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[FIXED] MISS incorrectly shown as GUARD on client

Reactions: 1,525
Posts: 90
edited October 2018 in Bug Reporting
Fixed as of the 8/30/2017 Scheduled Game Update.

Bug type: Visual

Brief bug summary: When you avoid an attack, you will see GUARD. However, it should read as MISS. Other players however still see the correct MISS when you avoid an attack on their client.

Steps to reproduce: Avoid an attack, and see that the incorrect GUARD graphic shows up on your screen. Now, look over on another person's client and see that it shows your avoiding correctly as a MISS.


    Reactions: 410
    Posts: 19
    edited September 2016
    Yeah this is definitely something silly that could be fixed pretty easily, I have also seen this to be the case.

    Character name: BOOTY2STRONK
    Character level: 223
    Character job: Cannon Master
    World name: Chaos
  • KThxBaiNaoKThxBaiNao
    Reactions: 11,690
    Posts: 300
    edited September 2016
    Thank you for reporting this :)
  • SkyTheDestroyerSkyTheDestroyer
    Reactions: 1,525
    Posts: 90
    edited October 2016
    This issue is still present after the v177 Secret Stories update.
  • SkyTheDestroyerSkyTheDestroyer
    Reactions: 1,525
    Posts: 90
    edited December 2016
    This is still happening after the V: Limitless v178 update.
  • SkyTheDestroyerSkyTheDestroyer
    Reactions: 1,525
    Posts: 90
    edited June 2017
    Bumping for visibility, as it's not in the List of Known Issues (and it's been a while).
  • JettLuvsUJettLuvsU
    Reactions: 2,526
    Posts: 331
    Member, Private Tester
    edited June 2017
    I think this is intentional...
    The enemy attacks you and you successfully guard. You would see GUARD on your screen.
    While your friend, not being the one that guarded, would see MISS because the enemy missed you while attacking.
    You also see MISS when you attack an enemy and they successfully guard themselves.

    It's like telling a story from different perspectives.
  • IvangoldIvangold
    Reactions: 2,985
    Posts: 588
    edited June 2017
    I think this is intentional...
    The enemy attacks you and you successfully guard. You would see GUARD on your screen.
    While your friend, not being the one that guarded, would see MISS because the enemy missed you while attacking.
    You also see MISS when you attack an enemy and they successfully guard themselves.

    It's like telling a story from different perspectives.

    Wow, never thought of that.
  • SkyTheDestroyerSkyTheDestroyer
    Reactions: 1,525
    Posts: 90
    edited June 2017
    I think this is intentional...
    The enemy attacks you and you successfully guard. You would see GUARD on your screen.
    While your friend, not being the one that guarded, would see MISS because the enemy missed you while attacking.
    You also see MISS when you attack an enemy and they successfully guard themselves.

    It's like telling a story from different perspectives.
    That's an interesting approach to it, but that doesn't really work, because you're never "guarding". Unless if you're telling me that GMS got skills that have Dodge Chances like Evasion Boost and Shadow Meld wrong and should be rename "Dodge Chance" to "Guard Chance"?

    In KMS, it's not bugged like this. Some videos from KMS:

    ^ (Example at 8:48) ^

    ^ (Example at 38:40) ^

    In these KMS videos, clearly the person is playing by themselves and when they evade monsters, it shows MISS correctly. However, in GMS, it always incorrectly shows GUARD instead of MISS for some random reason. That should be reserved for blocking attacks when you have a very specific skills active that block attacks such as Bishop's Holy Shell and maybe some of Paladin's skills.

    Heck, even in the 5th job V showcase, it's all over the place, with the correct MISS animation showing up correctly as MISS sometimes (e.g. during Bowmaster's part) and showing up incorrectly as GUARD (e.g. during Luminous' part). See this imgur album. However, in the live server, it always displays wrongly as GUARD.

    It wasn't always bugged in GMS, though. If I remember correctly, this bug originated from the Mark of Honor update that introduced Kanna to GMS a long while ago.


    In GMS, the MISS graphic is bugged and incorrectly displays the GUARD graphic instead.

    EDIT: Fixed links and a few typos. Plus added a tl;dr.
  • choozchooz
    Reactions: 1,815
    Posts: 202
    Member, Private Tester
    edited June 2017
    Miss turned into Guard around the time they stopped giving us invincibility frames for those "misses" the same way they used to. That's a pretty long time ago. There were only a few jobs that legitimately had a Guard and those were subject to what I just mentioned, but now they're virtually all Guard.