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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Don't nerf the drop rate system like KMS did
This is the KMS patch from orangemushroom.net blog:
I really don't know exactly how the new drop rate system from potential works at this patch, but I heard that even with the base drop rate increase of Nodestones for people who have with a very high amount of %drop it would affect their drop rate a lot. Even a bit lower than half amount of their usual farming.
Thought this change would be ok for KMS because the drop from monsters are totally
tradeable, for us in GMS it's not the case. Our Nodestones from monster drops are tradeable in account. I don't ask to make Nodestones from mob tradeable but to not change the drop rate system. Not just for Nodestones, but also cubes from bosses or even farming Kritias Invasion and more!
*Unrelated* Change the required amount of equips for Lucky Item to be applied in set from 3 to 2 plz :P
Again with this "evening out the playing field", "decreasing the gap between the rich and poor"
Making it harder for people above you doesn't make it easier for you. Changing the way you see it's not going to change the fact that it will be harder to get nodestones in general. The first general increase will benefit everyone, the nerf will be a huge detriment to those already situated with drop rate. And then prices will start to rise, due to a decrease in supply of nodestones. And then botters will abuse that to profit even more.
That's not even accounting for that even if it was a benefit to less funded players for nodestones, this will lower drop rate to symbols, droplet stones, event items, basically everything important. The drop rate nerf isn't just about nodes. The current system is fine. It doesn't need a nerf.
And nodestones aren't something that's supposed to be very rare and very valuable. They're something you need thousands of to max out on, at least a few hundred to get to just a decent place with in terms of progression. I'm convinced Nexon thinks that one individual nodestone is worth at least 1b.
Yes, I understand all that. Nexon has always made higher level/end-game items extremely troublesome to get. The harder it is for us to gain something, the more time (and possibly money) we have to invest in the game to achieve it. But that's exactly what Nexon wants. So they can keep their players playing their game as long as possible to reap the most potential profit.
Look at the legion system for example. To reap the best benefits, you have to get every single character to MAX level. That is not something you can achieve unless you play for an enormous amount of time. And with the introduction of of the Legion system, they started selling character creation options up to lv150 to make profit off of the lazy people who don't want to invest the time to make new characters from scratch.
Adjusting the drop rates is exactly the kind of thing Nexon would do, so that people would have more of an incentive to purchase 2x coupons from the cash shop to optimize their drop rate chances. And there has been no word or confirmation on how exactly it works which I feel is kind of shady on Nexon's part since they had no trouble explaining roughly how newly adjusted character stats stacked up such as Monster DEF ignore % and status resistance.
[/quote]That's not even accounting for that even if it was a benefit to less funded players for nodestones, this will lower drop rate to symbols, droplet stones, event items, basically everything important. [/quote] "everything that's important" isn't exactly accurate, these items aren't really a must except nodestone, the only boss that still drops actual equips is like magnus the rest drop those stupid use or etc items that can be turned in for equips and those mostly aren't effected TOO MUCH by drop rate.
[/quote]And nodestones aren't something that's supposed to be very rare and very valuable. [/quote] c'mon...... nodestones will make you do x2 if not x3 damage when maxed. and its something you'll continue to get throughout your adventure to 250...
you just contradicted yourself multiple times there, im sure people spend WAY more money on cubes trying to get legendary and even more on single or double drop rate lines. also, they make it hard for high end because its gonna keep those people in game for longer so that will make them and most likely other's to spend more money
edit: for the record im certainly against the drop rate changes.
Players on 2x Event drop, 2x drop card, and 2x drop coupons already get 8x drop. Assuming a player has 4 blackgate rings with 20% drop each, that multiplies it by another 1.2*1.2*1.2*1.2, Thats a crazy 16.5x drop. Some people take it further by getting 2 20% drop potentials on ONE ring and drop on face accessories...
If those drop rate potentials were additive before multiplied into coupons event and card, it'd be only 14.4x, still high, but deminishing returns take effect.
If possible, 4, 40% drop rings = 2.6x drop multiplied by 8x drop = only >20x where as it would stand being a multiplier at >30x drop
Are you saying the current %drop potential lines are multiplicative to each other? o-0 I thought they were all additive.
Anyways, this new calculation will also affect other in-game items not just nodestones/symbols/droplet.
Means rich or poor, you can save mesos and cubes for something else and not stock up on drop gear. thats why I voted no. it's a simple change.
Increased, but the end result is still a nerf with how drop rate is calculated after the change. Punishing funded players for making good investments in drop gear isn't a good thing. When you spend billions to invest in drop gear you obviously want to see a return. The way drop rate works currently in our version is perfect and never needed changing. The way drop rate is going to work after the change is horrible.
This was also in the notes.
"For some items, quest items, and event items, drop rate increasing effects will now only be partially applied."
How horrible. So now quests, events and some other stuff will be taking a hit too.
It's not hard to get drop gear even as someone unfunded and you benefit nicely from it now. After the change....good luck.
I dont see why a few e.g. 5 nodestones cant be added to daily symbol quest in vanishing jurney or chuchu pq. So that players that dont have insane dropprate atleast over time can feel like they get some kind of progress. Say doing vj and chuchu gave a total of 10 nodestones. It still takes a few 100's to max 1 node to 25. Put in a grind perspective. you would have to grind maby 5-600hrs to get the nodestones "no dropprate gear" to max 1 skill.
This. I'd love to see being able to choose between nodes and symbols, or at least, when you already have a symbol maxed, the dailies for it give nodestones instead, so they're not completely useless. And in general, it'd be great if everything were much less dependent on drop rate, and in that case, the nerf wouldn't hit as hard, but for as long as there is no daily quests that give nodestones or droplet stones, this nerf, should it come to GMS, will make things much harder for everyone.
Exactly this^^ Nexon can't do this unless we increase drop rate of most items. Also, most players want keep our current drop rate system.
you play combat arms too right, i think i saw you on forums