

    I believe I got Pierre from purple Pierre (I.E. just "Pierre"), so I don't know if red and blue count. In case they don't, I'd try landing the killing blow only when he's purple, just to be safe.
  • ElGusanitoElGusanito
    Reactions: 820
    Posts: 58
    edited October 2016

    I got the normal set recently. Pierre took the longest to get, but I got Von Bon and Queen on the same day. Others have experienced differently.

    I believe I got Pierre from purple Pierre (I.E. just "Pierre"), so I don't know if red and blue count. In case they don't, I'd try landing the killing blow only when he's purple, just to be safe.

    Yeah I want som1 to confirm if som1 got it from killin blue or red cuz u know for chaos version, theres no purple pierre u can kill that would make it imposible to get the char slot expansion.
    Also do u know if these imposible monsters are reported already as bug reports and nexon working on them? or neh. cuz I believe there are others llike zakum, cht etc.
  • ElGusanitoElGusanito
    Reactions: 820
    Posts: 58
    edited October 2016
    KerBansot said:

    Chaos or normal? I have the normal one.
    can u tell if u got it from purple pierre? or red or blue?
  • bumbertyrbumbertyr
    Reactions: 6,610
    Posts: 1,167
    edited October 2016
    i got pierre and von bon so far, trying hard to get queen and vellum, but no luck so far.
  • SorrowSorrow
    Reactions: 2,780
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    edited October 2016
    It's luck based but I wish they would tweak the % chance up a little. You can farm maybe 10-20 monsters and then your entire day is already gone.
  • bumbertyrbumbertyr
    Reactions: 6,610
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    edited October 2016
    Sorrow said:

    It's luck based but I wish they would tweak the % chance up a little. You can farm maybe 10-20 monsters and then your entire day is already gone.
    well the reward you get for sending the monsters out are pretty good, so i can understand the low chance.
  • CatoooloooCatooolooo
    Reactions: 5,625
    Posts: 1,213
    edited October 2016

    well what about Pierre? any1 got it yet?
    I have all the normal RA in collection and only Vonbon in Chaos So far

    pretty sure you can get Pierre from either form of Pierre

  • ElGusanitoElGusanito
    Reactions: 820
    Posts: 58
    edited October 2016


    well what about Pierre? any1 got it yet?
    I have all the normal RA in collection and only Vonbon in Chaos So far

    pretty sure you can get Pierre from either form of Pierre
    but that would mean u have 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999..... to be continued

    chances to get chaos pierre cuz u can keep killin blue and red one till u get it
  • CatoooloooCatooolooo
    Reactions: 5,625
    Posts: 1,213
    edited October 2016

    but that would mean u have 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999..... to be continued

    chances to get chaos pierre cuz u can keep killin blue and red one till u get it
    not really cause it looks for final kill (a True kill) before the "diice roll" of possible collection, they do the same thing for collecting Hilla via Hard Hilla.
  • ElGusanitoElGusanito
    Reactions: 820
    Posts: 58
    edited October 2016


    but that would mean u have 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999..... to be continued

    chances to get chaos pierre cuz u can keep killin blue and red one till u get it
    not really cause it looks for final kill (a True kill) before the "diice roll" of possible collection, they do the same thing for collecting Hilla via Hard Hilla.

    How do u know that? and how is hilla and hh compared to that :/ it doesn't have more than 1 body lol, I mean for chaos pink bean it ' rolls dice ' every time u finish one single body I got mine in like 5th body or so
  • CatoooloooCatooolooo
    Reactions: 5,625
    Posts: 1,213
    edited October 2016



    but that would mean u have 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999..... to be continued

    chances to get chaos pierre cuz u can keep killin blue and red one till u get it
    not really cause it looks for final kill (a True kill) before the "diice roll" of possible collection, they do the same thing for collecting Hilla via Hard Hilla.

    How do u know that? and how is hilla and hh compared to that :/ it doesn't have more than 1 body lol, I mean for chaos pink bean it ' rolls dice ' every time u finish one single body I got mine in like 5th body or so
    H hilla actually has 2 forms/ bodys, the normal body "dies" and get replaced with the grey haired model, C pinkbean actually just has models that spawn after each one is killed, like Ranmaru. C Vonbon isnt counted as dead because it uses a different system that is tied to both forms but is similar to H hilla because both keep swapping colors, much like how H hilla can change from red hair to grey and back again to red if she recovers enough HP.
  • ElGusanitoElGusanito
    Reactions: 820
    Posts: 58
    edited October 2016




    but that would mean u have 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999..... to be continued

    chances to get chaos pierre cuz u can keep killin blue and red one till u get it
    not really cause it looks for final kill (a True kill) before the "diice roll" of possible collection, they do the same thing for collecting Hilla via Hard Hilla.

    How do u know that? and how is hilla and hh compared to that :/ it doesn't have more than 1 body lol, I mean for chaos pink bean it ' rolls dice ' every time u finish one single body I got mine in like 5th body or so
    H hilla actually has 2 forms/ bodys, the normal body "dies" and get replaced with the grey haired model, C pinkbean actually just has models that spawn after each one is killed, like Ranmaru. C Vonbon isnt counted as dead because it uses a different system that is tied to both forms but is similar to H hilla because both keep swapping colors, much like how H hilla can change from red hair to grey and back again to red if she recovers enough HP.

    Hard hilla doesn't ' die ' its just a change of color which gives her more def nd that but its not countd as a kill cuz u literaly killing nothing, for cpierre instead, he does die and respawn if u cant kill the other 1 , but he die indeed so its basically the same as for cpb and hranmaru
  • CatoooloooCatooolooo
    Reactions: 5,625
    Posts: 1,213
    edited October 2016

    Hard hilla doesn't ' die ' its just a change of color which gives her more def nd that but its not countd as a kill cuz u literaly killing nothing, for cpierre instead, he does die and respawn if u cant kill the other 1 , but he die indeed so its basically the same as for cpb and hranmaru
    well you can try if you want, but I'm pretty sure it's tied to them both getting killed (I could be wrong), and it would make no sense for it to be tied to the purple form only, because C pierre never goes back to purple form once you've taken the battle to stage 2 (where he splits) and you can easily kill him in purple, red or blue form on normal, so it only makes sense that all forms would have a collection chance
  • ElGusanitoElGusanito
    Reactions: 820
    Posts: 58
    edited October 2016


    Hard hilla doesn't ' die ' its just a change of color which gives her more def nd that but its not countd as a kill cuz u literaly killing nothing, for cpierre instead, he does die and respawn if u cant kill the other 1 , but he die indeed so its basically the same as for cpb and hranmaru
    well you can try if you want, but I'm pretty sure it's tied to them both getting killed (I could be wrong), and it would make no sense for it to be tied to the purple form only, because C pierre never goes back to purple form once you've taken the battle to stage 2 (where he splits) and you can easily kill him in purple, red or blue form on normal, so it only makes sense that all forms would have a collection chance
    Exactly and that would make him one of the imposibles if its true that it just counts when its spelled correctly like u cant get zakum cuz its named zakum1 which don't exist cuz that was long time ago, same for chaos horntail cuz theres no part of it being called like that and other examples out there.
  • BIackbeanBIackbean
    Reactions: 3,450
    Posts: 519
    edited October 2016
    ya they achievable