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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Umm Zero on reboot charater create.
I was going to be a new character for the event when I noticed that zero was a character I could create is this a bug with the update? I am pretty sure it is.
Yea, if only would love it.
Why can't you guys just leave it. Obviously everyone wants it on reboot. There is no good reason to not have it. Should take a hint from the community despite all the problems happening after this update the one thing they're excited for is zero on reboot.
I hope Nexon will eventually allow Zero in Reboot. It's a great class and it's sad that Reboot players don't have the chance to play in the Reboot server.
Might be willing to spend more money on nx.
Lol coersing nexon into leaving them I see. If they did stay i'd buy the new outfit for the as itd work on the male and female.
I kinda want them around for the lel
Kms hasn't released it on reboot
It nexon being nexon
Does it matter if it was unintentional? Zero clearly works perfectly well with no glaring bugs.
KMS hasn't released Kanna
Arwoo handles the forum, The ones that have the final say are the developers.