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To all you level 200+ people

Reactions: 1,025
Posts: 25
edited June 2017 in General Chat

no seriously, how did you actually get past level 200? I've been level 200 for two months now. I'm in a constant state of grinding on Erdas, but then dying and losing 2 hours worth of progress.
I'm especially looking at level 200+ bowmasters. How did you guys survive with this terrible HP??


  • DragooooooooonDragooooooooon
    Reactions: 1,060
    Posts: 32
    edited June 2017
    Tbh similar lvl areas with burning zone is a lot better than erdas, you just need better equipment.
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited June 2017
    Safety Charms.
  • JushiroNetJushiroNet
    Reactions: 6,160
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    edited June 2017
    It may seem counter intuitive but if your main is too weak for V areas you may want to grind alts.

    Link skills, legion effects

    Also you can grind in forsaken excavation all the way to 210 if erdas are too strong
  • HeinekenHeroHeinekenHero
    Reactions: 2,060
    Posts: 135
    edited June 2017
    get atleast 500k range. which takes couple days of meso farming and some carries. This should allow you to train in future perion which from 180-200 takes less than an hr per level and during 2x faster. with 1-2m range you can train at scrapyard and reach 200-210 in less than 10 hrs.
  • RegretfuIlyRegretfuIly
    Reactions: 1,235
    Posts: 132
    edited June 2017
    Most 200+ people just trained at SH when it was still viable, but ever since that got nerfed, I've been pretty out of touch on good training areas. Assuming you have decent range, bossing is also a viable, albeit slow, alternative for exp.
  • MasumuneZMasumuneZ
    Reactions: 540
    Posts: 26
    edited June 2017
    Sounds like you need.to.increase your range which will in turn enchance your survivability. You also should get safety charms from the NPC that sells them for mesi
  • ArchanIomharArchanIomhar
    Reactions: 1,025
    Posts: 25
    edited June 2017
    ok, next course of questions...
    get atleast 500k range. which takes couple days of meso farming and some carries.
    What's a carry?
    question 2: tips on improving range, and recommended equips?
    By range, I assume y'all mean the min~max damage stat in the stats window. I can only just about scrape 200k range with what I currently have and all buffs active. here, have a visual of my ineptitude:
  • iArrowZiArrowZ
    Reactions: 1,710
    Posts: 159
    edited June 2017
    you most definitely need to work on that range.
    as for staying alive. I highly suggest you use your RED Quiver and lock it in order to heal yourself to stay alive if that troubling you.
    later on you can lock to Magic arrow for a bit faster kills.

    btw. im pretty sure this person in not in reboot. cus at 200 you should have 100% innate damage just for being in reboot if im correct. 1% for every 2 levels?

    EDIT: I suppose nobody has said how to increase your range so here is some simple methods.

    1. Make link skill mules.
    2. fix your legion thing (forgot the name) for some extra stats
    3. take advantage of the current event - free rings ( everyone should be getting 5 for thier alts )
    4. dalies - Arcane force daily since your already in the area. that gives additional dex and more arcance force = more damage in that area

    Fyi: I mained bowmaster since newtie grinding was endgame so I know all about being squishy hue hue .

    Hope this helps

    And a Carry is someone taking you on a boss run that you otherwise cannot do yourself.
    since most people solo everything nowadays there isn't really "parties" anymore but usually
    some OP person will " carry" you through the boss to help you out. they don't necessarily need to be OP tho. but you get the point
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited June 2017
    ok, next course of questions...
    get atleast 500k range. which takes couple days of meso farming and some carries.
    What's a carry?
    question 2: tips on improving range, and recommended equips?
    By range, I assume y'all mean the min~max damage stat in the stats window. I can only just about scrape 200k range with what I currently have and all buffs active. here, have a visual of my ineptitude:

    work on your links and legion board.
  • MasumuneZMasumuneZ
    Reactions: 540
    Posts: 26
    edited June 2017
    As said above
    Legion board
    Farm elite bosses for chests daily to get some meso

    Then just work towards getting all your gears scrolled with maybe 70%s?
    Then star force it all 12 star if you can

    Then start aiming to get epic potential across all equips.

    Then cubing!

    Good luck!
  • Froglord1Froglord1
    Reactions: 830
    Posts: 12
    edited June 2017
    Use a free 1.5x or 2x coupon from events.
    Kill Pinkbean, good 160mil exp there
    Ht is like 30 ~ 50mil exp
    Krexel is 44mil exp a day
    Hillia normal is 10 ~ 20mil exp a day if you use coupons.
    Idk how much zakum gives, but it's pretty good too.

    At level 207, pinkbean gives about 5~7% exp
  • TemptationTemptation
    Reactions: 1,575
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    edited June 2017
    Mainly did bosses, commerci, made almost all linked mules (still missing kinesis because i can't stand that class), I was at 800k dmg range when I hit 200 (events helped and took a while to get to 200 cause we were a new guild and everyone had no gear to do cra) so didn't took that long to kill them. And use the YELLOW pots from monster park they give 2k hp, don't relly on the pet to auto-heal cause I'm from Europe and sometimes it lags, I heal with elixers manually. If you play reboot feel free to msg me during this weekend. ign: Wildstorms
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited June 2017
    Also, training and doing quests in Vanishing Journey was a LOT easier before the introduction of the Anti-AFK potion-locking mobs.
  • BrendiruBrendiru
    Reactions: 530
    Posts: 25
    edited June 2017
    If you have trouble getting the right link skill mules and legion board, youtube is your friend. Tho I can help in the link skill department:

    Try to get your link skill mules to level 120 (140 if you want to benefit from S rank character cards, also better for legion system)
    -Kanna ( 10% damage on level 2)
    -Demon Avenger ( 10% damage on level 2)
    -Xenon (10% all stats on level 2)
    -Kaiser/Cannoneer (if you have lower HP, their link skills give % max HP)
    -Luminous (15% PDR)
    -Demon Slayer (15% boss)
    -Beast Tamer (7% crit, max HP and boss)
    -Mercedes (15% xp)
    -Phantom (15% crit)
    -Hayato (10 all stat and 5 attack)

    Level 120 is enough for level 2 link skills. Try doing dailies, as once you reach about 60 arcane force, you'll recieve 1 damage from the first part in VJ.