Chu Chu Party Quest is a party quest for lv210+, where you can obtain Chu Chu Symbols and do it multiple times a day, you can get experience and Arcane Symbols of Chu Chu Island.
In this PQ you can do with 1~~4 people(you can go solo if you want) with a limit of 3 times
cleared per day, it will increase the difficulty the more people you go with and a max of 10 minutes to clear, the faster you go the more rewards you will get, with three difficulty modes you can get more arcane symbols depending in which one you go, just like in Arcane River maps the Party Quest require Arcane Force to do a 100% damage:
Note: you can do 50% more damage if you have 50%more arcane power than what's the minimum requirement
100Arcane Power required to do 100% damage
Just one Arcane Symbol per run and 200m exp
Rewards by time:
100 Arcane Power required
Up to 3 Arcane Symbols and around 200m exp per run
Rewards by time:
200 Arcane Power required
Up to 5 Arcane Symbols and 300m exp per run
Reward by time:
Ideally regardless of difficulty you should go in less than 5 minutes to gain more Arcane Symbols, besides a better exp.
Remember you can get up to 2 free runs with the highest symbol gain of the day depending on how many citys you can go after Chu Chu(one if you can go Lachelein and 2 if you reach Arcana), in the image bellow i did one easy mode so i can gain one more symbol and consume one of my runs of the day.
So the Party Quest require you to take 2 to 4 ingredients to make food for Muto, with that he can win against a Shark(you can also see them fighting in the background), you are able see how much more food he will need to win(in the green bar), everytime you need a recipe you can gain a bonus(green arrow) in the Muto Bar(yellow arrow shows the progress).
Note: the higher the difficulty/more party members the drop rates will be lower as i saw.
Note2: %drop rate equips or buffs help drop more ingredients, so try to get some extra %drop for this Party Quest.
The yellow bar shows the time, so if you are too slow you don't gain bonus and will need more food to win.
Note2: There are some secret ingredients that you come across,
but there's 2 patern to them:
-Flyon, Shark, and Turtle:
-Monkey, Banana and Apple:
Very rarely you can come across with a misterious Fish or Banana:
So with that we can guess the Apple:
Which is correct.
After it reachs the end of the Green Bar you clear the Party Quest and gain rewards dependind on your timer
Here's a minimap i made with all the locations of the monsters and their drops, the arrows show where you will go if you enter the purple parts.
The Plant that drop fruit can be in any platform where the monsters are:
Here's a exemple:
Finished Hard Mode with 6minutes(4minutes left on timer), so i gained only 4 symbols, and less than the usual 300m exp
This Party Quest require a certain
It can varie if you wanna solo or not, for what i seen with around 700k~~1,2m(depending on the job), you will be able to take Banana, Fish easy here's a image i have showing the difficult of the overall mobs:
I gave some estimates, with the min rang to do some damage and help the team, it's not a 1hit ko and it's based on the 100/200 arcane force, not any bonus.
Note: This is for Normal servers, Reboot will certanly be more damage required to kill( maybe 30~~40% more).
-Organization: Can be each one take one drop by how it appear:

Or by Difficult:
The strongest get 10 drop, the weaker go to any with 5(preferable with Banana/Fish/Pinnle).
You can also use these teleport portals if you wish:
Here are some details you can have in mind:
-You can only pick up one item at time, if you try to get another one you will lose all itens you previously had
-You can leave the party quest by leaving the party you are in, that way you can restart a run that might have a chance to fail to get max symbols or fail altogether.
-If you are looting with someone, try to see the sum of both your drops and the person's, that way you can get the required drops without getting extra ones and lose time.
-Remember, %drop rate affects the drop rate of the ingredients, but you can't summon a familiar inside.
-Remember to have some free equipment slots to receive the symbols.
Here is a guide where the guy says more tips that might help you when doing the PQ and similar:
Hi, you need to embed them using img. Might want to take a look at BBCode.
Or, use this example:
Now i got it, thanks!
I was just wondering, you've shown the patterns with the Flyon and such, is there a pattern for the catfish and pineapple deers?
Or are we just assuming it's one of those anyway? ^^
I assume there's, it's just seens rare, might add some note on that.
you forgot to add the minimum damage range for doing it for example unless your class its good at mobbing and with a range of 800k+ and 100 arcane power its not enough for many to be able to kill the mobs fast enough you need 160 in normal at least you wont be able to solo normal to begin with unless you are in a party... easier i guess? i wonder what its more enjoyable doing it solo or in a party mmh never found any party to do it so i just do normal (barely)
Good point, i was too focused on put the overall PQ, might put rang requirements and such, i did think in that.
3times a day, how come no?