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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
IMPORTANT INFO missing from the Legion info page.
I'm sure that once we get the real Update Notes, everything will be detailed.
Yes but this is a HUGE thing to miss - otherwise people won't be planning ahead and sticking starforced gears on their chars and just making sure they have high atk or matk.
To be blunt - it's misleading. Especially when they have ALL OF THE OTHER INFO except for the starforce/level thing.
well it's still a middle you-know-what to people who don't check orangemushroom and actually rely on the Nexon NA team (lol, but if there are people like that that's just sad, but still)
Well, KMS didn't get any advance notice of what they'd need to do for maximum "attack force", either. Or of the need to level mules up.
There are two kinds of GMS players: those who care about getting the maximum out of every patch, and casuals.
The first kind keep themselves informed (through Orangemushroom, youtube, fan sites, etc) and have been leveling mules and getting them star forced gear for six months already.
The others don't particularly care and take things as they come. Giving them the information two weeks in advance won't make any difference.
One last time - the issue I have is that ALL OF THE INFO EXCEPT THE STARFORCE/LEVEL THING is there. That's a really specific bit to leave out. (almost as if it was left out ON PURPOSE *dun dun dunnnnn*)
None of the specific info is there.
Not the Legion ranks, not the class shapes, not the card effects, not even the fact that you can move the areas of the grid around.
It's just a highlights page and it contains bits and pieces of info. Anyone who relies just on that is still completely in the dark about this system, and telling them that attack power is a function of level and star force would not really help them.
What prompted you to make this thread? Do you know anyone who knew nothing of Union, read that page, and then made a wrong decision because that bit of info was missing from it?
not really cause all OMB does is post translations of patch notes from KMS
once again, this is a highlights, it doent give all info an any single new addition this patch brings, that's what the patch notes are for.
anyone who is trying to get ahead by looking at future content will not be using a patch highlights of any kind, and as AK said, there is much more info missing than just the starfoce+lvl = damage.
everyone looking to get ahead on future content already knows where to look, the only issues are when GMS messes up the patch notes for people who don't read OMB
Eh...Is there a requirement on Union as far as how much Star force you gonna want...=3= Couldn't find any good info.
I wonder why Reddit never pops up when I look this kinda stuff up...-goes to ponder that-
I heard some players mentioning 140 starforce is good balance and others saying minimum 100 is ok.
Dude, then why are YOU replying to the thread? And being a jerk about it?
I was just trying to share some info to some players but for some reason you really want the last word. Mods, help please.
Sure this is misleading to some people who do not follow blogs that talk about this and it would be right to do so.
But.. like everyone says,
it just highlights and their not going to spoil too much on what will happen until the Patch notes comes out next week.
I kinda agree on that.. im not the most active maplestory player here, but I allways check my info with Orange mushroom Blog and i been following max for years.
KMS Allways get the big patch first and it often they are in the dark until the game comes out. Kinda agreeing on that one but I think it good were in GMS Cause we get our info first hand.
Yes, So they may learn as they go.. I do tell people about the Game stuff from orange mushroom to people and inform them.