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[FIXED] Changing channels lag spike

Reactions: 1,525
Posts: 90
edited October 2018 in Bug Reporting
Fixed as of the v193.3 patch.

Bug type: Functionality

Brief bug summary: Generally after a few seconds of changing a channel, you'll hit a large lag spike where your MapleStory client just freezes for a few seconds. I've tested this with multiple computers and my friends get the lag spike too when they change channels.

More details: Seems to be an issue with the client rather than a server lag, since server lag doesn't freeze your actual screen.

A friend suggested that it might have to do with the medals quests reactivating every time you change channels (e.g. the game telling you that you've earned the Forever Single medal every time you change channels if you don't accept the medal or get married). This would make sense, considering opening your Medal Inventory causes practically identical lag.

Steps to reproduce: Change channels, feel the lag spike freeze.


    Reactions: 410
    Posts: 19
    edited September 2016
    I also have had this issue, changing channel often cause the game to freeze up periodically when it really shouldn't.

    Character name: BOOTY2STRONK
    Character level: 223
    Character job: Cannon Master
    World name: Chaos
  • RayKudaRayKuda
    Reactions: 1,280
    Posts: 47
    edited September 2016
    I've been experiencing the same bug for a long time now also.

    Character name: RayKuda
    Character level: 217
    Character job: Hero
    World name: Broa
  • SkyTheDestroyerSkyTheDestroyer
    Reactions: 1,525
    Posts: 90
    edited October 2016
    Still occurring after the v177 Secret Stories patch.
  • SkyTheDestroyerSkyTheDestroyer
    Reactions: 1,525
    Posts: 90
    edited June 2017
    Still occurring as of v185. Bumping for visibility.