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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
New training spots would be neat
So I'm playing on this burning BW for fun at my shop every once in awhile (When I get some downtime.) and I'm looking for new generic flat maps to train on. I see the same spots on every video in YouTube and I'm just wondering if we are all missing out on some good maps?
What level BW by the way? I might have some suggestions that are worth trying.
Actually omega is open if you use a vip rock, I already checked out the new maps and they're pretty good. I mean a really good alternative for 165-190 outside of future perion or ereve maps
Consider this: Perhaps it isn't so much getting a map all to yourself that you should be focused on but your approach to the map that you happen to find.
From much trial and error I seem to come to the conclusion that leveling with 1 other or at most 2 other people on the same map can have extremely overlooked results. Having more players secures all kills quicker and thus boosting the respawn times on the mobs. And if one of 2~3 ppl had a Kanna alt to come sit on the map let alone a bishop the results start multiplying.
Maplestory tends to be a 1 player game but I find that community involvement or social involvement both ingame and out seems to get you quicker and better results. Personally for me it's a question of overlooking any self image or preferences I might have and go with whatever gives me the better result regardless of what it requires me to do. From a perfectly legal gaming experience mind you.